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The Tin Forest

Language: English

A lonely old man who lives in a gray place, surrounded by other people’s discards, builds the forest of his dreams. Deeply affected by the events of September 11th, LeVar spends time with students of P.S. 234, an elementary school just blocks away from Ground Zero. Challenged by tremendous upheaval, students’ share how they have endured their situation better than anyone would imagine. Together with Reading Rainbow, the entire school creates a music video to share a powerful message of gratitude and hope.

Here are activities to do after watching this episode:

My Hero

Talk with your child about what a hero is. Have your child choose a family member or a local hero to honor. Plant a seed as the old man did in The Tin Forest. You will need to decorate a cup, fill it with potting soil, poke a hole in the dirt for the seed, put the seed in, and cover the seed with dirt. Put the cup in sunlight and remember to water it. After it has sprouted, give it to a family member or a local hero as a thank you gift. Include a note thanking him or her for what they do for others.


Where In The World Is…?

Look at a map of the United States or the world. Locate where you live. Find and talk about places you have either visited or would like to visit. Discuss with your child how life is different in those places and how life is the same.

My Dream Is…

Talk with your child about what dreams and goals are. Ask each family member to share his or her dreams and goals. Write their responses on paper cut in the shape of clouds. Display them on the refrigerator as frequent reminders of the need to work hard to make those dreams come true.

Check out some of these books on your
next trip to the library:

  • Gleam And Glow by Eve Bunting, illus. by Peter Sylvada
  • Sadako by Eleanor Coerr, illus. by Ed Young
  • Frankie Wonders…What Happened Today? by Yvonne Conte

READING RAINBOW has a resource library that includes teacher guide materials as well as reading programs for use in the public libraries. You can download these resources from GPN at:

If you would like more information about READING RAINBOW or if you would like to learn more about other educational products please visit the GPN web site.

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