why voting matters | how the process works | resources for learning more ![]() The government--whether it's in Washington, DC, in your state, or in your hometown--affects your life and by voting, you get to say what's important to you, and you say it straight to the politicians. It makes us equal.Each of us (when we're old enough) has one and only one vote. Voting is one of the few times when all grown-ups in the U.S. have an equal say. No matter how much money you have or who your friends are, you only get one vote. Each vote sends a message.Even if the person you vote for loses, your vote matters because it lets winners and losers know who supports their points of view. Politicians notice who is and isn't voting.In the U.S., the highest voter turnout is among seniors. So it's no surprise that politicians are going to spend a lot of time on issues that are important to older people, like Social Security and Medicare. Younger voters, like 18-24 year-olds, haven't voted in high numbers recently, so it's easier for politicians to pay less attention to the issues that are important to young people. Whoever wins has the power to impact your life.The government is in charge of making important decisions that impact almost every aspect of your life, like...
![]() What happens now has a great effect on the future.If you think that your opinion doesn't matter about who's president now, think again! The people in office now are making decisions that will affect your life now AND later! This is why it's important to get involved and be heard now, even when you can't vote. ![]() On Tuesday, November 4th, millions of adults will go to their local voting booths to vote for the next president and vice president of the United States. All of the votes will be recorded and counted, and the winner will be... named? Uh, not so fast. It's a lot more complicated than that! Registration: Sign Up!Before you can vote, you have to register as a voter in your state. It's easy to do because almost every state in the U.S. accepts the same, simple National Registration form.
The Parties: Sizing up the CompetitionIn the U.S., most of our elected officials are from two large parties, Democrats or Republicans, but other people want to be president, too. These other candidates come from what are called 'Third Parties' like the Green Party, Independence Party, Constitution Party, Socialist Party, Libertarian Party, Reform Party, and Natural Law Party. The Primaries and Caucuses: Narrowing Down the PackUsually more than one member of a party wants to become president, and each has his or her own vision for the country. But, only one candidate from each party can run in the final election. That's where primaries and caucuses come in. If a President finishing his first term is running for re-election, usually no one in his party will run against him and he will become his party's nominee. Between late January and early June during the year of the general election, a few states hold caucuses, but most states choose their candidate using primary elections. Caucuses are small groups of people getting together to decide whom they want to support as their party's candidate. Primaries are elections where everyone in the party who is interested votes for the party candidate. In these primaries and caucuses, delegates are chosen to represent candidates at the national conventions in the summer. Each state gets a certain number of delegates depending on how many people live there. The delegates go to the convention and whichever candidate gets more than 50% of the delegates becomes the party nominee. The Conventions: Party-Time, Politicians StyleAfter the primaries and caucuses, the major parties hold conventions to officially nominate the candidate who won the most delegates, If only the President ran for the party's nomination, they renominate the President. The President will usually announce his choice for Vice President during or slightly before the convention as well. These conventions are kind of like big parties or pep-rallies with politicians speaking to loud, cheering crowds who hold up campaign signs and toss around balloons and confetti. After the candidates are nominated, their names are officially submitted to each State's chief election official so that they will appear on the general election ballot. Other parties will also hold conventions and nominate their candidate based on the rules of the party. The General Election and the Electoral College: Being Popular Isn't EnoughNow, that each party has a potential President and Vice President (often called the party's "ticket") the general election process begins. Candidates spend weeks campaigning throughout the country in an attempt to win the support of voters. Even though a voter may belong to a particular party, he or she may vote for candidates from any party. Usually the major parties candidates will hold public debates on national television where reporters question them on the major issues. Finally on November 4th, the people vote for one, and only one, ticket. People who are traveling on Election Day can vote in their home state by filing absentee ballots. Procedures for getting absentee ballots and deadlines for submitting them vary by state. But... and this is a BIG 'but'... when a person casts a vote in the general election, they're not really voting directly for an individual ticket. They're voting for something called Electors, and whichever ticket gets the most votes in a state then gets that state's electors who are in turn supposed to vote for the ticket. These electors are part of something called the Electoral College. Each state has a number of electors equal to the number of its Senators (always 2) plus the number of its Representatives (determined by the state's population), for a total college of 538 electors. The first candidate to win more than half the electoral votes (at least 270) becomes President! And the Winner Is... : The Next President of the United StatesUsually, the winner is announced very late on election night after most state's polls have closed and votes tallied. Even though we now know our President-elect and Vice President-elect (the duo who will be sitting in the White House in January) there are still some formalities to take care of to make everything official. In December, the Electors cast their votes and the results are announced in early January. In late January, The President-elect and Vice President-elect take the oath of office and begin their work as leaders of the U.S. ![]() Want to learn even more? Check out some of these Elections related Web sites, guides and books! WEB SITESPresidential Candidate Sites:
- Bob Barr The PBS Kids Democracy Project/pbskids2008//democracy Ben's Guide to U.S. Governmentbensguide.gpo.gov Kids Voting USA
kidsvotingusa.org Project Vote Smart
vote-smart.org Brain Pop
www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/ushistory/presidentialelection Take Your Kids to Vote
takeyourkids2vote.org NewsHour Extra
www.pbs.org/newshour/vote2008/ ![]() BOOKS AND GUIDESZOOMout the Vote GuideLearn why it's important to vote with our ZOOMout the Vote Guide (PDF: 1.2MB, 16 pages, adobe acrobat required); then find ideas for getting the grown-ups in your life to register and vote. Includes easy directions for organizing a voter registration drive. Capital Mysteries #10: The Election-Day DisasterRoy, Ron. Random House Books for Young Readers, 2008. See How They RunGoodman, Susan. Bloomsbury USA Children's Books, 2008. VoteSteele, Philip. DK Children, 2008. If I Were President
Stier, Catherine. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman & Company, 1999. Voting and Elections
Murphy, Patricia J. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books, 2002. Duck for President
America Votes: How Our President Is Elected
Granfield, Linda. Tonawanda, NY: Kids Can Press Ltd., 2003. Presidential Elections and Other Cool Facts (2nd edition)
Sobel, Syl. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 2001. Vote!
Christelow, Eileen. New York: Clarion Books, 2003. Class President
Hurwitz, Johanna. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1990. Robert Takes a Stand
Seuling, Barbara. Chicago: Cricket Books, 2004. |
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