- Keara, age 15 of Nj
she is ok but I love party in the usa 3 toes.
- Anna, age 13 of Lafayette, IN
I think she is a great singer and she is a good actress
- Ashley, age 8 of Kingston, FL
miley is a great singer I am one of her fan!!! ROCK ON!!!
- Kiran, age 10 of Redwood City, CA
I love Miley Cyrus because her songs are based on her past life experiences. For an example, "Party in the Usa" was about Miley's first experience in LA. In a way, you get to listen to great songs and tunes while you kinda get to know her.
- Emily, age 12 of Baltimore, MD
She's awesome! She got me into singing! Great voice, and a great role model.
- Morgan, age 9 of TX
Miley Cyrus is a great singer. I do loove how she is not being kidish and being more teenagerish. She has a great voice. I luv her song Party in The USA.
- Aliah, age 10 of Pembrokepine, FL
I like her because she's a very good singer to me and I love to play her music on my computer.
- Anna, age 11
Miley is just not my thing, I really don't enjoy her music or her show. One song I do like, though, is Fly On The Wall.
- Isabelle, age 6 of Okc, TX
it is just ok!
- Caylah, age 8 of Rochester, NY
I love mily she is a GREAT singer
- Sara, age 12 of Middletown, NJ
I love her songs. Even her new song Party in the USA. She rocks.
- Jaliyah, age 8 of Madisonville
she's a great singer. I'm a huge fan of miley cyrus.
- Katelyn, age 9 of Creston, IA
She rocks. Five toes!!!
- Teresa of Houston, TX
love the songs party in usa and the climb.
- Connie, age 12 of Houston, TX
Miley's okay. I love her songs, but her voice seems kind of harsh. She's not a bad singer, but she's definitely not the best. Also, her Hannah songs seem kind of cheesy and I think that the entire alter-ego plot should be kept to the show - her Miley songs are about life and girls can relate to them, but Hannah songs seem to exist in another world. But overall, I'll give Miley 3 toes for great songs but an okay voice.
- Nina, age 11 of Hawthorne, NJ
She's okay... I mean I like other people better. I like her Miley songs better than her Hannah ones.
- Hayden, age 12 of Upper Marboro, MD
hannah montana and miley cyrus cant sing but I like her shows. from a teenagers perspective I think if your already doing a show please!!! dont sing that will make you look cheesy but on a good note I liked her movie!
- Sarah, age 14 of Philadelpiha, PA
I disagree, I honestly think that she has a good voice. And she can dance, her acting may need some work but overall she's pretty good. Her Bio Book was I thought excellent, and truthful. I think out of all Disney singers, she's the best so far. I like her, and I hope she keeps on making her albums.
- Carol of CA
Her concert in Los Angles last week was disappointing. We are expected her to come out as Hannah Montana at least for a couple of songs during the concert. Very disappointing and inappropriate dancing for her age.
- Jenny, age 14 of Daly City, CA
Hannah Montana is kind of for younger kids, but I do like some of the songs that she sings as Miley. My favorites are See You Again and The Climb (my mom even likes that song!). And Party in the USA is a fun song!!
- Abby, age 7 of OR
i love your music!!!
- Denyse, age 11 of New York, NY
she is a really bad musician! i think she can't sing, dance, or act. not trying to be mean but she seriously stinks!
- Mandy, age 10
I so love her songs. She is a great influence for kids of all ages and her songs have messages like "The Climb" That's my favorite. I like hoedown throwdown, ice cream freeze, before the storm, and so many more. I really only like her as Miley not Hannah Montanna because she's always getting in trouble and acting stupid in that show. I was addicted to hannah montanna when I was 7-8. Now she's lost (hannah montanna) a bit of coolness. Miley is better than hannah for kids ages 9-20. Hannah is good for 4-8. I so love her!
- Demi, age 7 of NY
I like Miley Cyrus. My favorite songs are Start All Over and Seven Things.
- Alexis, age 13 of Eastpointe, MI
i love all of her songs. shes's awsome.
- Annie, age 15 of Vancouver, WA
I love miley cyrus is because she is a very good singer she knows her stuff I want to see her on stage so bad so I'm sending this.
- Abbey, age 11 of CA
i wish I could hear more Miley and less Hannah. I think her Hannah songs are ok but I like her Miley music better.
- Abigail, age 9 of Mesquite, TX
i love miley/hana. I love her songs like the climb, ice cream freeze and other songs to. she is my fave popstar in the hole world. thats all I am going to say know buy. TTYL
- Hanna, age 13 of Rochester
She is a great role model for kids so they can live there dreams and she has gone through so much and she shows what life is and how you should be your self and nobody else!
- Maydha, age 9 of Fremont, CA
I love Miley's songs they are awesome. I love the song Rock Star, Nobodys Perfect, and the hoedown throwdown. they are awesome!!!
- Jackie, age 10 of Brooklyn, NY
I think she is cool but only when she is Miley not Hannah Montana! My two favorite songs are ''The Climb'' and ''The Showdown Throwdown!"
- Jordan, age 7 of Queens, NY
I love Miley Cyrus's songs because they are all about life.
- Ashley, age 10
i love it and like it beause she is a grate singer.
- Julia, age 11 of Beloit, WI
i love miley she rocks! she was my inspiration to writing my own songs and just singing in general!!!
- Brenda, age 14 of Chicago, IL
I don't think she's as bad as some people think because she is just a normal teenager who makes a few mistakes growing up. It's just that everyone knows every little thing she does wrong just because she's famous. She's a good singer and actress too. I really liked her in the new Hannah Montana movie and my new favorite song by her is "Dream."
- Judith, age 12 of Harrisburg, PA
She's on the okay side. It's just because her music is not, like, that awesome.
- Abigail, age 9 of Lima , OH
she funnny on tv.
- Cheyenne, age 8 of Laurel, MD
miley cyrus rocks, she is the best!
- Cassie, age 8 of Maple Grove, MN
i relly love her muic.
- Evelyn, age 15 of Adrian, MI
because there is a song called the climb and I rilly love it because it makes you cry.
- Jordan, age 13 of CA
I used to like her (but that was 3 years ago!). Great for younger kids, but speaking from a teen's point of view, she's very boring!
- Ella, age 8 of Omaha, NE
I love it. I like the song called Rock Star.
- Megan, age 10 of Pawtucket
I love her music. the most fav songs I love by her is The Climb and The Hoedown Throwdown.
- Victoria, age 8 of Brooklyn, NY
I love her music because she has a strong and powerful voice and is a ver sweet girl just like me!
- Katherine, age 8 of Ontario
i like miley cyrus she is my role model she is the only popstar I like and taylor swift. and she is really pretty I just dont like her because shes pretty I like her because her personality and I like her songs to I give her 5 toes.
- Niah, age 4 of Mc Guire Afb., NJ
Do not like at all! 1 to 0 toes!
- Isabelle, age 9 of Killeen, TX
i love her so, so, so, so, much I even went to one of her conserts!
- Violeta, age 10 of Isabell, MD
She s good singer and I like her hair.
- Sara, age 13 of Philadelphia
I don`t know, shes pretty good and as long as she stays on the road I will support her and her music.
- Mackenzie, age 9 of Cleveland, OH
I like miley. I saw her on american idol. 5 toes.
- Chloe, age 8 of Whampoa Garden
I think miley is the coolest. I also think she is a pop prinsess.
- Roger, age 12 of Muscadine, AL
i love milry cyrus she is my insparation. I love to sing and she helps me do that.
- Kaela, age 9 of Tonawanda, NY
i love miley cyrus she is so awesome. I can really relate to her she always tries her best in everything and is always nice. I hope one day I will be able to meet her.
- Cynthia, age 16 of Wyckoff, NJ
honestly I cant say anything bad about the girl. sure maybe she did make mistakes... its like anyone is perfect. And every teenager makes mistakes... the only difference here is she has the spotlight on her 24/7, which doesnt ease anything for her. and makes everything a big deal. I can relate to her to because im taking acting classes and im taking it professionally... BUT the biggest worries are, indeed the press. people should take it easy on her.. let her live a little.
- Cecilia, age 8 of Athens, Greece
I love Hannah Montana's music. Her show is great, I watch it everyday. For me Miley Cyrus is great!
- Ginger, age 15 of MS
As a role model, I think Miley's doing a fairly decent job. Yes, there were those pictures, but she apologized, which showed some maturity. In regards to her talent, all the Hannah Montana songs are awful, some of the Miley ones are all right. Her voice is worse on some songs than others, when it's at its best it's somewhere between ok and good. I'd rather have my sisters having her as a role model than, say, Ashley Tisdale.
- Jennifer, age 9 of Cockysville, MD
I love it sooooo much! Hannah Montana is my fave celebrity. Miley is really the person I stand up to. Miley Cyres is the best ever. I wish I could meet her and we would be best friends for life! Anyways, keep it coming Miley!!!
- Sierra, age 7
i like miley cyrus's shows because she is funny sometimes one day I want to meet her also because she is famos and she is a pop star she is my favitrite fan. one day I want to call her and ask her can I come to one of her coneterts. I love miley cyrus.
- Secret, age 9 of Huston, TX
i dissagree with brenda miley is awsome!
- Bella, age 16 of OR
she is okay I used to be a big fan her new movie dosen`t look to bad but those sorta movies aren`t my thing. my favorite movies our. #1 twilight #2tuck ever lasting # juno
- Danaburns, age 12 of Monroe, LA
I really love her music. And I can't wait until her new movie comes out.
- Emily, age 12 of Atlanta, GA
Miley cyrus is awful!!
- Malena, age 8 of Los Angeles, CA
her singing is awsome! her songs are great! I love her album titled breakout!
- Emily, age 12
Bad influence, bad messages and just not good for kids at all. Now some of the songs are perfectly ok. But Let's Dance is bad!
- ZOOM Fan, age 9 of WI
she is good sort of. I love her songs like "fly on the wall" and "7 things" I sing "7 things" all the time but those pics she took are bad. and as hanna montanna she is soo pathetic. but all in all she rocks like a lot and she stinks like sort of not really. so 4 or 3 toes.
- Nicole, age 15
Miley Cyrus is a horrible singer and actress!! Her voice is just completely horrible!
- Helen, age 10 of Alexandria, VA
i love miley she rocks. I love the song hodown trodown and the climb.
- Ally, age 12
I love Miley!!! (As Miley, not Hannah Montana.) At least her voice isn't fake, like Selena Gomez.
- Emilee, age 10 of VA
I love the 7 things song
- Brenda, age 11 of L.P., CA
I do not like miley cyrus I espesaly do not like how she sing I think it is horrable!!!
- Tori, age 15 of Oakland, ME
I'm not afraid to admit I do Not like Miley, Hannah or anybody else she claims to be. She acts like she's amazing, and like someone previously said, she's full of herself. I don't know what her real personality is, so I guess I can't judge her fully, but from what I know I don't think I'd like her even after I met her.
- Megan, age 13 of Chicago, IL
I like Miley Cyrus as herself, but not really as Hannah Montana. Hannah Montana songs are kind of cheesy.=P I really like "The Climb" Because it shows her voice oringinaly and she looks really natural in the video. My lease favorite is probably "Make Some Noise" or "Nobody's Perfect" because she basicly screams those songs.
- Maggie, age 12
Miley Cyrus is really not that bad. The only thing that is holding her back is Hannah Montana. If she quit the show, she'd rock!
- Sarah, age 11 of Gadsden, AL
i love miley cyrus people that don't like or love miley cyrus are crazy becase I love miley she is so cool I love her songs and how she sings I love miley so much
- Cassandra, age 8 of Maple Grove, MN
becuse I love hannah montana. I love her music and her dance moves. and her moves. she is the best dancer ever. I reley like her.
- Candice, age 10 of Kerman
I love her becace she is a singer. I like her because she sings my favorote songs. She is ok.
- Layla, age 13 of Durham, NC
I think that Miley is ok! I see so many girls so crazy over her and always wonder why. I like her song "Fly On the Wall" because it is like so punky girly rockish!
- Eva, age 7 of Columbus, OH
Miley Cyrus is great no one can make me change my mind! I'd give her 10, 123, 567, 120 if I could!
- Audrey, age 14 of Leesburg, VA
She's kind of becoming a not so good role model for kids because of some of the things she's been doing, which is a shame because when Hannah Montana first started she seemed to be a pretty good role model. But, I do like some of her songs and I think she's a pretty decent singer. I really like One in a Million because I think it's a really pretty song, and I love 7 Things because it's so catchy!
- Blanka, age 14 of MO
Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana are kind of cheesy =P I've sort of stopped watching Disney because they got rid of the good shows like Lizzie McGuire and have a lot of new blechy shows XP We need new singers!!
- Blanka, age 14 of MO
i don't like hannah montana because for one she has no talent what so ever and she may seem nice but she probably isn't very nice at all plus she like kind of scares me. her songs r weird she should've NEVER tried to redo girls just wanna have fun I mean stick to the originals come on! she sets a bad example to children. she isn't really pretty anyway (not that that matters:D)
- Armand, age 9 of Fayetteville, GA
Miley Cirus is not my style. But Billy Ray Rules. You Rock!!!
- Kashara, age 11 of Cleveland, OH
she is awosome dude you do get the best of both worlds!!!
- Anamarie, age 7 of OH
i love her beacause she is anust and nice and she sings greati wrote a song abuot her here, s my. I love hannah she is so cute and ill always love herrr.
- Tara, age 10 of Bethel Park, PA
I don't like miley cyrus. her songs are weird.
- Micala, age 10 of Graceville, FL
omg ru kidding me? miley is awesome! I give her 5555billion toes!!! and she didn't post thoes pics, a hacker got into her account.
- Alyssa, age 12 of Des Moines, IA
i love miley cyrus because she is a really talented girl with many good personalities. I love her songs because they are the easiest to sing along too and some how her lyrics seem to be the only lyrics I can learn faster. miley cyrus is really pretty. she inspires me. miley is my idol. if I met her i'd be in BIG shock.
- Brenna, age 16 of Allentown, PA
Hannah Montana STINKS, but Miley is alright. I just don't like how she sets an influence for young children.
- Alison, age 12
I love her!!! She has made some mistakes, but she is sure talented. Like she could be reading our messages right now - Once I saw a message on her with the name Miley and it sounded a lot like what she would say. We need to give her a little privicy. I know that's not how the world works, but I hope someday it will!!! LOL Love ya Miley!!!
- ZOOM Fan, age 11 of Atlanta, GA
miley cyrus is not a great role model for children. cildren shouldnt watch her.
- Katherine, age 10 of Plymouth, MA
I like her but I'm a little mad about her pictures she took of herself.
- Melissa, age 12 of Robinson, IL
I really don't like her. Her music just is... not my taste.
- ZOOM Fan, age 12 of Kingston, ON
Miley Cyrus is the greatest. If I had a school project on a celeberty it would toltaly be her. Her song I miss you really stands out to me because not many celebertys would take the time to write a song like that. Miley If your reading this I love you and wish I could meet you. By the way how much are Miley's concert.
- Kim, age 14 of Beaumont, TX
I love miley aka hannah montana because she has ana awesome voice and shes the best singer to ne, I even have a a toothbrush that sings.
- Camelia, age 10 of Sasktoon, SK
She is cool like one of her songs like "I miss you" is cool but her voice is a little different but I guess she is 15 anyway I like her but she can be somethimes not behaving well for her age.
- Cheyenne, age 15 of Beaumont, TX
I think that she iz very annoying and that she iz just anotha brittany spears no offense twoards brittany. She just grew up 2 fast. I dont like her music and she cnt dance. She should just grow up normaly.
- Emily, age 8 of Elmhurst, IL
Hannah montana is the best pop singer in the whole world rock star thats my fave hannah song.
- David, age 12 of Pine Island, NY
Hannah Montana Is annoying, I don't mean to hurt anyones feeling, but I don't like her music
- Catherine, age 10 of Newry
miley has a really great voice and she is so cool the way she can get up onthe stage and sing.
- Jaiden, age 6 of Sioux City, IA
miley cyrus is awesome 10 toes
- Abbie, age 11 of Conklin, MI
I agree with Connie from Huston Texas, her songs are getting better. 3 toes!!
- Brittany, age 13 of NE
Miley Cyrus is amazing and I have thought so and loved her from the beginning! Her music is very inspirational and I know every word to every song. But her recent behavior has been kind of dissapointing. Prior to her breakup with Jonas Brother Nick, she was the girl I wanted to be in every aspect. But Im beginning to wonder what happened. Love Ya Miley!
- Jenna, age 8 of Cape Coral, FL
I like Miley because she has a nice voice.
- Sarah, age 13 of Allentown, PA
Um shes ok, well Really I do love her alot. Her new album BreakOut is awesome my fav song is Fly on The Wall and haha.. breakOut. So in a muisc way I Love her. But when shes being famous and making choices, she isn`t always the Best Role model Disney has got. But on the other hand I Like her. Miley, miley miley Haha
- Rosemary, age 9
I think that she is so cool. I am a big fan of hers. If you guys know her tell her to write to me and that Billy Ray Cyrus is cool.
- Payton, age 8 of Decatur, AR
You really inspired me to be a singer. I love you
- Emily of IL
I love Miley Cyrus new CD Breakout I'm addicted to it and I can't stop listening it. Miley you rock!!
- Wyn Wyn, age 9 of San Antonio, TX
Miley Cyrus is awesome! My friends and I love her music. My favorite song is Fly on the wall. I dance to it everytime it comes on. I have her CD. I could talk about her forever. Gotta go! TTYL:)
- Connie, age 11 of Houston, TX
To be honest, her whole alter ego with Hannah Montana was pretty lame. It didn't make sense and it was portrayed badly. I have to say, though, she's improved a whole lot now that she's becoming more "Miley" and less "Hannah." I love "7 Things" - her songs are getting better!
- Charlie, age 9 of Lakewood, CA
Miley Cyrus is great! I love her music.
- Mikaela, age 9 of Salem, NH
i really love miley cyrus because I like her song start all over because I like it 5 toes for miley cyrus 2 thumbs up go miley!
- Kate, age 9 of QC
its ok I guess. I rather avril lavigne or the song faboulous. Ifind I like them more