The interactive SUPER WHY worksheets in this section can help kids practice key reading skills. They are coloring sheets, too! Each worksheet is hosted by a Super Reader: Alpha Pig's worksheets practice letters of the alphabet; Wonder Red's worksheets practice rhyming with common word families; Princess Presto's worksheets practice letter sounds and spelling; Super Why's worksheets practice vocabulary and reading comprehension. Print out each one and let the reading adventure begin!
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SUPER WHY and The Three Little Pigs!
(PDF, 1.18 MB): Help Alpha Pig find the letters hidden in Storybrook Village! Practice the alphabet by circling the letters "W," "O," "L," "F," "B," "P," "I," "G," "T," and "A."
(PDF, 694 KB): Color in the alphabet, circle the letters in your name and then write it on the sign.
(PDF, 650 KB): Complete eight "ALL" words to make them match the pictures drawn above.
(PDF, 342 KB): Draw a line between the "ALL" family word and the picture that matches the word.
(PDF, 424 KB): Look at nine pictures and say what they are out loud. Then circle the letter that makes the sounds that picture starts with.
(PDF, 370 KB): Cut out the letters "W," "O," "L," "F," "B," "P," "I," "G," "T," and "A," then put them on objects around the room that start with the sounds these letters make.
(PDF, 637 KB): Help Super Why finish the sentence "There once was a big bad ______." Fill in the blank with a word, then draw a picture of it!
(PDF, 680 KB): Practice comprehension by making the sentence "There once were _____ little pigs" match the picture.
(PDF, 4.97 MB):
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