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Bringing The Rain To Kapiti Plain

Language: English

This is a cumulative rhyme relating how a young African boy brought rain to the drought-stricken Kapiti Plain. In the video LeVar talks about rainy day activities, including an aerial chase of a thunderstorm and puddle hopping. Viewers also get to visit the National Center for Atmospheric Research and learn about various aspects of weather and occupations that are dependent upon meteorology.

Here are activities to do after watching this episode:

Colorful Cubes

Use food coloring to make ice cubes in primary colors (red, yellow, and blue). Then let your child combine the ice cubes in clear glasses and see if he/she can predict what color will be in the glass when the ice melts.

Is All Water Alike?

The next time it rains, have your child set a container outdoors to catch rainwater. After you have collected a good amount of rainwater, bring the container indoors. Fill a second container with tap water. Then do two experiments:
Give your child two handkerchiefs or scraps of cloth. Have one dipped in the rainwater and the other dipped in the tap water. Allow them to dry. Compare how they feel and talk about any differences.
Stir a capful of dish soap in each container. Compare how the two make suds.


Collecting Raindrops

Do raindrops come in different sizes? Have your child try collecting a few to find out.

You will need:
• a box lid or tray
• flour
• ruler
• flour sifter

1. Have your child put flour in the lid or tray.
2. Use a ruler to level off the flour.
3. Hold the lid outdoors on a rainy day to collect some drops in the flour.
4. Let the drop dry.
5. Carefully pour the flour through the sifter.
6. Look at the sizes of the raindrop pellets.

Check out some of these books on your
next trip to the library:

  • The Cloud Book by Tomie dePaola
  • Peter Spier’s Rain by Peter Spier
  • A Story A Story by Gail E. Haley

READING RAINBOW has a resource library that includes teacher guide materials as well as reading programs for use in the public libraries. You can download these resources from GPN at:

If you would like more information about READING RAINBOW or if you would like to learn more about other educational products please visit the GPN web site.

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