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Apple Sailboat
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This recipe was sent to us by: 
Haley L. of Eros, LA
A seaworthy snack

53.7% of ZOOMers say
this recipe is lots of fun

Apple Sailboat

Here's what you will need to make it:

  • piece of cheese cut into a triangle for the sail

  • blue gelatin made in a clear bowl or cup

  • quarter of an apple that has been washed and cored for your boat

  • toothpick

Here's what you have to do:

1. Check with a grown-up before you start this.

2. Take the toothpick and thread it through the side of the cheese so that it looks like a sail.

3. Put the toothpick into the apple, and there's your sailboat.

4. Take your boat and float it on top of the blue gelatin--your dessert ocean!

5. After you've enjoyed looking at your sculpture, you can eat it. (Remember to take out the toothpick!)


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