- Desiree, age 10 of Battle Creek, MI
I loved it.
- Amanda, age 13 of Madison, WI
Five toes!! This story was a witty spin on te original tale, but in an incredibly good way! At the end, while the credits rolled by up the screen, a whirlwind of emotions hit me. Happy, sad, giggly, shocked, and even a bit scared! Way to go Disney!
- Aaron, age 8 of Dallas, TX
It is OK I guess. The person who acted as Ebenezer Scrooge which is Jim Carrey did a very good job otherwise the movie is average.
- Chris, age 11 of San Jose
i think it rocks!!!
- Catherine, age 12 of Wellington, FL
It was a great movie, but not for younger kids. It was really scary! when I watched it I almost jumped out of my seat, literally.
- Hluv, age 13 of Cincinnati, OH
I just saw this movie today and I love it! If you are under the age of 8 you may find the ghost of Christmas past scary, but that's it. It's great and if you are like me and have read the book you won't find many major changes (besides the ones you would expect in a movie version) all in all 4 toes!
- Lizzi, age 12 of Bella Vista, AR
This movie really impressed me. Not only does it have good life lessons, it's funny and very heartwarming. It can be scary in some parts, so this movie may not be for kiddies under 8.