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Science Rocks!

Shower Estimation


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The ZOOMers

Calculate and conserve for this experiment.
14,456 ZOOMers have entered data so far.

Here's the big picture:

girls GIRLS boys BOYS

Average Gallons of Water per Shower
gallons of water girls 3-5: 48.6 gallonsboys 3-5: 60.6 gallons girls 6-8: 138.6 gallonsboys 6-8: 104.4 gallons girls 9-11: 39.0 gallonsboys 9-11: 39.9 gallons girls 12-14: 43.7 gallonsboys 12-14: 52.6 gallons girls 15-17: 52.4 gallonsboys 15-17: 63.1 gallons
3-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17


Girls shower an average of 10 times per week and use 91.4 gallons of water per shower.

Boys shower an average of 9 times per week and use 67.5 gallons of water per shower.

Swimming pool - 13 feet in diameter, 4 feet deep The average ZOOMer showers 10 times a week and uses 85.4 gallons of water per shower. That's 44,408 gallons of water per year, which is enough to fill 14.9 average-sized home swimming pools.

That means that the 14,456 ZOOMers in our experiment would use a total of 642,075,200 gallons of water per year, which is enough water to fill 215,824 swimming pools.

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1 gallon=16 cups So, how'd we figure out how many gallons of water each ZOOMer uses? Since we know that 16 cups equals 1 gallon, we took the number of cups a ZOOMer used in 30 seconds, multiplied it by 2 to get the number of cups they would use in 60 seconds (1 minute), multiplied that number by the average number of minutes they shower, and then finally, divided that number by 16 to get your total number of gallons they used per shower. Whew!

Did you get that? Let's try it out. Let's say a ZOOMer uses 15 cups of water in 30 seconds and takes a 12 minute shower. So, that would be (15 x 2) x 12 / 16 = 22.5 gallons. Cool, huh?

What else besides shower water can you measure? How about how much water you use when you take a bath? How would you measure that? Which do you think uses more water, a bath or shower? Try it out and be sure to let us know what you found!

On a rainy day it may seem like there is plenty of water in your environment, but water is a valuable resource and we need to make sure there is enough water for all the people, plants, and animals that need it. There are lots of ways you can ZOOM Into Action and help the environment.

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