- Emily, age 13 of OR
My friend got this, and it was fun for the first few times, but some of the songs are really weird and annoying.
- Brandon, age 11 of Marrero, LA
horrible it is the same thing as guitar hero but with a lot of somewhat pop like music. wheres the rock?
- Matthew, age 9 of Staten Island, NY
It's okay. I like Guitar Hero a lot better. But I want The Beatles Rock Band because I just love the Beatles!!!
- Julie, age 9 of Fairfax, VA
I LOVE IT! It's the best thing ever. I don't have it but my friend does & we play it everytime I come over.
- Deonna, age 10 of Pensacola, FL
Rock Band is totally awsome! It is so fun to play once you know how to play it!
- Morgan, age 13
I love Rock Band!!! It is the best!! I played it a lot last night!! I know all the songs by heart. I love singing on there! Best game for the Wii.
- Elizabeth, age 8 of Smyrna, GA
Guitar Hero is so better. I give it 3 toes.
- Cheyenne, age 8 of Delcambre, LA
- Tony, age 11 of Lakewood, NJ
i love rock band thats my game.
- Anders, age 11 of Las Vegas, NV
This game rules.
- Ashley, age 12
I loved Rock band! my Favorite song is eye of the tiger! I love to play the guitar and sing at the same time!
- Sierra, age 9 of New York, NY
i think rock band is a bad game!
- Jennifer, age 12 of Philadelphia, PA
I actually do really prefer Rock Band over Guitar Hero. I'm so horrible at the guitar instrument, but with Rock Band I don't have to play it; I could sing (my fave), or play the drums or bass. I don't like video games because I find it sort of embarrasing when you lose. With Rock Band, though, you're playing as a team, so I feel a bit better. Something I love on both games is the music.
- Laura, age 13 of Dublin, CA
I like it because I like the graphics. My favorite is the Beatles Rock Band because I love them very much.
- Jack, age 10 of Washington, DC
I play Rock Band 2 almost every week with my sister and babysitter. I play guitar, my sister sings, and our babysitter plays drums. Our band is called Waffle Frog 9 and we ROCK! (sorry for the bad pun, couldn't resist.)
- Dulcinea, age 11 of Cincinnati, OH
I love rock band. I would give it 5, 000 toes!!! I can play it for hours on end!!!
- Miles, age 9 of Parkesburg, PA
Rock Band STINKS!!! Gutair Hero is so much better. 1 TOE.
- Brianna, age 16
Too much punk/rock/wild. I mean, come on, if kids can't listen to certain bands on their i-pods, why allow them to play this game. A real guetar lesson would be a better investment then becoming a fan of this game. I read an article in my local paper saying that the rise in Rock Band popularity has gotten some kids interested in learning to play a real guatar. At least that's good. But I still think the overall game is too rough. The company should try other kinds of music/instruments to reach othe types of people. They would get rich.
- Hannah, age 16 of New York, KS
it was cool I like it.
- Hannah, age 14 of San Antonio, TX
Rock Band's awesome so is Guitar Hero! 5 toes!
- Tara, age 11 of Bethel Park
It's okay but I really like Guitar Hero a lot better.
- Julia, age 8 of Shawnee, KS
I love this game!!! You can rock out in your own house. I give it a five. It is awsome!!!
- Bella, age 10
I think Rock Band is awesome!
- Tim, age 12 of Fort Lauderdale, FL
I like it, but I think Guitar Hero's better.
- Carter, age 13 of Ypsilanti, MI
Love it!!!
- Bailey, age 10 of Prescott, ON
i love rock band I give you 26 million toes!
- ZOOM Fan, age 13
its cool who ever made it is smart because lots of kids like it.
- Damien, age 4 of Texas
i love rock band.
- Brooke, age 12 of Stonewall, OK
its awesome cause yew get to let your fingers flow the song it plays and I like the drums. rock on.
- Reviewer, age 9 of San Diego, CA
My cousins, brother, and uncle all like it! I don't like as much as they do, but it's pretty goood!
- Donovan, age 6 of Union City, NJ
Rock Band is bad.
- Edwin, age 8 of Valley Stream, NM
it so fun to play it.
- Sierra, age 12 of Wasilla, AK
I love rock band! My older brother invites his friends over to play it a lot. My favorite to play are the drums!
- Jessica, age 12 of St. Hubert, QC
rock band is ok but guitar hero now thats what I call FUN!
- Kenzie of Sandy, UT
rock band is the best game ever invented!!! it's the funnest thing to do with a group of friends. we play it for hours and hours and hours and hours. we never get bored! ever! the best part is that you get to hear your friends sing and make total idiots out of themselves. it's for sure the best game!
- Sara, age 12 of Middletown, NJ
Rock Band is so cool! I don't own it, but I've played it.
- Courtney, age 12 of Bland, VA
i love rock band! its my favorite game yet. I like to put clothes on my character and playing all the instruments. I suggest it to anyone who loves rock and video games.
- Tijan, age 13 of Duluth, GA
Rock Band is so cool. But I don't really recogmend it for little kids because of bad dialouge.#5 toes up.
- Nate, age 10 of Roanoke, VA
This Genre of video game is amazing. It is way better than GUITAR HERO. Check This Game Out
- Olvia, age 8
i do not like it sorry.