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How Much Is A Million?

Language: English | Español

Illustrations and text from this feature book help readers visualize how much a million, a billion and a trillion really are. LeVar explores ways of counting large numbers as he talks to people who share grouping and estimating techniques. In a visit to the Crayola Crayon Factory, workers show how crayons are made and talk about the large number of crayons they handle in their jobs. Then on to Giants Stadium where vendors and stadium employees use estimation to prepare for game day.

Here are activities to do after watching this episode:

Using Numbers Everywhere!

  • The next time you go shopping take your child with you and have them help you estimate how much your bill will be. Explain that $2.98 is almost $3.00….$9.50 is nearly a full ten-dollar bill.
  • When you fill your car with gas, have your child help you with how much the gas will be by watching the meter as it counts the gallons and figures the money.
  • Help your young child count the change in your pocket or wallet. Explain the difference between a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, etc. Then have them help you figure out how much is there. If he/she has a bank help them figure out how much they have in their special savings.
  • Have your child help you set the table and count at the same time. It will take four plates and four glasses. Four and four make eight. Now, add four spoons, how much is that…and four forks, etc.
  • Have your child help you organize your cupboards by counting what is there. For example, put together the three cans of soup, two cans of tomato sauce, etc.
  • There are any number of counting books you can read together with your child.
  • If you have steps in your home, count them as you go up and down. Count the number of steps it takes to go from one room to another.

How Many Do You Think?

Have some family fun before eating a snack. Whether it is a bag of pretzels, a package of candies, or a jar of jellybeans, before eating, have your children estimate how many pieces they think are in the package. With clean hands, make equal piles of ten. Count aloud by tens and add any extras to determine the full amount. Decide whose estimate was the closest to the actual amount. Then divide the piles up equally among all eager eaters!

Figure It Out

You will need:

  • catalogs, shopping circulars
  • paper
  • glue
  • scissors
  • pencil

Have each family member fold a sheet of paper in half. Label one half “What I Need” and the other “What I Want.” Set a budget for the total amount that each can spend. Then cut out pictures and prices of items to glue in each section of the chart. If a price is not given, assign a reasonable amount. When everyone has finished, add up the costs of all the items. If someone has gone over budget, decide which “Wants” can be removed from the list by circling them. Everyone will learn about staying within a budget as well as saving money to buy things you want but can’t afford at the moment.

Check out some of these books on your
next trip to the library:

  • One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes
  • Only One by Marc Harshman
  • How Many Stars In The Sky? by Lenny Hort

READING RAINBOW has a resource library that includes teacher guide materials as well as reading programs for use in the public libraries. You can download these resources from GPN at:

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