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The Shaman’s Apprentice: A Tale Of The Amazon Forest

Language: English

In this story of discovery and hope, a fatal disease comes to the Tirio village in the Amazon leaving only a few villagers with faith in the shaman’s healing. When a foreign woman arrives, she helps the village understand the importance of the shaman’s wisdom, and this helps a Tirio boy realize his dream.
LeVar and author/ethnobotanist Mark Plotkin visit the Tirio village and meet Kamanya, the boy from the book, who has become a shaman. Your students learn how the rainforest remains a vital source for modern medicines as they join the shaman in a search for healing plants. They also experience daily life of the Tirio people.

Here are activities to do after watching this episode:


Weaving is important to those who live in the rainforest. They weave baskets to be used in many ways. Your family may want to practice weaving just like the Trio villagers. Using a large piece of construction paper make 1-inch silts lengthwise to create the warp for your weaving. You will need many strips of paper 1 inch by 11 inches to be woven through the warp. Use different colored strips to make your weaving colorful. Practice weaving over, under, over, under. If your strips are too long, cut them after you are through. Use your weaving as place mats for your supper table. Your family will be quite impressed.

Be An Apprentice

Share your special talents with your child. Let them become an apprentice of sort, by learning to do something that you are good at. If you embroider or knit or cross-stitch, teach your child how to also. Maybe you fix lawn mowers or garden or cook a family recipe, be sure to pass on these special talents.


Rain Sticks

You will need:

  • Paper towel tube
  • Toothpicks
  • Rice
  • Tape
  • Markers or paint
  1. Take your towel tube and start to push the toothpicks through the inside of the tube. Parent’s may need to help. Criss-cross lots of toothpicks through the tube at various points. The more tooth picks the more it sounds like rain.
  2. Put tape over the bottom hole of the tube, so it is completely closed.
  3. Pour a handful of dry rice into the tube.
  4. Now tape up the other end.
  5. Decorate your rain stick with markers or paint.
    Slowly tip your rain stick and it will sound like you are in the rainforest.

Check out some of these books on your
next trip to the library:

  • Plants And Planteaters (Secrets Of The Rainforest) by Michael Chinery
  • Here Is The Tropical Rain Forest by Madeleine Dunphy
  • How Monkeys Make Chocolate: Foods And Medicines From The Rainforests by Adrian Forsyth

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