- Eva, age 10 of IL
I really like the show. It's more targeted to pre teens and it's really funny! It actually can be enjoyed by a mature or older audience. 4 toes
- Carmen, age 8 of Boise, ID
I love I Carly! Miranda has such a good sence of humer as does Jenette. Nathan and Jerry are awesome too. Why? Because each actor/actress shows so much humor.
- Nicole, age 11 of Kalamazoo, MI
i love it it's so much fun!
- Matthew, age 9 of St.Joe, MI
I think icarly is bad because the shows just aren't very funny.
- Caroline, age 8 of Houston, TX
not my thing causeit is all about web casting
- Roger, age 4 of Binghamton, NY
I like iCarly because she is funny! I like her pod cast too.
- Lizzi, age 12 of Bella Vista, AR
iCarly is quite possibly the best show currently showing on Nickelodeon. The jokes are enough to make you cry with laughter, but the phsyical comedy can make you double over. A VERY high quality show.
- Estefanie, age 4 of Fresnow, CA
i love I carly bcusce they are funny.
- Breya, age 13 of Lilburn, GA
I actually kind of like icarly. I mean it's not the best show in the world but its not the worst. I think they should give Sam more leadership in the show because she's waaay funnier than Carly. Carly tries too hard and some of her outfits are kind of jacky, but she's still ok. Ok being the key word.
- Courtney, age 14 of MA
I love it! I recomend it for all ages! My dad likes to watch it with me and Im also 14! My 3 and 5 year old cuzins love it too! Spencer and Gibby are high-larious!
- Jack, age 8 of Fort Worth, TX
It's okay, I started watching it because my cousins watched it.
- Cat
I love icarly! I just really love technology and it is so funny!!!
- Kerri, age 13 of VA
I love love love icarly! Awesome show!! I would recomend it for ages 10 and up.. my parents even love it!
- Lola, age 7 of Staten Island, NY
i like iCarly because it's funny and carly, sam and freddy make a great team.
- Emily, age 9 of Oceanside, CA
i love icarly because it is so funny especially sam. I'm your biggest fan!
- Liliana, age 11 of Katy, TX
I think it is very clever but it is a little bit vulgure. They hit, yell/scream a lot! I konda like it because it is clever but very loud. I mistly watch it on the computer. It is easier to lower the volume. 3 toes.
- Lili, age 13 of Raligh, NC
i love icarly.com its so fun to watch.
- Hananah, age 12 of QC
i like iCarly it is funny, but I didnt like iFight Shelby. I did like iGo to Japan, that was funny. but sometimes it seems like they are trying to hard to be funny, but other that it is a good show. I dont recommend it for kids 9 and under. with them sneaking out of the house, dating, fighting, lying stuff like that but other than that 5 toes!!!
- Yianni, age 10 of London
I like iCARLY because it's awesome.
- Emily, age 8 of TX
I love iCarly!!! I really like the new iCarly movie called iFight Shelby Marx! That was so good! I like the one where well, I like all of them I just can't make up my mind which one is my favorite!
- Benjamin, age 10 of Lascassas, TN
I love Icarly. It is one of my faverites.
- Ashley, age 12 of Surrey, BC
I love this show. freddie (nathan kress) is sooo cute. I also like sam and everything she does to freddie like how freddie dressed up as a teddy bear and sam said the bear ate freddie bad bear and hits him with an umbrella.
- Chris, age 9 of Dennis, MA
I love iCarly. My favorite character is Freddie. He's so great being the tech-producer. I also like Carly, Sam, and Spencer too. I like them all!
- Chynna, age 9 of Jackson, GA
iCarly is the best show in the whole world!!! And the world is pretty big! I like it because it's funny and serious at the same time and I love when Sam & Freddie fight - they're so fun to watch! I just love iCarly!
- Mark, age 13 of North Augusta, SC
This isn't a good show, honestly it isn't funny. The actors laugh at their own jokes. Pathetic, just sad, really. I have no interest in shows that have no plot, except for the fact that they do this do that and whatever else you can think of. Although, I rate this 1 out of 5 stars, it is very poorly made.
- Becca, age 12 of Boise, ID
This is an awesome show. I love the idea of a webcast, and making a show about three kids' exploits while they try to manage it is an awesome idea. Miranda Cosgrove is an awesome actress and and awesome singer. Go Miranda!
- Emma, age 15 of NJ
I love iCarly. My mom and brothers got me hooked, and now I can't stop watching it. I am really excited for the new episodes. I wish they had 10 new episodes a day. I love this show!!!
- Anders, age 11 of Las Vegas, NV
iCarly is really stupid because all of the jokes are lame and they keep using those jokes over and over again, plus I think they also fake laugh. It wasn't filmed in front of an audience, they just use stupid laugh tracks.
- Brianna, age 7 of Weston, MA
Its so awsome, except the movie iFight Shelby Marx. It was so lame, no one won thats not boxing, but I still like it.
- Grisela, age 8 of Brooklyn
i like icarly because icarly has good comedy and sam is the most funniest caracter. but I still like this show!
- Destiny, age 11 of Bradenton
I think Icarly web shows is the best web shows ever. I think erevy one was funnest. I think Spicer is a great arist. Nice web show, and nice scuptures spicer.
- Kate, age 13 of Melbourne, Australia
I love iCarly! Its really funny. I really like Sam's personality, Freddie's reactions to everything Sam does to him, Carly is just awesome and Spencer is my favourite character. Yep, I love iCarly!
- Callee, age 14 of Midway, GA
i loveee this show, its random! just like me and my best friends! icarly rules!
- Jamaya, age 13 of Athens, GA
it is so cool I want to make my own webshow.
- Stephanie, age 12 of Clermont, NJ
four words: I love this show!!!
- Gabrielle, age 14 of Florence, AL
This show is absolutely awful! All the jokes are very corny and not funny at all. Miranda Cosgrove only got her own show because she was on Drake & Josh. No one over 5 should watch this.
- Ashley, age 12 of San Marcos, TX
i love it, it is the coolest show ever!
- Katie, age 12 of Orlando, FL
I love icarly! it is soooo beyond funny!
- Destiny, age 11 of Bradaten
I think Icarly web shows is the best web shows ever. I think erevy one was funnest. I think Spicer is a great arist. sorry if spell your name wrong. Nice web show, and nice scuptures spicer
- Caitlin, age 12 of Atoka, TN
I love I carly. I like the one where Carly's old friend Missy comes back. Sam is my favorite. It is great for people of all ages. My dad likes it. So know matter how old you are it is a great show.
- Violet, age 8 of Chattanooga, TN
Three words: best show ever!
- Autumn, age 9 of AZ
i love it because every time I watch it I say laugh out loud. carly and sam and fredie keep on rockin. I love the show.
- Mckenzie, age 8 of Redmond, WA
I love icarly. I love it beacause it is so funny. Once they expoled a watermelon and Freddie's pants! It is the most awsomest show ever!
- David, age 13 of Pine Island, NY
This show is just plain funny! I have seen every episode of it, and have two of them on my iPod. This is one of the best shows ever!
- Ben of Des Moines, IA
iCarly is funny, clever, and definitely original. Best live action show Nick has come out with in years. It is geared toward the preteen age group, but I think older teens can enjoy it too. I do. Rock on iCarly!
- Laney, age 9 of Sonoma, CA
i love icarly. com becuse of all the silly videos on the web site.
- Melissa, age 9 of Bell Gardens
i love it because they do funny shows
- Emma, age 6 of IN
I love it.
- Jared, age 15 of Rapid City, SD
I think it is totally dumb. There is nothing funny... I don't like the fake laughs at the worst jokes on the planet. No point!!!
- Nicole, age 12 of New York, NY
i love it. Freddie is sooo funny right along with carly and sam. then you have spencer with his crazy artistic creations. Icarly is the best.
- Caroline, age 9 of Auburn, MA
I love Icarly!! I watch it every time I can! I love Carly and Sam because they relate to real life problems girls have. I love Freddie because his smart and cute. And I love Spencer because he is hilarious!!!
- Damon, age 8 of Denver, CO
iCarly is the best show. I am going to make a web show too. Anyway iCarly is the best show ever.
- Alex, age 8 of Winnebago, NE
i love it because its funny.
- Jonathan, age 9 of GA
icarly is the coolest tv show on the tv. I see it every day. icarly rocks.
- Adrianna, age 10 of Chicago, IL
Love it! no other word for it!
- Lili, age 11 of Eastlongmeadow, MA
i love icarly its the best because its not like any other show c'mon now a show a about a girl and her 2 bff's with a web show awsome!(p. s. the movie was awsome and funny!)
- Megan, age 10 of FL
I dislike icarly because: 1. they use the same jokes over and over again. 2. they fake laugh all the time. and 3. It is not funny anymore the first few episodes were funny but after awhile it just got annoying. The only episode I bother to watch is I go to japan because good charlotte is on part of it!
- Laura, age 12 of Paisley, Scotland
I kinda like icarly, and kinda dont. I like it because its funny, the actors are brill, the plotlines are good and I love the clothes they wear! What I dont like about it is the fact its very unrealistic kids that age could do that stuff, the actual webcast is a bit stupid, Spencer is really annoying sometimes and at times, the words can be a littel innapropriate. I still love icarly though!!!
- Hannah, age 9 of Calgary
iCarly is the best show ever! I just love it. My favourite characters are Carly and Sam. I like Carly because she`s nice and Sam because she`s very funny!
- Autumn, age 10 of Watertown, WI
I love I Carly it's a vary good show!!!
- Bailey, age 9 of Dayton, OH
iCarly is the best show ever! I love to watch it when it comes on. Miranda Cosgrove is so pretty and such a good actress when she plays Carly. This is my favorite show on TV!
- Abby, age 14 of Botwood, NF
I love icarly! it's an awesome show. Spencer is my favorite! he is so hilarious and always keeps me laughing. Sam is aggressive and so funny when she picks on Freddie. Freddie is a dork, but a cute, funny dork. and Carly is the coolest!
- Breauna, age 6 of Springfield, MO
I looove icarly! Because the videos are coool!
- Starris of Sylacauga
i like it beacause sam calls freddie ''freadward'' &''fredwad."
- Carolyn, age 6 of Walterboro, SC
icarly is the best
- Emma, age 8 of Canal Winchester, OH
I love iCarly! Its a great show. Super funny too!
- Courtney, age 8 of Greenville, OH
i carly you rock. I thought I Go To Japan was awesome.
- Sara, age 9 of Queens, NY
I like iCarly because they are funny and tell a lot of jokes. On ICarly wierd things happen and it makes me laugh. The funniest episode was when they blew up a watermelon and Freddy's pants.
- Samantha, age 14 of Hollywood, FL
I love icarly and im 14 1/2 almost a freshman. Not any of my friends watch it. My fave character is Sam because we have the same name and almost everyone calls me Sam. Cant wait for the new episode this saturday. and I love how Sam teases Freddie nonstop.
- Shelby, age 8 of Florence, SC
I love icarly it is so funny.
- Cedric, age 9 of New York, NY
the reason why I like icarly is because those guys are really funny. it makes me laugh so hard like one time sam pushed freddie out the airplane that how it made me laugh a lot.
- Juliana, age 9 of Lakeland, FL
i love icarly there so funny and I got the idea for my own web show. now I have a web show too and someday I want it to be just like icarly.
- Elinor, age 9 of Plant City, FL
i love the show. its my favorite one but I think it would of been a little better if sam was not so mean.
- Erin, age 11 of Tifton, GA
iCarly is the funniest show ever! Except it can be a bit innapropiate sometimes.
- Erin, age 11 of Roanoke, VA
This show irks me because everyone on it tries to be funny. Well, iCarly you ain't funny, EVER!!! Anyway this show is so far fetched from real life. I'm just not liking how iCarly is turning out.
- Brenda, age 11 of L.P., CA
i lloovvee icarly it makes me laugh so hard I allmost cry thats how funny it is to me!!!
- Julianna, age 10 of Cambridge, ON
This show is great. I like it sooooo much. They have funny problems and the plot is intresting. I also like it because there is barley no swearing.
- Sue, age 12 of Springfield, IL
I love iCarly! I watch it almost every night! I like Spencer because he is super funny, Sam because she is really amusing, Freddie becase he is really smart, and of course Carly because she is so cool and like Sam, amusing.
- Marcus, age 9 of Bakersfield, CA
Ima boy and I like icarly =P its funny and why do they act so dumb when thy are filming??
- Isabelle, age 11 of Miami Beach, FL
I LOVE IT!!! It's one of my favorite shows!!! I give it a big 5!!!
- Aasritha, age 10 of Mississauga, ON
i love icarly tv show because its funny, jokky and good to see. I like when you told us how to make our own web show. i love icarly. go icarly bye carly, sam, freedie
- Dylan, age 10 of Richmond Hill, ON
I love icarly. It is really funny. Spencer is the funniest. Carly and Sam are really hot. Freddy is super smart. I love icarly.
- Olivia, age 6 of Lisburn
i carly rocks it is soo cool.
- Chelsea, age 10 of Carnew
love it because carly is cool and nce. sam is funny and freddie is cute
- Alicia, age 10 of San Diego, CA
i love iCarly ti rocks and I love how sam treats freddie
- Angela, age 14 of Callahan, FL
I Love the show. Because it makes me want to laugh.. And hang around and be like them.. Carly is my favorite.
- Anisa, age 11 of Shoreline, WA
I love icarly because it takes place in my home town, even though not everything is acurate.
- Blanka, age 14 of MO
LIKE OMG THIS IS SO BAD!!! I'm probably the first to say this. >.< It's really like um... annoying in MY opinion. At first it was KIND OF funny I admit but then when u start to watch it and they make jokes like every five seconds and they play that fake laughing EVERY time it gets irratating...>o
- Alexis, age 9 of Portsmouth, VA
i love icarly soo much I cant stop watching it.
- Kian, age 8 of Tampa, FL
i absoulutly love icarly
- Teara, age 7 of Boston, MA
It's so cool that I can watch it everywhere and everyone will like it.
- Emily Kennedy, age 8 of Goshen, IN
I LOVE I CARLY!!! I carly is 1# in my opinon. I would love to meet the set of icarly. I watch icarly alot.
- Aly, age 11
I love it!!! My favorite character is Spencer or Carly. And it actually has funny stuff on it unlike Disney... 5 TOES!!!
- Alexandra, age 9 of Ballwin, MO
i love it is because there is a lot of action
- Diana, age 15 of TX
I absoulutely LOVE iCarly! It was an amazing replacement for NDSSG on TEENick. They had huge expectations for this show, and they so pulled it off. Amazing! Creddie for ever!
- Katie, age 12 of Milwaukee, WI
iCarly is the only live-action Nick show I watch! Some episodes are kinda iffy, but the rest are great. I love the one where the have dancing dreams!
- Becca, age 11 of Omaha, NE
I love iCarly because it has common problems in life, and of course not so common problems too. But Carly and Sam and Freddy are always friends and stick together, and I like that. Plus it's very funny!
- Devon, age 11 of Deputy, IN
iCarly rocks. She has the same life problems as a bunch of us have. Its a show we pretty much relate to. Except not many of us have a t. v. show.
- Anne-Marie, age 7 of HI
I like it because it makes me happy.
- Madonna, age 15 of Lakewood, OH
This Show Is Sooo Awesome I Love Carly, Sam, & Freddie.
- Melissa
It is funny a funny show. Sam is a little too harsh on Freddy though...
- Chloe, age 9 of San Pedro, CA
I totally love that show! Because the webshow is so cool!
- Danielle, age 14 of Covington, GA
I like it because you can kind of relate to it.
- Margeaux of Oakland, FL
iCarly is a very funny show.
- Kendre, age 13 of Beaumont, TX
Like it because its just a good funny show.
- Javon, age 13 of Beaumont, TX
I luv Icarly cuz its very interesting. I also luv to see carly in action. She also played in Drake and Josh as Megan. I
- Monika, age 10 of Luarl, MD
I carly is great because they have a great webshow
- Sophie, age 9 of Seattle, WA
it's awsome. I love the characters and I really like carly
- Sydney, age 6 of Jamaica
ICarly is totally awsome! Sam is so funny cuz she is well, so funny! 5 toes people, 5 toes!
- Evelyn, age 10 of Springdale, AR
Love it its the best or should I say THE BESTEST and FUNNIEST episodes I have ever watched in my whole life!!!