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You Can Help the World!
You may have heard of people in other countries who are suffering from an earthquake, or a war, or hunger. Even though they are far away, you can still help them. Here are some ways ZOOMers like you are volunteering:
- Alexandra of New Jersey made health kits for people who had to leave their homes because of war. The kits contained a towel, a toothbrush, soap, and a nail file.
- Emily of Massachusetts made T-shirts and sold them at a church fair to raise money for the Heifer Project. The Heifer Project buys cows, sheep, and chickens for families around the world.
- Greg of Massachusetts took part in a bike-a-thon to help raise money for Bikes not Bombs, a group that collects old bikes, fixes them, and gives them to people in other countries who cannot afford them.
- Desiree of Texas collected canned goods for earthquake victims in El Salvador.
More inZpiration!
- Make ZOOMdos and sell them at a craft fair to raise money for Unicef. Unicef is an organization that helps children in other countries.
- Start your own pen pal newsletter, so kids from around the world can learn about each other.
Project Spotlight: Sight Night
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Casey and Brittany of Ohio collected used eyeglasses for "Give the Gift of Sight," a program that fixes and then gives eyeglasses to people in other countries. On Halloween, this program is called Sight Night. A week before Halloween, Casey and Brittany hung signs on their neighbors' doors to let them know that they were collecting eyeglasses. Then, on Halloween night, they picked up the glasses as they were trick-or-treating.
Here's how you can collect glasses on Sight Night:
- Make signs to hang on your neighbors' doors. You can cut a hole in the signs for the doorknob. Here is an example of what you can write:
"I am collecting used eyeglasses and sunglasses for Sight Night on October 31. LensCrafters and Lions Clubs will recycle the glasses and deliver them to people in developing countries. All types of eyeglasses are needed. I will return on Halloween to collect your glasses. Thank you for giving the gift of sight!"
You can also order a free Sight Night kit, which has door signs and other collection supplies.
- Hang the signs about a week before Halloween. Ask an adult to come with you as you put the signs on all the doorknobs in your neighborhood.
- Make your Halloween costume. Go to Halloween Costumes for ideas.
- Collect the eyeglasses while you are trick-or-treating. Remember to bring a bag to carry all of the glasses.
- Deliver the eyeglasses to a nearby LensCrafters store. Call 1-800-541-LENS to find the store nearest you. Or check to see if there is a Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center in your area.
- Think about it:
- Who did your project help?
- What did you see and hear during the project?
- How did this project make you feel?
- What did you learn that you did not know before?
- What new questions or ideas do you have?
- Is there anything you would do differently the next time?
- Celebrate! Thank everyone who helped you. And remember to log your hours and share your story.
- Keep helping. Continue collecting eyeglasses every Halloween. Then your neighbors will expect you and save their glasses for you.
Find Out More
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Amnesty International Kids
Write letters to help protect the rights of children in other countries.
Oxfam's Cool Planet
Learn about the different ways that kids in Ghana, Brazil, Russia and India spend their days.
Peace Corps Kids World
Join the trusty mutt Traveler as she explores the world and learns about helping others.
Say Hello to the World
Learn how to say "hello" in hundreds of different languages.
Sight Night
Find out more about how to run a successful Sight Night.
Feathers and Fools
By Mem Fox
Harcourt Brace
Two flocks of birds, peacocks and swans, have trouble sharing a lake peacefully because of their differences. This parable helps illustrate the importance of tolerance.
Stand Up for Your Rights
Peace Child International
World Books
Read children's first-hand accounts of life in countries where basic human rights are in jeopardy.
Call your Volunteer Center. This is a place that can help you find volunteer projects. To find a Volunteer Center near you, visit this Web site or call 1-800-VOLUNTEER. Ask an adult to help you call. Tell them your age and ask if there are ways that you can help people in other countries.