- Salma, age 9 of Del Valle
like the songs... and the voice...
- Lily, age 9 of Colorado Springs, CO
I like her song, Bleeding Love. My sister has it on her new karaoke machine she got.
- Lizzi, age 12 of Bella Vista, AR
In my humble opinion, I say Leona Lewis is one of today's finest singers. She sounds fantastic in her songs "Happy" and "Bleeding Love".
- Deonna, age 10 of Pensacola, FL
I like her song "Bleedong Love".
- Heather, age 14 of Jackson, MI
If you liked her song "Bleeding Love", you should check out the "So You Think You Can Dance" hip hop routine. It's amazing and it's what made me like that song.
- Caitlin, age 11 of Los Brazos, NM
I love her I love bleeding love that is my favoriteq song by her.
- Nicollettta
I have to say she's kind of a one-hit wonder... Bleeding Love is the only really good one.
- Kaliyah, age 7 of NC
it just not my thing.
- Hope, age 9 of Waylind, MI
Love it. I think it is nice.
- Kaliyah, age 7 of N.C., NC
is just not my thing.
- Cameron, age 10 of Duluth, GA
love ya leona. she inspires me to sing. thats exactly why I won the talent show. becuse she inspires me.
- Malynie, age 11 of Augusta, GA
my fovorite song is bleeding of love.
- Sophie, age 9 of Chicago, IL
She's the best!!! I love her songs so much. She has a great talent!!!
- Courtney, age 15 of Clinton, TN
Love her and her songs. My favorite song is "Bleeding Love" I think is the name of it.
- Narinda, age 16 of Goldy
Leona Lewis is the best sensational singer in the world! She is simply world class and her voice is amazing and sends goosebumps up my spine. her whole album Spirit is soooo good and I can wait til her next album comes out! Keep rocking Leona! how can people like such a sweet, nice, vegetarian, grounded girl!! she is a superstar. and great role model!!
- Bo, age 8 of Denver, CO
not bad!
- Alexis, age 10 of Reading, PA
I lovee her sooo much! "Bleeding Love" and "Better in Time" are some of her best songs!
- Bella, age 16 of Aloha, OR
have you heard her she sounds the same on stage and on the radio that s amazing!
- Kate, age 10 of Tuscaloosa, AL
She has the most beautiful voice! I love her song "Footprints in the Sand!"
- Chelka, age 16 of Albuquerque, NM
She has a weird voice. Leona has cool hair... sometimes. She doesn't prove to be a good role model as far as dress and singing content though.
- Ramon, age 13 of Omaha
leona lewis is a sweet person in her own way. i dont know why people dont like her.
- Josie, age 16 of Atlanta, GA
Leona Lewis has an amazing voice. I love her!!!
- Matthew, age 4 of Saint Joseph, MI
Like it.
- Mary, age 12 of PA
I really like her music, it is cool! That and so far as I am concerned it has clean lyrics.
- Maddiee, age 14 of NJ
I really don't think she's that special. Everyone likes her because she's on Z100 and that's what people do now.
- Indigo, age 8 of Chicago, IL
i like Leona but some times it seems like shes singing from her thoat.
- Shannen, age 8 of Sylmar, CA
songs are cool and my favrite song is bleeding love.
- Asia, age 14 of Denver, CO
Leona Lewis is the worst singer ever she is not my type.
- Mila, age 12 of Atlanta, GA
I love her song "Bleeding In Love."
- Jess, age 13 of NY
Nah... I don't really like Leona Lewis... she used to be good... but now her songs are just annoying... I give her 3 toes... and average singer...
- Samantha of New York City, NY
Your pretty, awesome, like your songs. I give you 5 toes.
- ZOOM Fan, age 13 of Boston, MA
she is freaken good I dont kno why people dont like her that much
- Katie, age 14 of NJ
Her voice is very sweet and pure, she has no need for digital editing, and although she only has released two songs (as far as I am aware of) I hope to see more of her excellent singing in the future.
- Kourtney, age 11 of Florida
I think she is very beauiful and have a gorgeous voice!!! I hope she win award someday because great!!!
- Kiana, age 14 of Crystal City, TX
i love your songs cause it is you and i like your voice it is so nice also I like how you look cause some day I want to look like that looking so prtey. keep on looking good and keep going with your songs.
- Graciella, age 13 of NV
I agree with Jensen, Footprints In the Sand is amazing. She only has one song if that's all you choose to look for, if people put some effort into it they could find a ton of her stuff. Her voice is gorgeous, she's a very lovely and talented young lady.
- Monisak, age 11 of Las Cruces, AZ
i like leona lewis okay. i've only heard one of her songs and that is "better in time" I think it is pretty good but she's not my favorite
- Blanka, age 14 of MO
Oh my gosh I completely agree with dolly! What, she has like, one song???
- Mandy, age 12 of San Francisco, CA
Leona Lewis I only heard one song frome her! "keep bleeding keep bleeding in love "um hello? look! I am not bleeding! And I am aslo not in love. I would give her like 3 stars.
- Vicky of CT
I like bleeding love but they overplayed it, its still a good song. I love better in time cause a lot of people can relate to it. The radio station I listen to also plays better in time.
- Makala, age 14 of Beaumont, OR
Because I think she is a very great singer.
- Kitty, age 12 of Beaumont, MS
Her vedio rocks.
- Makala
leona lewis is a great singer her song "bleeding in love" was a great. It was #1 on the bilboard and her other hit song "better in time " is next on the bilboard.
- Rokale, age 14 of Biloxi, TX
I like her music a lot.
- Jensen, age 11 of Louisville, KY
Leona Lewis is a "princess of music". In other words she's wonderful! Maybe Bleeding Love is a little annoying, but Footprints In The Sand - from England - is awesome!!!
- Destinee, age 13 of Rock Hill, SC
I love Leona Lewis. She has the voice of an angel and her songs are great. The best song she has written, in my opinion, is Bleeding Love because it was something you could relate to and the choice of word was really good, too.
- Nicola, age 12 of Northampton, UK
i really like her songs Bleeding Love, Yesterday, Better In Time, Footprints in the Sand & A moment Like This!!! Shes got a very unique voice... I really wanna go on The X Factor like her!!! But im under the age...:(
- Grace, age 12 of Simpsonville, SC
I don't want to be mean or anything, but her songs are pretty lame. It's just repetition, repetition, and more repetition! Plus "I keep bleedin', I keep, keep, bleedin' doesn't even make since anyway! I have a really good friend who likes her, but I just don't. She has good range, but she needs a new songwriter.
- Dolly, age 13 of Portland, OR
Id rather keep bleeding than listen to Leona Lewis.(lol) Who is she anyway???
- Matilda, age 14 of KS
I think Leona Lewis has a very strong, beautiful voice, although Bleeding Love is played a tad too much on the radio. I have actually heard another song of hers though, it's more of a inspirational deal.
- Kenisha, age 10 of Oklahoma City, OK
I like her song bledding of love.
- Danielle, age 13 of Lancaster, NY
In her song "Bleeding Love" it sounds like she's going to cry, which totally ruins the feel for the song. I don't like it! It's too overplayed!
- Tesia, age 11 of Pelham, NY
I love her song bleeding love! And her voice is so pure. And she is also pretty!!
- Kelly
I think that she is an OK singer.
- Musicman452, age 14 of Jamestown, NY
Ok Bleeding Love way 2 ovrplayed on radio. Starting to get annoying.
- Sora, age 11 of Norfolk, NE
LOVE IT!!! bleeding love is the best song ever! it really cheers me up! cuz it inspiries me to not give up!
- Gigi, age 11 of LA, CA
leona rocks!!! her song bleeding love is super!!!
- ZOOM Fan, age 14 of San Antonio, TX
In "Bleeding Love" her voice was really good, I LOVED the words too, so relatable and catchy, so I like her in THAT SONG but uh.. have you herd anything else from her? I haven't, so shes not my fav singer yet but she IS talented, i'll give her that! To bad Simon found her, LOL. She might take the slots with Celian Dione and Mariya Carey. We'll have to wait and see!:)
- Kiershteon, age 9 of Stontan
She is the BEST of ALL. I am hear best #1 fan.
- Keely, age 10 of Beaverton, OR
leona rocks the radio. I love all her songs iam her number one fan.
- Nikki, age 10 of Pontotoc, MS
I don't care what they say I'm in love with this song!!!
- Mia, age 13 of Forks, WA
Unique voice. It is very beautiful!
- Christina, age 11 of Lowell, MA
i love leona lewis she is the best... I love her song bleeding love... every time my sister hears that song she screams!!! beacause she loves that song... she things that leona lewis is sooooo beautiful!!! I just love her to and every time I hear her song I also scream!!! she is a good singer
- Aliyah, age 15 of Marawi City
i love leona lewis, because her song was GREAT! two thumbs up!~ and she is so talented.* BLEEDING LOVE. YESTERDAY<<< yea` I love that songs.
- Izzy, age 14 of Rockville, MD
Love it! She is such an amazing singer. She is also very beautiful. Keep up the great work Leona! I love you!
- Dana of CT
Okay, first to the chick who said she sounds like Christina Aguelera, if she did I would love her. She sounds NOTHING like Christina. Leona is just another pop artist who's songs will be forgotten and become annoying over the next month it's come out. I waiting on a new artist or band that's songs will not become annoying or old.
- Nidia
I think her song is good, but there is only one really good one
- Michelle, age 11 of Lagrange, GA
my family LOVES her!!! her song "Bleeding Love" is the best!! even my daddy will sing to it in the car!!
- Rachel, age 14 of Provo, UT
OMG like she is so totally THE BEST voice ever I mean like totally don't you think so she is just SSSSOO amazing and I LOVE HER TO DEATH! OMG I just can't get over it. LOL!
- Kenzie, age 10
I don't like her that much... her voice is too much like Christina Agularia's...
- Holly, age 10 of Fords, NJ
I love her song called "Bleeding Love". Its an excellent song. I hear it everywhere I go.
- Robin of OR
Leona Lewis Is Awesome. Bleeding Love is my favorite song. I think Leona Lewis Is a better singer then Mariah Carey and Celine Dion combined
- Luna, age 12 of Denver, CO
OMG! I love Leona Lewis! Her song "Bleeding in Love" is sooooo catchy! She's a great singer! I'm not sure what the fuss with Simon was about though, but she is still good.
- Aly, age 8 of Chicago, IL
She is the best out of them all I'm her only #1 fan!!!
- Danielle, age 14 of Covington, GA
This girl can sing. I am so glad Simon found her. And I love her song Bleeding Love!
- Eden, age 11 of Buxton
She's OK I guess, um I liked the chorus to bleeding love but otherwise her song wasn't so gr8 cuz it was really repetitive!
- Vicky of CT
Bleeding love omg I used to not like that song and now I love it sooo much lol. I give her 4 toes.
- Ayana, age 11 of Beaver Falls, PA
I 100% LOVE Leona Lewis!!! The only song I've heard so far is Bleeding Love but that is enough for me to call her extremely great on!!! I would give her all the toes in the world if I could! She just that great!