- Thomas, age 8 of Halifax, NS
Love it!! My older brother played with lego, my daddy played with lego and my grappy played with lego! It is my favorite toy to play with because I can build whatever I want and it helps me get lost in my imagination!!!
- Angel, age 8 of Palm Coast
its so so cool.
- Diamonique, age 9 of Lincoln, AR
I love Lego becauseI saw this shop called Lego's so I asked my uncle if we could go down there and he said yes when we got there I saw this place where you could build with friends so I joined the crowd and made a house and that's why I love Lego.
- Austin of Ogden, IA
legos are one of the most amazing inventions ever made. when I was little, I played with legos all the time, and well, I never stopped. I still play with legos.
- Emily, age 13 of Salem
Legos are so awesome! My dad used to play with them as a kid, and has saved all of his since he was about eight.
- Alex, age 10 of Wheeler, WI
it is ok for ages 2-6. I am getting to old for it
- Aubreyanon, age 9 of Live Oak, CA
I love legos!
- Deonna, age 10 of Pensacola, FL
Legos are fun. But only when I'm bored I play with them. If you put time into it you can build some really creative stuff with those things.
- Jackson, age 12 of Bremen, GA
they are the best. I have to say that the star wars (cool!!!)ones are the best!
- Sam, age 10 of Cridersville, OH
Love it!!! they are fun to build and you can build whatever you want I even built a city!
- Alyssa, age 6 of Massillon
I looooove Legos. they are cool.
- Jackson, age 12 of Bremen, GA
It is great. my favorites are bionicles and star wars ones.
- Jess, age 10 of Surrey, BC
I really like it because you can build anything literally. But the problem is they break apart easily. 4 toes.
- Maximillian, age 10 of El Paso, TX
I looove legos I have like ten boxes full!!! I am a huge fan!
- Owen, age 5
it is fun
- Liam, age 8 of Yonkers, NY
I love it. it I have like 100 boxes.
- Nia, age 10 of Austell
I love Legos all the little people and animals I just can't stop saying this I love Legos!!!
- Logan, age 9 of Houston, TX
i love it. you can be creative you can build a small robot to a normal sized human
- Alexander- Daniel, age 5 of NYC, NY
I did love my Lego toys ever since I got the first one as a gift.
- Sydney, age 8 of North Greenbush, NY
I love Legos! I have 5 boxes of them at my house! I even did a report on legos!
- Bethany, age 8 of Glen Burnie, MD
i looove legos cause my brother makes the coolest rocket ships space craft & more!!
- Joel, age 10 of Miami, FL
Legos are awesome. I'm in the club. They are fun to build.
- Anonamys
Love Lego. It is the best and it is fun.
- Isabel, age 8 of Maywood, CA
I do not like legos.
- Maria, age 10 of Portsmouth, RI
Legos are kind of boring!
- Amy, age 13 of MO
I agree that legos are not geeky, they are an awesome way to design creative stuff or follow instructions.
- ZOOM Fan, age 8 of St.Louis, MO
It is so cool! The best part of it is their website! It has cool downloads for both girls and boys! An example of one is Bouqet. It has cool games, too. The legos are cool, too. I wonder if I could build the tallest Lego Tower! So it will be no trouble for little kids, so I will give it 5 toes!
- Lindsey, age 9 of Dougles, MA
I love legos.
- Shaylane, age 15 of Ann Arbor, MI
Cool 5 Toes
- Thomas, age 7 of Redwood Falls, MN
I have four Sets!
- Shaylane, age 15 of Ann Arbor, MI
It's Cool.
- Jack, age 11 of Ottawa, ON
I don't play with Lego that much. I know other people like it and I respet thier oppinier. [not sure how to spell it] Buiding with it can be tedious at times, because you can't find the right piece to put.
- Andrew, age 9 of Prior Lake, MN
I looove it!!! It is so cool building stuff!
- Blanka, age 14 of MO
Lego is kind of fun I don't get how people can build those amazing things Zoom Fan from England they're not that bad =P also I would like to mention if you like Star Wars (eww) then you probably want to get the Star Wars lego but let me warn u some pieces can get a tad pricy...
- Sara, age 14 of Philadelphia, PA
What? Legos aren`t geeky, there so much fun to play with. I`ve played with them since I was 6. And I Loved all the different lego people there were. Althought they don`t seem as popalar as they use to be. But I`ll always Love em! 10 toes
- Alexandria, age 11 of Latham, NY
Legos are SO fun!! It's fun, because the sky is the limit, and you can do practicly anything you want. And, the big models take about 1-3 weeks to build, but worth every second! They are amazing, and very good right to brag! Hahah! (lol)
- Joshua, age 10 of Milford, NH
I like legos because you get to use your imagination and build anything that you want.
- Emma, age 12 of Lacombe
Lego TOTALLY ROX it is soooo much fun i like how you can build it then you can play with it! and I like how there are litle people for you to play with! final thing I LOVE LEGO!!!
- ZOOM Fan, age 11 of England
Ohmigod... I sooooo totally don't like lego... its for nerds and geeks, surely... if everyone played with them, then i'll just cry... ewwwwww...
- Vicky
I used to play with legos all the time. They have so many different ones like star wars and harry potter.
- Kelsea, age 10 of Wyoming, MI
Love it!!! I have a dvd-rom game it is COOL!!!
- Levi, age 8 of Cambridge, MD
i love lego so much becouse it is so fun to build with those little bricks. then you can play with them or save them as models. I really like the star wars lego.
- Billy Sue of Baseball City, YT
I used to love Legos when I was little. I especially loved the one where you could make buildings and sculptures!!! Legos Rule!