
Snap 1
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 My Coloring Page
Pet Profile:
Two Zebra Finches named Bruno and Dot.
Sibling status:
One brother.
More about me:
Everyone in my family is really funny. We like to go to the beach and restaurants together and we celebrate Kwanzaa every year. It's pretty embarrassing when my parents dance in front of my friends, but still we have special bond and can talk about anything.
Focus on food:
Even though I can make Gelina Gizzad (Chicken and Dumplings), and my favorite CafeZOOM for sure is Fruit Freezies, I would still take extra cheese pizza, scallops wrapped in bacon, and strawberries with me to a deserted island. My favorite sandwich is turkey, bacon, and cheese all melted together, but my favorite smell is cotton candy. I just love it!
About being on ZOOM:
The ZOOMers have all kinds of funny quotes and inside jokes that make me crack up. Being on ZOOM has changed my outlook on life. I realize I'm really lucky. I know I'll look back on this experience in 20 years and think, "wow, that was soooooo cool!"
And to all the ZOOMers out there:
Reach for the stars and stay classy!