Read stories written by kids like you:National winners are identified by a ribbon:2007 National WinnersGradeAlphabetical ListingYearLocation

About the Contest

The Reading Rainbow Young Writers & Illustrators Contest is open to kids in Kindergarten, First, Second and Third grades.


The National Winners have been announced! When can we see other stories from this year?


That is right, 14th Annual Contest winners can now be seen at this site.
You can also view 110+ stories written by kids like you.


What is the Reading Rainbow Young Writers & Illustrators Contest?


This is a Contest for all kids in K-3rd grade who want to write and illustrate a story and send it to their PBS station. Everyone who enters gets a Reading Rainbow Certificate of Achievement plus a chance to win local and national prizes.


When does it start and how do I sign up?


PBS Stations run their Contest during January, February and March. Check back in January for the rules, deadline and entry form.


What do kids write about?


Each year over 40,000 kids enter this Contest. You can see some of their stories by clicking the colorful tabs at the top of this page.



Winning Contest Stories