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Send Miss Doolee your silly riddlesHolly, age 9 of Chesterfield, VA wrote:
Likes peanut butter but doesn't like peanuts!
Dorothy, age 12 of Owosso, MI wrote:
Fannee Doolee likes Brussel sprouts, but she doesn't like vegetables. What's up with that?
Ashley, age 8 of Chicago, IL wrote:
Fannee Doolee likes cheese but doesnt like parmesan.
Dorthie, age 8 of Chicago, IL wrote:
Fannee Doolee likes looking, but dosen't like staring.
Allison, age 10 of New Glasgow, NS wrote:
Fannee Doolee likes sending letters but not sending notes... why do you think that is???
Kipling, age 8 of Pendleton, OR wrote:
she likes schoolwork but dose not like homework.
Tiffany, age 14 of Milwaukee, WI wrote:
Fannee Doolee likes Reindeer, but not Santa. What does she expect, the Reindeer to give her Christmas presents?
Veronica, age 10 wrote:
Fannee Doolee likes hopping but not jumping.
Kara, age 10 of London, England, wrote:
Fannee Doolee likes Halloween but not Christmas!!!
Britney, age 10 of Kentwood, MI wrote:
Fannee Doolee likes to sleep but not to dream. Fannee Doolee go to inns but not to hotels.
The trick to FaNNEE DOOlEE is that she likes anything with double leTTers. So, she likes swEEts, but doesn't like candy. She likes dEEr and mOOse, but not antelope. She
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