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ZOOMout the Vote: by kids, for the people

Get Your Grown-ups to the Polls

It's their vote, but it's your future! Take action and make sure EVERY grown-up in your world--parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors--votes in the election!

what you need | what you do

Here's what you need

Use these printables to get YOUR grown-ups to register and then vote.

You'll need Adobe Systems' free Acrobat Reader software to view and print these pages. It's free, easy to install, and you only have to do it once.

National Registration Form

Signs, Banners & Reminders

Here's what you do

Before adults can vote (if you're 18 or older), they have to register, or sign up, with the local election office. On Election Day, the poll workers have a list of all registered voters that they check before they let anyone vote. So, ZOOMout the Vote! is about getting grown-ups to register AND vote! Here are two ways you can ZOOMout the Vote! at home and in your community!

At Home: Get Your Family to Register and Vote!

  1. Make a list of everyone in your family who's 18 or older. Ask them if they're registered to vote.
  2. Print and make copies of the National Registration Form. Just print the first 5 pages--that's the Form plus instructions for filling it out. Scroll through the rest to find special instructions for your state, and print those, too. (Note: This form is accepted everywhere except North Dakota, Wyoming, and New Hampshire. For more information on how to register in those states, see the State Registration Deadlines list.)
  3. Check the State Registration Deadlines list for your state's deadline. That's when the form must be mailed, and not a day later.
  4. Give a copy of the National Registration Form and instructions to every grown-up who isn't registered. Remind them of the registration deadline.
  5. Now the fun starts--remind them to send in the form! Here are some ways to do it.
    • Say It with Signs: Print and color in the ZOOMout the Vote! Banner, Register to Vote! Banner, and Register to Vote! Signs. Hang them where your grown-ups will see them, like on the refrigerator, near the TV, by the phone, and next to mirrors.
    • Make Your Mark: Print and color in the Bookmarks and Stickers & Buttons that are about registration. Leave the bookmarks in their favorite books or magazines. Stick the stickers, magnets, and buttons on things like on the bathroom mirror, on the shampoo, on the milk carton, on the car steering wheel, on the TV, on the calendar. Be creative!
  6. Now that they're registered, make sure they vote! A few days before the Election (November 4th!), start reminding your grown-ups to get to the polls to vote! Print, color, and post the Vote! Signs, Vote! Banner, and the Vote!-themed Bookmarks and Stickers & Buttons.
  7. How many grown-ups did you get to register? Enter that number into our Registration Tally.
  8. How many of your grown-ups voted? On election day, come back and enter that number into our Vote Tally.
  9. You made a difference! By getting people to vote, you helped them have a say in their (and your) future. Remember to send us your ZOOMout the Vote! story and enter the number of hours you volunteered into our ZOOM Into Action Tally.

In Your Neighborhood: Hold a Voter Registration Drive!

  1. Form a Voter Registration Team. Find an adult to work with you on your team and get lots of friends to join.
  2. Pick a date! Check the deadline for voter registration in your state then pick a date that gives grown-ups enough time to get their form in.
  3. Print and make copies of the National Registration Form. Just print the first 5 pages--that's the Form plus instructions for filling it out. Scroll through the rest to find special instructions for your state, and print those, too. (Note: This form is accepted everywhere except North Dakota, Wyoming, and New Hampshire. For more information on how to register in those states, see the State Registration Deadlines list.)
  4. Check the State Registration Deadlines list for your state's deadline. That's when the form must be mailed, and not a day later.
  5. Pick a location to hold your drive. Think about where adults go: grocery stores, movies, malls, schools and after-school programs to pick up kids. Ask your adult team member to talk to an adult in charge of these places to get permission to set up a Voter Registration Table.
  6. Make signs. Print and color in the ZOOMout the Vote! Banner, Register to Vote! Banner, and Register to Vote! Signs, and use them to decorate you table and call attention to your registration drive.
  7. Make giveaways. Print and color in the Bookmarks and Stickers & Buttons. Give them to people who come by your table. And make sure you're wearing some of the buttons, too!
  8. Hold your registration drive. Have pens available so people can fill out their registration forms right away. Have envelopes filled out with the address of your state's election office (you can find the address on the National Registration Form). Sell stamps to people who want them. And remind people to mail their completed forms when they get home.
  9. Keep track of how many people you get to register. Then enter that number into our Registration Tally.
  10. You made a difference! By getting people to register vote, you helped them have a say in their (and your) future. Remember to send us your ZOOMout the Vote! story and enter the number of hours you volunteered into our ZOOM Into Action Tally.

Think About It!