
Snap 1
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 My Coloring Page
Cheeks (because when I smile, my cheeks get big.)
Pet Profile:
A dog named Frodo who can walk on two legs, and a hamster named Peanut.
Sibling status:
One brother and one sister.
More about me:
I think my family is all kinda crazy but we like to play sports together, and we always go to Virginia for Christmas. The thing that makes my family unique is that my siblings and I are all adopted.
World view:
When I grow up I want to be part of the army because I want to serve, but if I could change one thing about the world I would take away all the wars and just have peace. If I were mayor for a day I would start fundraisers to raise money for the schools so that they stop losing teachers. I've been a leader, and it was a lot of pressure so there's no way I'd want to be the President's kid. My Dad would always be busy.
World record goal:
Longest time without sugar because I'm really hyper, and I don't need sugar.
And to all the ZOOMers out there:
try out for ZOOM, you'll love it!