Peanut Butter Cups
Here's what you will need to make it:
- 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
- mini muffin tin lined with muffin wrappers
- microwave-safe bowl
- spoon
Here's what you have to do:
1. Check with a grown-up before you start this.
2. Melt 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl for one minute. Remember, no metal in the microwave. Stop the microwave every 15 seconds to stir the chocolate around.
3. Spoon a little chocolate onto the bottom of each muffin cup.
4. Spoon some peanut butter into each of the baking cups.
5. Now, top them each off with some more of the melted chocolate.
6. Put them in the refrigerator until they've hardened.
7. You've now made homemade Peanut Butter Cups.