ZOOMdo: arts and crafts
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Halloween Costumes
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What you need for this ZOOMdo:

  • big cardboard box that fits over your body
  • small box for the head
  • pie tins
  • aluminum foil
  • pipe cleaners
  • foil baking cups
  • silver face paint
  • scissors
  • tape
  • paint
  • paintbrush
Milk Carton:
  • big cardboard box that fits over your body
  • white face paint for a milk mustache
  • extra cardboard (flaps that you already cut off the box)
  • paint (white and other colors)
  • scissors
  • paintbrush
  • tape
TV Costume:
  • big cardboard box that fits over your body
  • plastic wrap
  • construction paper
  • aluminum foil
  • headband
  • scissors
  • tape
  • paint
  • paintbrush

What you do for this ZOOMdo:

  1. The robot costume is made out of one large cardboard box for the body, and a small cardboard box taped on top of the large box for the head.

  2. First, cut the bottom flaps off of a big cardboard box. Cut holes for your head and arms. You'll need an adult to help you with this part.

  3. Cut off the flaps of the small box so one side is open. Then cut a large hole in any other side of the box except the top.

  4. Cover both of the boxes with aluminum foil. Tape the foil to the box to secure it.

  5. Tape the pie tins to the front of the big box with masking tape. These will be headlights.

  6. Tape the small box on top of the larger box so the hole in the box is in front. The small box will be your robot's head. Decorate the head any way you want. Try using pipe cleaners and foil baking cups.

  7. Cut knobs and control buttons out of cardboard, paint them, and tape them on the box.

  8. Let the paint and glue dry.

  9. Use silver face paint to make a robot face.

Milk Carton:
  1. The body of the milk carton costume is made out of a large cardboard box. The top of the milk carton is made from the flaps you cut off the box that are taped together to form a tent shape and then taped to the top of the box.

  2. First, cut the bottom flaps off of a big cardboard box. Then, cut holes for your head and arms. You'll need an adult to help you with this part.

  3. Tape two pieces of the extra cardboard together to make a tent shape.

  4. Bend the cardboard about five inches down from the top of the tent shape.

  5. Tape the top five inches of the cardboard together at the top. It should now resemble the top of a milk carton.

  6. Cut a hole for your face in the middle of one of the sides of the tent.

  7. Tape the tent to the top of the box.

  8. Paint the entire box white and let it dry.

  9. When the box is dry, paint the word MILK in big letters on the front of the box. Paint any other details you want on the box. Look at a real milk carton for inspiration.

  10. Using the face paint, paint a "milk mustache" on your upper lip. Got cookies?

TV Costume:
  1. The TV costume is made out of one large cardboard box with a hole cut in the front for the screen.

  2. First, cut the bottom flaps off of a big cardboard box. Cut holes for your head and arms. You'll need an adult to help you with this part.

  3. Have an adult cut a large, rectangular hole in the front of the box.

  4. Tape the plastic wrap inside of the square hole. This will be your TV screen.

  5. Cut the name of your favorite TV show out of construction paper and tape it onto the plastic wrap.

  6. Paint dials on the front of the box, or make them out of cardboard and glue them on. You could also make yourself a little remote control out of cardboard.

  7. To make the antennae, roll up a two foot long piece of aluminum foil and bend it in the middle. Attach it to a headband with tape. Happy viewing!

Here are the ZOOMdo arts and crafts activities from the TV series. Send new arts and crafts for us to try on TV.

There are also lots of hand-picked activities for younger kids in ZOOMtoo.

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