- Lauryn, age 10 of Atlanta, GA
i love alica keys i am her biggist fan since I was 4 years old I have a dream that some dat iwill get to meet her
- Elanna, age 9 of Onalaska, TX
alicia keys is not just okay. she is awsome.
- Orlin, age 9 of Corona, NY
I love Alicia Keys.
- Lizzi, age 13 of New York City, NY
I love Alicia's voice!!! She is the whole reason why "Empire State of Mind" has topped the charts for weeks-forget the rap! ALl her songs are really good, too and I like that she plays piano in every song she's in.
- Sara, age 11 of Austin, TX
she is ok i, m not a fan. I don, t hear her music much so I give her 3 stars. but I like beyonce shes way better. I hear her music much more.
- Gwen, age 10 of Massachesset
she awesooome I love her song no one it's the best song i've ever heard
- Amil, age 8 of Texas
she can sing and she is speshel
- Mariah, age 13 of Jessieville, AR
i love alicia keys. I look up to her as a role model. I've been listening to her music ever since I was little. her songs are heart warming, sweet, and have a special meaning!
- Keiona, age 12 of East Orange, NJ
i love alicia. she is mii favrite singer. my favrite song of hers is karma. alicia is my role model. she is very beautiful. she is also popular.
- Deziah, age 12 of Houston, TX
love it because she is nice. she donated money to the kids in Africa. Oh yeah, her music rox!!!
- Courtney, age 12 of Omaha, NE
I don't really like her voice. The song No One is just too whiny and off-key. I don't really like her music but I have nothing against her personally, she seems like a nice person.
- Alyssah, age 11 of Memphis, TN
I love Alicia Keys because Alicia is my 8 year old sisters name!! Alicia Keys is my 2nd favorite artist. my fav song is 'Teenage Love Affair' and 'You dont know my name.'
- Michelle, age 6 of IL
I love her because she sings the best songs ever.
- Bernadette, age 15 of Houston, TX
I love her music, she's a great singer. I also like that she does charity work because it's good to give back.
- Samantha, age 10 of Leicester, NC
love it because the music is inspiring to many.
- Violet, age 9 of Madison
She's okay. I mean, she isn't "OH MY GOSH I LOVE ALISHA KEYS YEAH!!!" worthy. But I like her hit "No one".
- Vivine, age 9 of Camden, NJ
because i like her songs.
- Alyssah, age 11 of Memphis, TN
I love Alicia Keys because Alicia is my 8 year old sisters name!! Alicia Keys is my 2nd favorite artist my fav song is 'Teenage Love Affair' and 'You dont know my name.'
- Arica, age 7 of LA
i love her music. oh shes cute and popler and nice.
- Laura, age 11 of Phoenix, AZ
Alicia keys has an absoulutley amazing voice!!! She rocks!!
- Courtney, age 11 of Charlotte, NC
she the best. know one can sing better than her. I loved her song when I was one year old!
- Tristan, age 9 of Houston, TX
Alicia Keys is my favorite R&B singer.
- Kalii, age 16 of Indianapolis, IN
love! because alicia keys is my role model!!!
- Natalie, age 10 of Santa Monica, CA
alicia keys is awesome.
- Anneliese, age 16 of Woodhaven, NY
Alica Keys is one of the best singers ever!!! she has an amazing voice that is so unique. she has grown throughout the years and has had sooo many hit songs. she does her thing. she is a talented beautiful woman and I can't wait for her next albums.
- Courtney, age 15 of Clinton, TN
She is okay. I don`t think she can sing that good though. I do have a favorite song though. It`s "No One". I have to give 3 toes.
- Anthony, age 6 of Chicago, IL
I like her beucuse she sings my favrite song:No One.
- Damoni, age 9 of Rochester
i love her because she is alsome.
- Venicia, age 10 of Harvey, IN
i love it. I love all of her songs. one day I am going to be just like her.
- Bobby, age 14 of Beaumont, TX
I love Alicia Keys and her music. I can play her music all day.
- Aaliyah, age 14 of Beaumont
I love Alicia Keys she is real in her music. It always tells stories about her life and what she went through and her music is real.
- Alana, age 13 of Beaumont, TX
Alicia Keys is an very educated person. She's very beautiful and one of my heros.
- Zoom Fan
Alicia Keys has the worst voice ever! No One is one of my least favorite songs.
- Jameria, age 4 of FL
I like alicia keys because she sing so sweets.
- Gabriela, age 11 of Saint Rose, LA
love it because she is cool.
- Millie, age 12 of Boston, MA
She Rocks!
- Aubree, age 12 of Hanford, CA
I love it because she sings good.
- ZOOM Fan of TX
she is awesome.
- Harley, age 11 of Burke
when I first herd my fav song I screamed. I love her songs she is soo cool!!!
- Janahjah, age 9 of Bennettville
i love her music.
- Tamara, age 14 of Winston-Salem, NC
i love alicia keys bceause she play the piano.
- Shaylane, age 15 of Ann Arbor, MI
She's Cool 5 Toes
- Alice, age 12 of Atlanta, GA
My mom loves her, but I really don't get her songs.
- Bailie, age 16 of Boston, MA
I love Alicia Keys fabulios outfites!!!
- D'Andrea, age 9 of Thibodaux, LA
she know how to sing she is a cute young lady
- Shaylane, age 15 of Ann Arbor, MI
I Like Her Song No One
- Brandon, age 14 of Chicago, IL
I do not like Alicia Keys she is lame.
- Zharia, age 9 of Colbert, GA
Alicia Keys is my girl she is my favorite Alica girl you keep on doing your thang girl I love your songs Iam crazy about you. Love ya
- Maryallen, age 13 of Bramton, ON
like it alycia keys is juz as awsome as her songs!!!
- Keiola, age 10 of Baton Rouge, LA
She is a wonderful female artist.
- Kierra of Linden, AL
Alicia Keys is my girl. She can sing, dance,& act she can do it all girlfriend got it going on.
- Samantha, age 11 of Newport News
She's O. K. She's not the best but not the worst.
- Monisak, age 11 of Las Cruces, AZ
i like alicia keys. my fav is "no one". rock on
- Alexa, age 7 of Brockton, MA
I love her music she has so much passhon in superwomen.
- Lawquia, age 12 of Seattle, WA
she has a nice and pretty voice and she can sing unlike some people
- Keandra, age 10 of Stone Mnt., GA
Alicia Keys is the boom. she totally rocks out loud and she is cool. I love her songs. I like superwoman most of all. alicia rocks.
- Amala, age 16 of Matthews, NC
I love alicia keys because she uses her own style of music and she can sing
- Nicola, age 12 of Northampton, UK
i like her new single Superwoman and the other one: No-one... i've got it on my MP3 player!!! its soooo cool... I really like her voice!:D
- Shaylane, age 14 of Ann Arbor, MI
I Like Alicia Keys So Much I Like Her Song No One Because IT's The Best Song I Ever Heard And I Sing The Song On AM 910 Radio Disney.
- Kayla, age 8 of Hialeah, FL
i love it because she has great more than great awsome songs
- Adriana, age 8 of Reading
alicia keys is the best singer. what do you think?
- Zharia, age 10 of Athens, GA
I love Alicia keys so much that I can hear her music over and over again
- Faith, age 11 of Granite City, IL
i love alicia keys. when she sings she sings with passion and I think her voice can hit the highest note there is. im a singer myself my rollmodel is alicia krys an I give her two thumbs up.:)
- Milagros, age 10 of Kissimmee, FL
i love her and her songes are hot and im always be blasting her songes and I love no one!!!
- Shaylane, age 14 of Ann Arbor, MI
i like ALicia Keys because she"s pretty and cool too I like her song no one because I think what's she trying to think about her feelings or friends?
- Patty, age 12 of Corona, CA
i like how she sings
- Allie, age 13 of Miami, FL
Alicia Keys is a great singer. she hits all the right notes all the time. Macey of Bringhamton, I think you should go back to the old saying "if you dont have anything nice to say DONT SAY ANYTHING"
- Sarah, age 12 of Philadelphia, PA
Well I think that some of her songs don`t have a any meaning. I`m serious, the names the words have nothing to do with muisc just some love story dumb.
- Kenisia, age 10 of Ottawa, ON
I love Alicia Keys because her songs are so different. They relate to everyone like the song Teenage Love Affair, witch relates to teenagers.
- Kvean, age 6 of Carribean
i love alicia am her biggest fan I listen to her every day around the clock
- Easton, age 11 of Co. Springs, CO
Alicia keys is a pretty good singer... Her best song is probably "No One"... 5 Toes
- Unique, age 11 of Atlanta, GA
i love her song brcause she is sing what she feels and I love the fact that she play the piano for her own songs
- Kara, age 13 of MO
I dont really like her as a whole but her music is pretty cool.
- Blanka, age 14 of MA
Alicia Keys rocks! Al;l of her songs are great, but I especially like her song "I Think I'm Jealous of Your Girlfriend"! My best friend and I love playing it over and over in the car! She has an amazing voice and I think Alicia Keys deserves 5 Toes!
- Nancy, age 12 of Tulare, CA
I love it! I think she writes the songs from her heart. Alicia Keys has an amazing voice I adore her singing! one of my fave songs of Alicia is "no one"
- Dawine, age 12 of New Orleans, LA
i really love her music it is fantastic! I love the song teenage love affair it is so awesome including the video it is probablly the number 1 song on the charts.
- Keely, age 10 of Beaverton, OR
she rocks and she dosent get mad when peopple like riannan try to copy her music.
- Caroline, age 12 of St. Louis, MO
I think she is beautiful and has a wonderful voice!
- Katelyn, age 10 of Clifton, NJ
I love Alicia Keys because it has the song "No one".
- Courtney, age 14 of Clinton, TN
She is pretty good. I am a little bit of a big fan. I love the new song, No One, though! 4 toes!
- Haleigh, age 9 of Oxford, MS
love Alicia Keys becaus she haves the best songs
- Jayla, age 10 of Birmingham, AL
I love her songs! Because she be jaming, that girl can sing I don't what no body say.
- Megan of Saint John, NB
i like alicia keys because she is the best singer in the world I like her new song called no one
- Kayla, age 13 of Lapeer, MI
i love her because she is such a AWESOME singer!! I have been to like 50 conserts!!! SHE IS AWESOME!!!
- Denasheia, age 9 of Las Vegas, NV
I love Alicia Keys and she is my faborite song
- Liz, age 11 of Springville, UT
just ok I only like one song.
- Jessie, age 9 of Frankfort, IL
I love her song No One!!!
- Rancelle, age 10 of Anchorage, AK
I like the music that she makes like NO ONE That's my favorite one! HerMusicx is just my thing <:)
- Judy, age 11 of Mission, TX
I love Alicia Keys because her music is so soulful and I love No One because its a great song In school we are doing a farewell tape because were not going to be there for 6th grade and our song is going to be No One!!!
- Amanda, age 13 of Taunton, MA
I love Alica Keys! I love her song "No one"! She is the best singer! I also love her song called "Karma" also!
- Jennifer, age 9 of New York City, NY
She's a good singer. She ways the truth in her songs. That is way I like her songs.
- Macey, age 13 of Birmingham, AL
I think Alecia Keys is lame. She can't sing that good. I turn off the radio when one of her songs comes on.
- Deericka of AR
One reason why I love alicakeys is she knos how to play the piano really well and she can sing very well she is a smart beauiful talent woman that is the reason I love alica keys.
- ZOOM Fan, age 10 of Tucson, AZ
I LOVE ALICIA KEYS because she is beautiful, talented, and she sings soooooooooo good!
- Breanna, age 11 of Selma, AL
Ilove how she sings. She is my role model.
- Kimberly, age 10 of Nl, FL
I love her voice it's so pure
- De-Dee, age 14 of Beaumont, TX
i like her music cause its real and it tells almost everyday life in her song as one (no one )
- Cindy, age 10 of Elmhurst, NY
I love Alicia Keys She is a Really Good Singer and I love her song No One It rocks And her cd is So awesome
- Leah, age 8
alicia keys is a alsome singer she is cute to. If I met her I think I would faint!!!
- Darnail, age 8 of Detroit, MI
I love alicia keys i admier her i look up to her
- Rachael, age 12 of Hamel, MN
Alicia Keys is cool. She has a nice voice and I enjoy listeing to her song..."No One".
- Chris, age 7 of Cape Cod, MA
wow, alicia keys has an awsome voice. i love her songs, best of all... i love her music videos!
- Lilly, age 9 of Salem, OR
I liked Alicia Keys because she has a really nice voice and writes songs that are unlike any others. I like her song "No One"
- Brittney, age 13 of Pouch Cove, NF
her music is ok and her voice... its scratchy
- Kaitlynn, age 10 of Laverange, TN
love it cause she makes good music & shes pretty
- Devon, age 13 of New London, NH
I love Alicias music! it is amazing!!! it just sounds so pure... Love it!!
- Keandra, age 10 of Honolulu, HI
I think Alicia Keys is the BOOM!!! Her hit single no one rocks. But I like her songs Diary, You dont know my name, Like youll never see me again & Fallin. You rock.