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The Adventures Of Taxi Dog

Language: English | Español

In this story a stray dog is adopted by a New York City taxi driver and spends his days riding in the cab and sharing adventures. LeVar goes to the city to see the many ways people “hail” taxi cabs, and meets Lisa who uses a wheelchair and has a canine helper.

Here are activities to do after watching this episode:

Make A Taxi

There are parts of this activity that ADULTS need to do while children watch.

What you will need to make your very own taxi:

  • 1 box large enough to hold a child
  • crayons or markers
  • paper plates (optional)
  • scissors or knife to cut cardboard

Turn a large box open side down and make it into a taxi (or any other vehicle) using paper, crayons or markers to draw in doors, windows, etc. Use paper plates for the tires and/or a steering wheel.

This is the ADULT part…
Make a secret window where your child wants it by cutting three sides of the opening and leaving the flap, so the window can be opened and closed.

Remind the driver to travel carefully!


Play a Word Game

Play a word game to pass time when traveling or waiting in the doctor’s office. Say a word and have your child match it with a rhyming word such as cat – hat, top – mop, fig – twig and so on.

Play another version of this game by matching a word with its opposite such as hot – cold, new – old, dark – light and so on.

Build a Human Bridge

Get down on your hands and knees, arch your back and invite your child to crawl under the “bridge”. Now lower the bridge a little by flattening the arch of your back. Can your child still get through? If they can, have them try it again as you lower the bridge even further.

If several people are playing, make a series of bridges for one person to crawl through. Then take turns having one person be the bridge for everyone to crawl under. Can you get under the bridge your child creates?

Check out some of these books on your
next trip to the library:

  • The First Dog by Jan Brett
  • I Want A Dog by Doyal Kaur Khalsa
  • Taxi: A Book Of City Words by Betsy and Giulio Maestro

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