- Keara, age 8 of Nj
i love all of them but I don't like their singing.
- Marva, age 14 of Chicago, IL
I think the Jonas Brothers have pretty bad music. Like S. O. S. had like no tune. On the other hand, Joe Jonas is SOOOOO cute.
- Tommy, age 4
it awesome!!! I saw them at a concert!!!
- Annie, age 15 of Vancouver, FL
you are one of a kind I love your songs you are awesome I wish I could see you guys in person.
- L, age 9 of Colorado Springs, CO
Not cute. Not good singers. That makes for a bad band.
- Asma, age 11 of Jacksonville, FL
THe JONAS BROTHERS are my favorite they have great voices and they are super cute
- Sarah, age 15 of Portsmouth, ME
I don't know, whenever I listen to their music their voices always seem VERY high pitched and kind of like a raspy yelling... The only song I liked so far, and thought was well done was fly with me. There not awesome, not bad 2. 5 toes
- Deonna, age 10 of Pensacola, FL
They're okay. I only love their t. v. show because they're funny. Especially Kevin.
- Tiffany, age 13 of Renton, WA
i love the Jonas brothers because they are good at singing
- Jacob, age 7 of Cordova, TN
I like them because of their guitars.
- Hannah, age 13 of Collinsville, OK
oh my gosh! I love the Jonas Brothers! my favorite song of theirs is "when you look me in the eyes." Not to mention Nick is so cute! And sings good!
- Kerri, age 13 of NE
I like maybe two of their songs, and over all I don't like them... they aren't good at singing. that's just my oppinion.
- Alexa, age 8 of Boston, MA
i love the jonas brothers so much and I love joe jonas. he is the best.
- Emily, age 8 of TX
I love there song fly with me!!!
- Colleen, age 14 of Cocoa, FL
They are amazing. I saw them in concert not to long ago in tampa they were amazing.
- Caitlyn, age 15 of Texas, TX
i love them.
- Willow of Colorado Springs, CO
I think they're stupid!
- Hayden, age 16 of Amarillo, HI
I love the Jonas Brothers, because they are so cute. I so love them and Joe Jonas is so cute.
- Javeria of Rochester Hills, MI
i love the jonas brothers. I even have their 2 album. their song's are great and best of all their are on disney channel that I watch ever dayyy!!
- Loralei, age 12 of Stevens Point, WI
They are just not my kind of music!!!
- Cynthia, age 7 of Bakersfield, CA
i love your music video keep it real.
- Dawn, age 13 of Joplin, MO
the jonas brothers sing good in when you look me in the eyes and fly with me and I fell in love with the pizza girl. but a lot of the time nick sounds like a girl and hes a little squeky. I personaly dont think there all that cute. they seem to respect there fans, which is asome. so ill give them 3 toes.
- Emma, age 11 of Sierra Vista, AZ
I don't like the Jonas Bros. They're really kinda pathetic and I don't like there music! I rate them 1-10 a 1.
- Chynna, age 9 of Jackson, GA
I love the Jonas Brothers because they have great music and I love to sing to the songs and dance to it!!!
- Cassie, age 6 of Casper, WY
I do not think jonas brothers are cute or cool they r weird UGH THEY BUG ME
- Jessie of Troy, OH
I love it because it's funny thier really cute and they have really great voices!!!
- Alexas, age 11 of Phoenix, AZ
ever since I heard the jonas brothers first song, I have been absest! Im even going to thier consert!
- Cassandra, age 11
OMG I love the jonas brothers!!! they are so cute but in my opinion I think Nick is the cutest!!! I just went to their concert last week and it was so AWESOME!!! my fave jobros songs are A Little Bit Longer, Black Keys, World War III, and, of course, Paranoid! if I could, I would give them 1 million toes!!! I love you Nick!!!
- Cassie, age 11 of TX
omg Nick is so cute. I love his gorgeous face and the song a little bit longer. it brings me to tears every time I hear it cuz its really inspirational. I even dedicated a wall in my bedroom just for him. also his dog Elvis is adorable! I love you Nick!
- Courtney, age 15 of Clinton, TN
They are okay but not really my thing. I do think they are cute though. Average. 3 toes. My rating: don`t really have one
- Alyssa, age 10 of Alliance, OH
I love year three thousan its incretebell! I love Nick!
- Dylan, age 10 of New York, NY
I love them because they think I want to be in the band like they do.
- Emily, age 8 of TX
I like the Jonas brothers. Some people like them because they are cute. I like them for there music and themselves. They are very nice. They are pretty cool too. I like their personality's. I give them 3 or 4 toes.
- Nia, age 10 of Austell
I like the Jonas Brothers. My favorite song is paranoide.
- Amanda, age 14 of Taunton, MA
I love the Jonas Brothers! They rock and they are awesome! I love their songs "Burnin' Up", "SOS", "That's Just The Way We Roll", "Paranoid" and "Poison Ivy"! They are awesome and their songs are awesome too! You rock Jonas Brothers!
- Kelsie, age 6 of Anaheim, CA
They are so cute and they have awesome music. I know all the words to Burning Up!
- Noel, age 16 of Orlando
the Jonas brothers are very talented. I LOVE THEM!!! I cant wait to see them in concert this summer!!! I hope their fame last a long time.
- Emily, age 8 of TX
I like the Jonas brothers. Some people like them because they are cute. I like them for there music and themselves. They are very nice. They are pretty cool too. I like their personality's. I give them 3 or 4 toes.
- Wendy-Kate, age 13 of Atlanta, GA
Their songs aren't really appealing.
- Jess, age 14 of Wichita, KS
My cousin is a huge fan and she's got me to like them too.
- Ashleigh, age 7 of Oklahoma City, OK
I love the jonas brothers!!! I love ther music, books, movis and t.v. shows!!!
- Amanda, age 14
they are terrible! My brother can sing better then them! If they went on American Idol they wouldn't even make it to hollywood. 0 toes.
- Hannah, age 14 of San Antonio, TX
Good music! They are cute too! 4 toes!
- David, age 13 of Pine Island, NY
I like their song When you look me in the eyes, and Burnin' Up. They have a new album coming out this month.
- E, age 10 of Crofton, MD
I love them. I can not just what to o see them this summer! they rock!!!
- Natalie, age 13 of Crystal Lake, IL
I love the Jonas Brothers! They're songs are great and they're cute boys!
- Teara, age 7 of Boston, MA
I love the JB!
- Elexa, age 12 of Cleveland, OH
I love the Jonas Brothers they are my favorite boy band they are so awesome!
- Lisa, age 12 of Fox Island, WA
love it!!! oh my god I love the jonas brothers there my heros... I want 2 meet them sooo bad.
- Wryliegh, age 15 of Portland, OR
the jonas brothers are awesome because I love their music and I have a lot of posters of them and joe is my favorite jonas brother. Love them.
- Sarah, age 14 of New York, NY
I agree with Hannah, for some reason a lot singers go on to have there own show. And I do like the Jonas Brothers, I mean their voices are a little bad but they sing some songs better then others. Like Burn`up, I couldn`t understand what they were saying half the time. I couldn`t even tell way they said Burn` up. But anyway, There fine and I enjoy them. And if you think about it they do sort of look like the Beatles.
- Kim, age 12 of Middleboro, MA
I love the Jonas Brothers!! they are a true inspiration! they are kind people! they are rockstars without having it go to their heads! And their music is such an inspireation to me! (plus they're cute). I mean, they are all good looking, they have a great talent and bright futers! They are amazing!
- Carolyn, age 14
i love the jonas brothers with all of my heart! they are a great band and there songs just never get old! they are great role models and they are good people.
- Bailey, age 10 of Prescott, ON
i think their book camp rock is awsome but their singing. Yuck. sos was already a song by riannah!
- Kailani, age 11 of Vancouver
I don't like the Jonas Brothers cause they have bad songs and they have bad taste.
- Colt, age 14 of Sudbury, ON
not my thing. their music is just too bubblegum for my liking.
- Hannah, age 12 of Bardstown, KY
Their music is OK, but could people give it a rest? They are over exposed and I think the media ought to give us a break from seeing them all the time! They're not talented actors (stick to singing!) and now they have their own show?
- Dean, age 5 of Colorado Springs, CO
The Jonas Brothers are my favorite music band. My favorite song by them is BB Good.
- Becca, age 8
the jonas brothers are one my favorite kids band. I can't wait till their show Jonas premires.
- Nikki, age 10 of Barton, VT
Do not like them. They're not good music and not my thing.
- Amanda, age 12 of Knoxville, TN
I love the jonas brothers! I have all thier music and tons of posters!
- Selena, age 16 of Los Angeles, CA
They are good role models unlike miley. they are cute and have good music
- Rene, age 10 of Decatur, AK
i love the Jonas Brothers! I love there music! And there so cute! I can't wait to see there show Jonas!
- Sam, age 15 of HI
the jonas brother stink! their songs stink like the s.o.s one!
- Mary, age 12 of PA
I love The Jonas Brothers! Their music is great because it isn't all " message-y" like Hannah Montana. It is perfectly fine for younger kids. I can't see anything bad about them. They have cool lyrics. I hope that they have a nice long career.
- Aubrey, age 13 of Blandon, PA
i love the jobros. there music is super inspiring. And I love the sound of their voices. And on top of that, they are truly amazing guys!
- Mackenzie, age 8 of Trenton, ON
I like Jonas Brothers because they play good music.
- Nicole, age 15
The Jonas Brothers are horrible!!! They can't sing at all or play the guitar!
- Brittney, age 10 of Stony Brook, NY
i love the jonas brothers because their a good example to kids and I think nick is Cute to. I never got to go any of concert it would nice if I did though.
- Erin, age 11 of Wallingford, CT
i DO NOT like the Jonas Brothers. they need a haircut and the sing REALLY BAD. I'm not sure if whet they sing is actully music. everyone at my school cant belive I dont like the jonas brothers.
- Krayola, age 16
They are a dencet group of kids and have a few songs to match, but to be honest they are made into a bigger deal than needed...
- Caroline, age 10 of Durham, NH
I think the jonas brothers are horrible! their songs are just three boys yelling on a song.
- Megan, age 13 of Chigago, IL
Overall, I think the Jonas Brothers are good. My favorite songs are "Tonight" and "Burnin' Up". Some people think their songs are too "mature" for kids but I disagree. Many kids shows use phrases like they do.
- Hannah, age 12 of Crossett, AR
I looove thier music, ecspecially Lovebug And Burnin' Up. I give them so many toes, I'd be up all night putting 0's in.
- Courtney, age 15 of New Boston, OH
I disagree with others. I love the Jonas Brothers because they're amazing. They write great songs, they can sing, and they're attractive. They're a lot better than Miley and the others. I don't think they should be working with Disney, though. I really want too see them in concert.
- Bonnie, age 14 of Vancouver, BC
Ok, so what exactly is the big deal with the Jonas Brothers? I mean, I'll be the first to admit that they're cute, but seriously what seperates them in quality from NSync and other lost boy-bands? Not trying to argue with anybody, but honestly: what is it that makes them so great?
- Maddie, age 11 of Pittsburgh
I really don't like the jonas brothers!!! I think that their music is too old for those 8 and 9 year olds out there! I mean, "I'm burnin' up for you baby!" Come on! they should NNNOOOTTT be singing those songs!
- Alistair, age 14 of Homer, MI
Ugghhh... The Jonas Brothers are probably the worst band ever. I have had music lessons since I was about 5, and it is not hard to tell that what they "play" is not what is being played. Besides that, many of their songs are awful remakes of good songs. Their songs are really basic chord progressions that any person (except them, of course) could have written. Their own lyrics are really bad, too. Maybe if they were a real band and had any actual musical talent, they could be okay.
- Ashley, age 12 of Salt Springs, NB
Hey guys I love the Jonas Brothers! My favorite is Nick! I love his cute puppy dog eyes!! I would love to go a date with him or go to a concert since I never been to a concect before
- Anna & Emma, age 11 of Minneapolis
I strongly dislike the Jonas Bros. They have horrible music and they don't have the strongest voices. Another problem is that they think they are all really cool and that everyone in the world is their fan an that everyone worships them. If they had better music I might like them but they don't. 1 toe all the way!!!
- Abby, age 10
Jo bros are an OK to my opintion... Ya know they were popular at first but not to me any more!
- Emily, age 11 of Mesa, AZ
The JB STINK! The only reason that kids like them is because the are "cute". That is not a good reason to like them. The Jonas Brother need a voice and instrument teacher so that the can learn how to actually sing and play their instruments. I really don't know why any one likes them. Oh, one more thing they also might need to get their eyes checked out because they seem to be color blind in their choice of clothing.
- Bianca, age 14 of ON
OMG! I AM IN LOVE WITH THE JONAS BROTHERS! THEY ROCK! Thier music is awesome and they write their own songs! They are so grounded and are so greatful for their fans! They LOVE THEIR FANS! Their parents and their little brother Frankie ROCK TOO! AND BIG ROB! AND NICKS DOG ELVIS! They are all such an ispiration to me and they are so GORGEOUS! I LOVE THEM!
- Ethan, age 13 of Cadiz, OH
they're not bad. i don't understand why they're being drooled over, but that's probably because I'm a guy. anyway, the music is decent. not bad.
- Marina, age 7 of Selma, CA
I loooooooove the Jonas brothers!!! I love Nick Jonas most of all. My favorite song is 3000. I love you guys!!!
- Alexia, age 13 of Pottsville, PA
hey Zoomers the Jonas Brothers are my favorite band I love all of their cd's and videos I even loved their movie Camp Rock their movie was excellent you should thanks bye
- Cathy, age 14 of CA
I don't just like the Jonas Brothers, I LOVE THEM!!! There music rocks and I love them to death... I got to see them and I would go again in a heartbeat!!!
- Adeline, age 16 of Temple City, CA
I know I'm the oldest one here, but I love the Jonas Brothers. I always will. Their songs are addicting. Makes you sing & dance at the same time. I don't appreciate people who dislike or worse hate them and say mean things about them. We, the people are different from each other. We got different taste including music so leave the Jonas Brothers alone.
- Charlotte, age 8 of Bethlehem, PA
UUUUUGGHHHHH! Iwould rather DIE than listen to their music! And their song lovebug? When I hear it, I wanna throw a type of bug at then called a SPIDER! Negative 200, 000, 000, 000 toes!
- Alexis, age 10 of Newton, MA
OMG!!! I basically am a Jonas Brothers fan!!! I went to there concert for my birthday and it was awesome!!! Even though I got hurt!!! I went to the buring up tour!!! So I love the jonas brothers! Also I like there best friend Demi Lovato too. I also love their music I sing their songs all the time. So I'm a major jonas brothers fan. Joe Jonas is my fav. Nick Jonas second fav and Kevin last fav.
- Blanka, age 14 of MO
Pff! I'd rather listen to anything else! Eww! I don't like the Jonas Brothers!
- Kristin, age 12
I love the jonas brothers. They are awesome and their music rocks. Nick is favorite! What I like about them is that their family is really close and they are not all about being famous.
- Amber, age 13 of Chattanooga, TN
I love Nick Jonas he is cute.
- Dj, age 13 of UT
There awesome.
- Shawna, age 11 of Kahului, HI
I don't like the Jonas Bothers. But I have to say I love there song (Burning Up).
- Marie, age 9 of Salisbury, MD
I luv the jonas brothers and I luv nick jonas because he is sooooo cute.
- Jessie of Troy, OH
I love the Jonas Brothers a lot!!! The Jonas Brothers have great voices and are so so so cutte!!!
- Danielle, age 14 of Covington, GA
I love them because they are so cute and they sing really good!
- Ashely, age 7 of Hyattsville, MD
Nick jonas you are so cute.
- Jessica, age 14 of Kenosha, WI
I love the jonas brothers they are so alsome and I love there new hit lovebug.
- Brittany, age 13 of NE
I love the Jonas Brothers! THey are just all around the best! They are totally sweet gentlemen who rock everything that they do and I love them all. But easily said, Joe is my favorite and I'm convinced I'm going to marry him! LOL. He's the greatest! Much Love to them ALL
- Allie, age 11 of Pittsburgh, PA
OMG! Jonas Brothers Rock! They are the reason I get up in the morning and go to school and have a good time in life! There music has a great impact on my life. I don't care what anyone eles says about them. Nick is my favorite. My favorite song by them is A Little Bit Longer. It has helped me through so much. All I have got to say is KEEP ON BURNIN UP BOYS!
- Heather, age 13 of Jackson, MI
I'm not a huge fan. They are nice guys, but I don't like the music.
- Raquel, age 10 of Fort Campbell, KY
I love the Jonas brothers becuase they are really good examples!!!
- Faith, age 12 of Lancaster, PA
I do not like the Jonas Brothers at all! There is nothing wrong with them but they just got too famous way too fast!
- Jennifer, age 7 of South Gate
dear jonas brothers I love the song burning up.
- Emily, age 9 of Romeoville, IL
Oh come on! Here goes another backstreet boys! There's two words for yucky Jonas Brothers!
- Tabitha-Ruth, age 11 of Norborne, MO
YUCK. Their music makes no sense, they are NOT cute in my opinion, and did I mention their songs are soooooo dumb? Not my thing. Zero toes.
- Elise, age 10 of Cambridge, ON
The Jonas Brothers are better than alot of boybands, and thier music is really cool!!! I <3 the jonas brothers!!!
- Sarah, age 13 of Philadelphia, PA
I think the Jonas brothers are pretty good. I really Like their songs, and I Love Burn`a up or something like that haha. But I`m Not saying their the best band, because Joe and Nick DO have High, high voices. But in my opinon there Very good and I enjoy them. Whenever I`m cleaning the dishes or riding my bike I`ll hum a song from their album. Very good:)
- Caylee, age 10 of Burbank, CA
I love the Jonas Brothers! I like them all but my favorite one is Joe. I love all their songs. I really like When You Look Me in the Eyes and Burning Up.