Homemade Clay Beads
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Sent to us by:
Anna C. of Peoria, IL
What you need for this ZOOMdo:
- two cups flour
- 1/2 cup salt
- 3/4 cup water
- one tablespoon cooking oil
- toothpicks
- paint
- string
- newspaper
- paintbrush
What you do for this ZOOMdo:
- Put the flour, salt, water, and cooking oil into a bowl, mix it up, and knead the dough for five minutes.
- Shape the dough into beads. You can make them round, long or whatever shape you like.
- Use a toothpick to poke a hole through each of the beads. Make sure the holes are nice and big. Put the beads on newspaper to dry. Let them air dry for a few days.
- When they're dry, you can paint them any way you want. Be creative!
- When the paint is dry, string your decorated beads. You can give them as a gift or enjoy them yourself.
Here are the ZOOMdo arts and crafts activities from the TV series. Send new arts and crafts for us to try on TV.
There are also lots of hand-picked activities for younger kids in ZOOMtoo.