- Christian, age 8 of Mesquite
I Like Talor swifts music cause she sings good
- Izi, age 14
love it! shes awesome!!! the thing I love about her she doesnt sing old country shes different. she adds her touch to her music and it comes from her heart.
- Kaylee, age 13 of Las Cruces, NM
I love Taylor Swift. Her music speaks to you and she knows what real life is and means. When I hear her song all I want to do is sing along to it. She is an excellent rolemodle and gives good motavation. But most of all she is so fan devoted and doesnt care who you are or where yo come from she loves you if you are a fan of her. dont believe check the last page of her very first album
- Sadie, age 14 of FL
Taylor is amazing! Her songs are easy to relate to, and they're just fun to listen to. She writes songs from the heart, and sings them with the emotions she's feeling in the song. She's a great role model for Teens and Kids. She's just an all out awesome person.. Loving, Sweet, Beautiful, she's got it all, but she never brags or is snobby and is always thanking her fans. I love Taylor Swift.
- Lily, age 9 of Colorado Springs, CO
She writes the best songs! My favorite song by her is You Belong With Me.
- Lucretia, age 11 of Nampa, ID
love it her music is awesome
- Emily, age 11 of Jacksonville, FL
Taylor Swift is amazing!!! I can totally relate to her music. I give her 5 toes.
- Deonna, age 10 of Pensacola, FL
I love everything about her! My fav songs are "You Belong with me" and "Love Story"!
- Riley, age 13 of FL
taylor is so awsome!!! her voice is amazing and I love her songs!!! I love her rock/pop/country style. I love her and her music!!!
- Britney, age 10 of Kentwood, MI
i love Taylor swift "our song" she hits those notes i wish I was like her
- Erin, age 11 of Chippewa Falls
I love Taylor!!! I think she is the best singer in the world. I love just about all her songs! My favorite song of hers porbably would be Forever and Always. That's at least one of them!!!
- Ally, age 13 of New York, NY
I love Taylor Swift, her music is awesome and I have a lot of her sngs on my ipod!
- Chelsey, age 11 of Lakewood, CA
i lkie taylor swifts songs because their calm to hear and they come from her heart.
- Kyra, age 11 of Westminster, CO
I love Taylor Swift! She seems so nice and I love her songs. I'm glad she won that award but I think it's so horrible what Kanye did to her! Go Taylor! No matter what anybody else says you're the greatest and you deserved that award! Oh and my favorite song is You Belong With Me!!! And Fearless!
- Codi, age 11 of Herkimer, NY
i love her music! I wish she had her own disney channel series. I just love her so much especially her song hey steven! I can honestly say she is my number one idle.
- Kristen, age 10 of New York, NY
She is not my idea of a good singer at all! She wears too much makeup and she looks like a brat. And all of her songs (or at least pretty much of them) are about guys, guys, guys. But I loved "You belong with me," it was so cool!!! But miley cyrus has personally made me write songs. Not taylor swift. I'm sorry all fans but I just don't like her.
- Lauren Bohannan, age 7 of Ivins
because she is nice and pretty a good singer and she has a good heart.
- Meena, age 10 of AZ
I love her music! I love all her songs!
- Molly, age 6
i'm a very very very big fan.
- Jessica, age 9 of Marion, AR
I love Fearless! Its my favorite song ever!!
- Emily, age 8 of TX
I like her music. I really like her new song You Belong With Me!
- Dawn, age 13 of Joplin, MO
shes awsome and here voice isnt all computer inhansed. all of her songs have a story they sometimes even remind me of myself. my fave song thats hers is you belong with me. im lisening to it right know!!! and to taylor swift. your awsome you get 5 toes!!!
- Morgan, age 9 of Davenport, IA
Taylor Swift is the best singer in the world! I listen to her songs all the time.
- ZOOM Fan, age 11
taylor swift is okay I guess... country music just isnt really my thing. 2 toes.
- Isabella, age 12 of Melrose, MA
I love Taylor! She has an awesome voice! Her songs are like a different story! I love her mind! 5 stars! Taylor, keep writing!
- Maggie, age 11 of Long Beach, CA
Taylor Swift is awesome she sings great too. My fave song is "You Belong With Me." when it comes on the radio I always sing it. She is my favorite singer.
- Abbey, age 11 of CA
i love taylor swifts music. her voice is amazing. love story is one of my favorite songs.
- Alexandra, age 8 of Blaksley, PA
I don't like country music. But I love Taylor swift!
- Brittania, age 14 of Eaton, OH
Love Love Love. Thats all I can say about Taylor Swift. She is amzing and a gerat role model for kids and teens I think.
- Claire, age 13 of Plymouth, MN
Taylor Swift is awesome in my opinion. Even though I'm not that into Disney singers/shows and stuff like that I really like her songs-especially Love Story and Beautiful Eyes
- Caitlin, age 11 of Los Brazos, NM
i love taylor swift. she is my favorite singer. I think she should have her own tv show
- Caitlin, age 11 of Loz Brazos, NM
i love her because when I am cleaning my room I listen to her all the time. In the CMA awards she was voted to have brought country music back to kids, so she is my role model.
- Ekam, age 11 of Brampton, ON
don't wont get some fans mad but I think Taylor swift is not so good. she really cant sing well.
- Lydia, age 7 of Columbia, MD
I love taylor swift because she has a amazing voice! some of my favorite songs are love story, white horse, you belong whith me, and our song.
- Geneva of University Park, IL
Love her new cd Fearless. It has awesome music not heard on the raido. You can truely relate to the music.
- Mackenzie, age 9 of Syracuse, NY
taylor swift is the one who inspired me to write songs. and dont worry how old you are you can always be a singer. ps i has always wanted to go to a taylor swift concert.
- Ashley, age 14 of ID
The most wonderful music I've ever heard. My faverite song was Love Story.
- Rachel, age 14 of Portsmouth, ME
I usually don't like country music much. But Taylor Swift is an excellent singer.
- Caitlin, age 11 of Loz Brozos, NM
i love her because when I am cleaning my room I listen to her all the time. In the CMA awards she was voted to have brought country music back to kids, so she is my role model.
- Shea, age 11
I like her a lot!! She is a way good singer! Every once and a while I get sick of her songs though, because they are all about the same thing, most of them are good but I just get sick of it every once and a while.
- Maria
Taylor swift is an amazing girl. Her songs are incredible and they show her true feelings. Besides being able to write amazing songs, she has one of the best singing voices ever. I like all of her songs, but Our song is my favorite. I also like that she is so down to earth. I hope that everyone agrees that she's awesome!
- Ekam, age 11 of Brampton, ON
I think Taylor swift is not so good she really cant sing well.
- Ashley of WA
I love Taylor Swift! Taylor is one of my favorite singers along with people like Katy Perry and bands like Coldplay. But i've never heard someone quite like her. Her songs are so unique and they really tell a story or they have a message. Her voice is very unique and unlike other people that are just mixed with a computer, she can really sing! Her albums "Taylor Swift" and her newest "Fearless" are on everyone's ipod and everyone I know has the songs memorized by heart! From "Our song" to "Love story" she just keeps putting out hits you will never get sick of! I hope you give her a listen, you are guarenteed to fall in love with her music!!!
- Olivia, age 10 of La Canada Flintridge, CA
I love Taylor Swift she has the best music. Even my mom likes her! She has the best voice and I think she is the new singer and she is totally a hit with my family!
- Cynthia, age 7 of Bakersfield, CA
she is super cool. I herd her song love story and it is awsome.
- Cecilia, age 8 of Athens, Greece
i love taylor swif. She's very beutiful an has an amazinge voice.
- Kendra, age 12 of Dracut, MA
Taylor's music is ahhhmazing. Her songs send such good messages. My favorites are Crazier, White Horse and You Belong With Me.
- Dana, age 11 of Toronto, ON
I love her! She is my insperation to music! She is my IDOL!!!
- Tara, age 10 of Lancaster, SC
love it because she sings from the heart
- Sara, age 11 of SC
She's really good. My fav songs are Love story and Forever and Always. I sort of like The Way I Loved You too.
- Caitlin, age 14 of OK
love it love it because she has o tremindus voice and it is soothing to my ears
- Bailey, age 11 of Barnesville, GA
i love taylor swift she is my role model. I love songs her voice her videos and everything about her.
- Hannah, age 12 of New Gloucester, ME
5 toes!!! Taylor Swift is the best country music singer ever!!! she is soo goood. I like almost all of her songs. my favorites are You're Not Sorry, Forever And Always, Tell Me Why, and Hey Stephen. Love Story and Our Song is getting annoying. it seems like everyone is obsessing over them. I guess I have listened to them to much... Taylor you rock!!!
- Vanessa of Long Beach, CA
i totally love taylor swift. she is amazing at what she does. I think that the best song that she has written would probablly have to be you belong with me. I love singing and dancing at home with all of my friends!
- Courtney, age 15 of Clinton, TN
Taylor Swift is awesome! I absolutely love her songs! My favorite songs of hers are "Love Story" and "Our Song". I wish I could meet her in person. She is a really good singer. I wish I had her voice.
- Kori, age 10 of Saint Petersburg, FL
I think that Taylor Swift is amazing and has a beautiful voice. I love all her songs. My favorites of her new songs are Hey Stephen and Love Story.
- Harley, age 10 of Oil City, ON
i love taylor swift because she is a down to earth person, she is a grait singer too, and the reason why she is such a good singer is because she has been practising almost through out her whole life.
- Brooke, age 12 of MI
I, personally, love Taylor Swift. She rights about things that most teenage girls can relate to, and I like that about her. Her music and lyrics are real.
- Ashley, age 10 of Columbus, OH
I love it because each song has its own personality. I think you rock Taylor!
- Kelsey, age 15 of Muskogee, OK
She is ok... shes a good singer but she acts wayy to imature.
- Maria, age 13 of MD
I love Taylor Swift. She is so down to earth for someone who is famous! I grew up listening to Country music, and when I heard Taylor for the first time, I fell in love with her music. I have all of her CDs except he rChristmas one - which I can't find anywhere!? Taylor has inspired me to write songs to let me feelings out, instead of forcing my problems on everyone around me. I have always dreamed of becoming a Country singer, and, after seeing Taylor's determination, I know I can do it. Watch out Taylor, Maria, your biggest fan in the whole world, may be touring with you one day!
- Zoom Fan
I really enjoy Taylor Swift. She is a true country singer. She's not a big fake like Miley Cyrus, who expects everyone to belive her voice is real. A con? Her song Love Story is reeeeallly annoying me!
- Shauna, age 12 of Oregon City
i LOVE taylor and her songs. they're so current and about real things and real relationships and what actually happens. most girls can relate to her music. I know I can!
- Jessica, age 11 of Ottawa, Canada
she is awesome. she's not just like other people who don't care about their fans, she actually cares and she thanks everyone for being there for her. onlike other singers she wrights her own songs and like that she can actually express and put her feelingfs into her music. tay is also a very good rolemodel for kids. she cares about the opinion of others and if it's bad she does not take it personnally. I also like her because she's a country singer but she's not all country she's got a little bit of op so that kids like her too. taylor is a good singer for e\verybody no matter what your age or taste. everyone should look up too and admire taylor swift. I know I do!
- Zharia, age 11 of W. Palm Beach, FL
Ireally like Taylor Swift because she is nice very sweet and a great singer and she has an awesome posonality. And lastly her songs are awesome.
- Elly, age 12 of Indianapolis, IN
I admire Taylor Swift a lot, and I never really developed an interest in country music. I don't like country music, but when I heard Taylor Swift my head jerked up and I immediately became interested. I still avoid country music a lot, though, but I respect Taylor for her amazing attitude and positiveness. She is a great role model for children of all ages and is an inspiring musician. So, yeah, she gets a little bit out of tune, but that happens with everyone, right? I look up to Taylor Swift and give her best wishes for her future.
- Alicia of Silver Springs, FL
Taylor Swift is a beautiful, talented, girl. As far as I know she has'nt wrote any bad songs. My most favorite song of hers is probably "Teardrops on my guitar".
- Janaye, age 10 of Erie, CO
Taylor Swift is the best!!! I love her music, especially her new CD, Fearless!!!
- Ashley, age 9 of New York, NY
I like taylor swift because her love story song is a great song to me.
- Maeve, age 9 of Pittsburgh
i love tavlor swift she has great songs.
- Alvin, age 10 of Lawndale, CA
i love her. I wish I could meet her one day. she inspires me.
- Caitlyn, age 9 of Sioux Falls
I l-o-v-e her. I have her new cd fearless and it rocks. She is my role model.
- Brandi, age 12 of Keller, TX
I love Taylor Swift!!! She has the best music! My class even listens to her when we're working!!
- Cheryl, age 12 of Sherbrooke, QC
I enoy listening to her music because she has a simple, sweet voice and doesn't try sing extreme notes just so she can show off. she is a talented song writer and she seems so modest and friendly.
- Kelyn, age 15 of Valier, MT
Love it, because she connects with her fans through her music and she doesn't put on a face and fake. she trys to be real 24-7, thats why I like Taylor Swift, plus shes a real country girl, and she reflects her emotions and experiences and things. Thanks sooo much Taylor!!!
- Katie, age 11 of NJ
Taylor Swift is awesome! I don't really like country music, but her songs give it a different meaning. She's also really pretty and her songs "Our Song" and "Love Story."
- Katie, age 10 of Manistee, MI
she is down to earth and has great music. I love her song white horse.
- Ally, age 13
I love Taylor Swift!!! She can sing, she's not "full of herself", and she is absolutely beautiful!!!
- Rachael, age 12 of Corcoran, MN
I don't care too much for Taylor Swift. A lot of people like her because the like her songs, not her voice. She sings with no emotion whatsoever, and I know a lot of other country artists who could sing with so much more enthusiam. Love Story is a good song but she has zero enthusiam, which makes her boring to listen to. Carrie Underwood, on the other hand, is a different story... Love her!
- Chanel, age 13 of Beverly Hills, CA
Almost everybody knows Taylor Swift for Love Story, but she has MUCH better songs! Love Story is actually my least favorite song by her. My favorites are Hey Stephen, Lucky You, I Heart?, The Way I Loved You, and Picture to Burn.
- Megan, age 13 of Chicago, IL
I enjoy Taylor Swift's music. My favorite songs are "Love Story" & "Teardrops On My Guitar". Overall she has a nice voice and her music sends good messages.
- Fzzy411, age 10
I have both of her cd's. My favorite is " A Place in This World". I have it memorized!! Her cd's are all I listen to!! My DAD even likes her!!!
- Maggie, age 12 of PA
She's ok. Her songs are often too reapetative and can be boring. Love Story and You Belong With me are great, but the rest are repeats. I like Demi Lovato Better.
- Juno, age 16
i love her she is so graet. love her song love story know it by heart!
- Ashleigh, age 11 of W. Jefferson, OH
Oh My Gosh! She is awesome!!! I LoVe her song White Horse but not Love Story 'cause it is getting old.
- Sarah, age 16 of Anchorage, AK
I like her music a lot, she is one of my favorite Country music artists. I just don't like what other stations do to the music, they either add more bass, or mix other music types in it to make the music not country. My personal favorite song is Love Story, it is any girls dream. =]
- Alexa, age 8 of Ballston Lake, NY
Taylor Swift is better then the Jonas Brothers I would give her 20 toes and fingers I love the song Love Story! She is the best singer I have ever heard she is not just famos she is a human being!!!
- Hannah, age 12 of New Gloucester, ME
I knew fave song from Taylor is Hey Stephen. My brother showed it to me and he said she is singing to me cause his name is Stephen! lol
- Jessica, age 14 of Miami, FL
I dont like Taylor Swift. I dont like her music.
- Heather, age 13 of Jackson, MI
She's really cute, but she can't sing very well at all. There's nothing wrong with her songs, but she's not at all good live.
- Amber, age 12 of Witchita, KS
Her songs help u thenk ur not alone I would love to meet her
- Jensen, age 11 of Louisville, KY
All of her songs are ANNOYING!!!
- Bailey, age 15 of Redondo Beach, CA
I Luv" Tear Drops On My Guitar" and " Love Story"
- Jen, age 14 of Rocklin, CA
I love Taylor Swift because she acts like a normal human being not like some snob like some celebrities do! And she makes great music!!!
- Breanna, age 10 of Bakersfield, CA
i luv her song luv story
- Amber, age 8 of Manchester, NH
I love tear drops on my gutier.
- Jagga, age 15 of Odessa, TX
love it, shes so beautiful and has a wonderfull voice
- Sophia of Natrona Heights, PA
She is a cute one. I love her song~ A Place In This World. Most people don't pay attention to that one; it's not very popular, but it is my fav one.
- Hannah, age 11 of New Gloucester, ME
I REALLY like Taylor Swift!!! My favorite songs of her is Love Story and Our Song!
- Danielle, age 14 of Covington, GA
I love her because you can relate to her really easy.
- Renee, age 13 of Sanfransisco, CA
I dream of bieng like taylor swift. She interduced me to a new side of country music and now I cant get enough of her. Taylor swift is my number 1 idol. every single one of her songs I can relate to and thats what I love so much about every single one of her songs.
- Monisak, age 11 of Las Cruces, AZ
taylor swift is pretty good!!! I really liked all the songs she made. my favorites are: love story and teardrops on my guitar
- Chelsea, age 14 of Pendergrass, GA
I love Taylor Swift! I think she is charming, beautiful, & very outgoing! She has a wonderful singing voice! & I think she deserves every min. of fame she gets!:) My lil sister went to her concert in Charlotte, & she said it was AMAZING!!! Soooo many people were there, I think she's one of the best country singers EVER!
- Lissa, age 10 of Robinson, FL
She is AMAZING! I love almost all the songs on her CD.
- Hannah
Taylor Swift's music rocks! I love Picture to Burn and Love Story. She's awesome and I'm so glad that she's making new songs!
- Nicole, age 12 of NY
I loveeeee taylor swift.
- Rhiannon, age 8 of Malden, MA
I love her music I have 1 of her cds.
- Brittany, age 13 of NE
Taylor Swift is the girl I want to be. I've been with her since the beginning and continue to be. She's a great rolemodel with awesome potential and everything I aspire to be! And if the rumors are true about her budding romance with Joe Jonas, despite how much I love him:), they both deserve each other and are going to make it a long time! Love You Always Taylor!
- Emerald, age 8 of Wernsburg, MO
she is a awsome singer.
- Gabrielle, age 12 of MI
I usually thouroughly dislike country music, but I actually find myself enjoying Taylor Swift's songs. I like that she has a lovely voice and doesn't sound all twangy. I like her song "Love Story" the best, and I liked "Teardrops on My Guitar" until they played it for the trillionth time on the radio.
- Lana, age 16 of Los Angeles, CA
I love Taylor Swift!! She has an amazing voice and also has a major talent when it comes to writing lyrics. She understands what it's like to be a teenager in the modern day so I think that's why so many young girls look up to her... and she's really pretty so that's a plus for the guys.