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Hi, I'm Francesco!
Francesco, Picture 1Snap 1

Francesco, Picture 2Snap 2

Francesco, Picture 3Snap 3

My Coloring Page

My Coloring


The ZOOMers nicknamed me Franny, Fran, Fran.

Pet Profile:

Crow named Kaa.

Sibling status:

Two sisters.

More about me:

My family's lived in five different cities since I was born. We have a tradition of going to Mexico during the summer to visit our extended family. At birthday parties, we have a piñata and it takes my whole family to break it open and get to the candy.

A few personal Zoops:

Even though I speak Spanish, the most embarrassing thing my parents have done in front of my friends was SING to me in Spanish. You can see MY biggest Zoops on the show if you watch the ZOOMgame Twist Relay. While I was playing, my pants kept falling down and you can see me pulling them up.

Super-hero persona:

My superhero name would be the Telekenaman. I'd have psychic powers because nothing can beat that. I would love to use my powers to help people.

To be a good friend:

I consider a friend someone I like being around and can have a good time with. An important quality in a friend is trust.

And to all the ZOOMers out there:

Being on ZOOM has changed me because now I understand teamwork a little more. So, join the ZOOM Team to help out in your community and keep the earth alive.

Francesco's Signature