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Bored - Nothing To Do!

Language: English

On a lazy afternoon, two bored brothers keep themselves busy by building and flying an airplane. In the video, LeVar takes a commercial airline flight. He finds out that airline employees do everything—from stocking up on meals and stowing luggage, to flying the plane and caring for the passengers. He has some fun flying a remote control model airplane and even piloting a real plane himself!


Here are activities to do after watching this episode:

An Airport Field Trip

Take a family field trip to the local airport to watch planes land and take off. Take a few minutes to just sit and watch the planes. Then just sit and watch the people as they come and go with their busy lives.

When you get home, draw a picture of the most interesting thing you saw. Try also to remember the things you heard and smelled. Color your picture and put it up for your family to enjoy.


Paper Plane Olympics

Gather your neighborhood friends and have each one make a favorite style of paper airplane. Now you are ready for the first official neighborhood paper plane Olympics!

Contest 1: Longest Flying Plane
Everyone lets his or her plane go when the signal is given. The person who acts as “judge” watches carefully to see whose plane stays aloft for the longest time.

Contest 2: Farthest-Flying Plane
All launch their planes from the same place and height. Determine whose plane travels the farthest distance.

Contest 3: Marathon Race
Mark a starting and a finishing line. When the signal is given, everyone launches the plane, runs to where it lands, and launches it again. This is repeated until someone reaches the finish line with his or her plane.

To make this race more interesting, have team members pair up to have a relay race. Once one partner reaches the finish line, the second partner is waiting and races back to the starting line.

Contest 4: Fancy Aerobatics
Each participant is given the chance to show what fancy loop-to-loops his or her plane can perform. The person with the fanciest flight patterns wins!

Check out some of these books on your
next trip to the library:

  • The Magic Wings: A Tale From China by Diane Wolkstein
  • Redbird, An Eyes on the Ends of Your Fingers Book by Patrick Fort
  • Flying from the “Let’s Discover” Library

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