What kids want to know about LeVar!
? How long have you been hosting the Reading Rainbow show?
! I’ve been the host for 25 years.
? How do I enter the Reading Rainbow contest?
! The contest will start early in January, 2008. Be sure to go to the Contest part of this site for the details.
? How long has Reading Rainbow been on TV?
! Reading Rainbow has been on the air for 25 years. It started as a summer program.
? Do you have kids?
! Yes, I have two children, a son and a daughter.
? Did you play professional baseball?
! Yes, the Oakland A’s team let me play with them during their spring training while I was doing the Reading Rainbow episode Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo.
? Where were you born?
! I was born in Germany when my father was in the service and stationed there.
? How do kids get picked for the book reviews?
! The production team organizes try outs at schools.
? How did you learn to use sign language?
! Terry, who is the deaf girl we meet in the episode Silent Lotus taught me many signs and I practiced really hard.
? LeVar, did you really milk the cow in the show about cows and milk?
! Yes I really did. Did you see the look of surprise on my face when I did that in the episode The Milk Makers?
? Have you ever done a Reading Rainbow show about your character on Star Trek - Geordi La Forge?
! The Reading Rainbow episode The Bionic Bunny Show was done on the set of Star Trek where we learn how some effects for the Star Trek series were done.



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