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Every vote counts!  Your Reviews Tell us what you think about A Series of Unfortunate Events Books:
- Connie, age 9 of Houston, TX
I love it. Each book starts exactly where the previous one ends. The mystery and adventure is cool too. It's also unique because usually books aren't completely unfortunate.
- Ben , age 9 of IL
A series of unfortunate events, let me see.. well the plot about a bunch of kids with a lot of miserable things happening to them sounds like a good series. Sometimes though, it gets boring, its all about the same thing over and over again. This book REALLY does get boring on number 8, with the ooh mr. poe plz help us prty plz and the hey quagmires gimme ur sapphires, dont you ever think that count olaf has anything else better to do? I mean seriously, he could rob a bank and spend less hassle and time for money that those children inherit. This is a good book at first but I reccommend you stop at number 8. peace out...
- Enrique, age 11 of Santa Ana, DE
I love the Series Of Unfortunate Events Books 1-10, beacuse it shows how kids without parents suffer.
- Chayann, age 12 of Houston, TX
I have read every book in the series so far. Did you know that the last book (#13) is coming out soon! I have a couple of questions for yall. Which book is your favorit and why? Do you conect to any of the boudalare children?
- Amelia, age 15 of Clay Springs, AZ
I really like the suspense and mystery of these books. I also like how the Baudelairs never give up and always find a way through. I just hope the next and last book finally has a good ending!
- Shemona, age 9 of Milford, CT
Man, it's awesome!!! But I have to admit, it is very unfortunate like they mention in the title. I would defintitely recomend this series fo books to people who relly like mysteries and action. There is a evil guy named Count Oalf and he scares me a bit with his evil plans. But if you want to know why he plots those plans, start reading now!!!
- Iris, age 7 of Fresh Meadows, NY
I love these series becaue they make me want to go into those books. Well... not really because of the evil Count Olaf. All he wants is the Baudlaire fortune. I love these books!!!
- Breanna, age 10 of N. Middletown, KY
I loved reading the Series of Unfortunate Events because Lemony Snicket dreams up such fatastic things for the three children to go through. But there so sad! It seems every time something good happens something very bad follows. I think that the Unfortunate Events books should have at least one happy ending.
- Hunter of Everton, MO
I love series of unfortunate events because the writer is so mysteriuos about what happens next.
- Dmytri, age 9 of Wethersfield, CT
These books were great and I enjoyed them. You should too! These books were full of suspence and were full of action! The stories are about an unfortunate family which lost the mother and father. So their children are trying to find a realitive that can watchover them. Also to make sure Count Olaf (their first person to watch over them) doesn't get in the way. This was a great book series and I loved it!
- Lizzie, age 15 of NY
These books are great!!! They are really suspensful. Once I start a book, I can't put it down!! My teacher read one of the books to us and I've liked them ever since.
- Caitlin, age 14 of Halifax, NS
I would give these books one toe because I find them extremely boring and also very predictable. The plot is basically the same thing in each book, but with new characters (sometimes) and a new setting. They are also very depressing. I would much rather read Harry Potter!
- Bethany, age 11 of Rosemount, MN
I like them because Lemony Snicket has cliff-hangers at the end that make you want to get hold of the next book!
- Alexia, age 10 of Fall River, MA
I like the books A Series Of Unforunate Events because you mostly have to put the clues together and find out where Count Olaf is. Another thing is that Lemony Snicket put you has a character. (I don't know why but I like the name Lemony Snicket)
- Gillian, age 8 of Richmond, VA
I really like A Series of Unfortunate Events books because they always leave you thinking "What's the next book going to be about?" I've only read a few of them, but I really like them. I think I'm going to continue reading this series.
- Paris, age 12 of Calumet City, IL
I have almost read every single one these books. They are so exciting, but my favorite one was when the Quagmire triplets finally got away from Count Olaf which was featured in the Vile Village.
- Hamdiya, age 12 of Round Rock, TX
This book is one of the best books I have ever read. It's all about the Baudularie orfans and the evil dreaded Count Olaf, he is trying to steel their fourtune there parents left behind for them. This is the #1book I ever readyou, will probally like it to!!!
- Shonda & James of Middlesex, NC
I like it because it is so cool. When you first start reading it, you feel like you are there. It gives me specific information on stuff that isn't real but is cool.
- Courtney, age 11 of Sherwood, OR
I tottaly love these books! They are suspenceful and you can't stop reading! I recamend these books to all kids.
- Katelin, age 10 of KY
I love these books. I have read all twelve. I relate to the characters. I excpecially relate to Violet. I like these books mostly because I understand what the characters are going through. I think Lemony Snicket has done an excellent job writing these books.
- Rachel, age 10 of Foster City, CA
I liked these books because they had great details. I didn't like that it didn't have a happy ending ever but it is very good book to read.
- Emily, age 11 of Hyden, KY
I absolutely love these books!! I have read every one of them but some people in my class don't like them. I think they are so cool and everybody should read them! I give them 5 toes all the way!!!
- Eliot, age 11 of OR
I absolutelyt love these books! They're so cool! I mean, all the adventure and mystery and suspense is great! I always like how Lemony Snicket leaves you with a cliff-hanger!
- Carly, age 10 of Houston, TX
I love the Series Of Unfortunate Events Books. Lemony Snicket makes everything feel so alive!!! I have read all 12 books all of them were awesome!!!
- Camille, age 11 of Clayton, NC
This series is so cool, they are very suspensful.
- Kurt, age 14 of Harrisburg, PA
At first I really really liked the books, but then I realized that practically the same thing happens in every book. They are well written books but a bit unoriginal because the writing is predictable, and rips off Douglas Adams a lot. I'd rather read Harry Potter.
- Taman, age 10 of Missisauga, ON
I love the books! Theyr'e just amazing! You can never guess whats going to happen next. And I bet it's annoying to the bauldraires when mr. poe never believes count olf is in disguise.
- Lindsay, age 11 of Spotsylvania, VA
I Love The series. I started reading them in the Febuary of 5th grade, Now it is the beggining of April and I already read 1-5. One of the reasons I am on this website is because I want to buy the series. Who really wants to read books with happy endings, not me.
- Skye, age 10 of Midlothian, VA
I love this book series. I had never read A Series of Unfortunate Events book, until I read one recently and I absoulutely loved it!! Lemony Snickett is a great author and I love how in the books he says that this is not a happy story. All that made me do was want to keep on reading!!!
- Anna, age 11 of FL
I love the books they get you really hooked and are great fun. I have read them all and read the first two in one whole day!!! I love the illurstrations especially the one in book the 9th on the first page. Check out count olafs number plate.
- Beverly, age 12 of Fort Myers, FL
Those books are amazing!!! I read them all the time they're so good I can read them in two solid days!!!
- Daniel, age 11 of Inglewood, CA
So far I just read the first three books but it seems very cool how at first there in trouble and then they find a way a way to get out of the problem. Right now I am trying to get started on book number 4.
- Melissa, age 12 of Lumberton, NC
Love it!!! These are great books. Lemony Snicket does not give any clues to how the series is going to end. I can't wait for the last book to come out!
- Amy, age 9 of Stoneham, MA
I love them sooo much!! My friends turned them on to me and it was love at first sight!! But if you read them and don't understand them, I recommend that you watch the movie. You get a lot out of it without even reading the books!!! If you like sad, mysterious, creepy stories with an insane villain and 3 resourceful kids, then these books are for you!
- Leah, age 11
I think Lemony Snicket portrays a life of tragic kids destined to be doomed. I've read all the books out. Anyway 5 toes. Can you believe Snicket puts his last name in his books? I think it is pretty cool. (Can't wait for last book!)
- Darth, age 14 of Austin, TX
These are the best books ever. They have every thing. They are: Funny, depressing, romantic, ingenious, silly, and sad. Even the Antagonist (Count Olaf) Is hilarious. The Baudelaires are geniouses. Mr Poe's cough is legendary. Way better then Harry Potter. Lemony Snicket is a genious.
- Cyrstal, age 13 of Queens, NY
I love these books. Lemony Snicket has a mysterious way of explaining things! I do not understand why people say it's boring. Why don't they write a book. See how many people will actually read it!!!
- Emily, age 12 of St. Helens, OR
I absolutely love A Series of Unfortunate Events. I first heard about them when I was in fourth grade. I don't think they were the most popular books back then, so I didn't read them. Then my public library started getting them. I still didn't read them because they didn't have the first book. I definitely regret it now. Sadly I'm only on the seventh book, which is "The Vile Village". My younger sister has read all of them. My six year old brother is "racing" me. He is on the ninth, but I plan on beating. Well, they're the most awesomest (my favorite word) series ever. So read them!!!
- Irene, age 14 of Vienna, VA
I don't like these books, they are much too depressing for me. 1 toe.
- Danielle, age 11 of Prattville, AL
I love them! In every book you never know what's going to happen next. You are introduced to new words and phrases. They are very interesting, and you never want to put the books down. And I even don't like reading! These books are sad, but very interesting. I mean, who wants to read about everthing being perfect? Not me!
- Alessa, age 11 of Easton, MA
I really love the series of Unfortunate events books because they make me want to read on. You never know what's going to happen next and it's always a mystery. The three children in this book have a rough adventure but it's fun to think about what you would do next and then read on to see what they do.
- Becca, age 9 of Harrisville, PA
The seiries of unfotchnet events are ok, but I`d rather read harry potter.
- Briana, age 12 of St. Paul, MN
I love their books because it talks about how unfortunate books can get! I like Lemony Snicket's way of telling you that if you don't like sad/ scary stories then you better go read the Little Elf.
- Victoria, age 11 of Baltimore, MD
A Series of Unfortunate Events?!? Oh. My. Gosh. I love them! I just can't wait for book 13! Help me, please, and tell me it'll be out tomorrow or something! (Not possible, I know.) My mom and my sister love them, too. My dad? Well...
- Nathalie, age 8 of Victoria, BC
I love the books immensely. Not only does the books include suspense and humor at some times, the stories are very clear and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
- Kandice, age 10 of Guelph, ON
I love A series of unfortunate events! I am like the #1 fan! I have a whole wall in my bedroom dedicated to Series of unfortunate events! I have read every book but I am still reading the 12th one! A series od unfortuanet events is my favourite book series! I think it is better than even harry potter!!!
- Mackenzie, age 11 of Williamson, NY
I have only read the first 9, but I would recommend it to any readers. These books contain suspense, sorrow, friends, and family. I enjoyed the ones I read. I recommend it!!!
- Bethany, age 15 of Spokane, WA
This is my absolute favorite book series!!! I have read every one at least a dozen times. I love the way the books are written and I love the characters. Its also really interesting the way that Lemony Snicket just kinda leaves you wondering, at the end of the books. One of my favorites was "The Reptile Room". I would reccomend these books to anyone, and trust me, once you pick it up you wont put it down till its over and then you still want more. Read em!!!
- Elizabeth, age 16 of Highland, UT
I love these books because of the way that Lemony Snicket writes them. Since he writes them so dramatically and seriously the tragic events that happen to the Baudelaire orphans seem funny!
- Tori, age 11 of Ketchikan, AK
I think they are the greatest! I love it how the theme is like bad luck because a lot of books are all happy and stuff. I am really really sad that the last book (#13) is coming out in fall because I wish there was soue books coming out forever. I started reading the series when I was in 3rd grade. Now I am in6th and I have read all the books 3 times each! I read the whole series every year. Lemony Snicket the unathorized autoboigraghy is so good I have read it 11 times!!! "The world is quiet here".
- Hayley, age 11 of Afton, MN
I liked most of the books, except for the 11th and 12th. After a while of reading such sad books, they just got kind of boring for me.
- Emma, age 10 of Phoenix, AZ
I like this book because it has horror and exitng events. I also like the charachter of the auther in the book.
- Marcia, age 10 of Flint, MI
I loved these books from 1 to 12. They are exciting and keep you on the edge of your seat. Lemany Snicket does a good job of writing these master peices! So I hope he keeps it up. I'm on 12 now Where the kids find some secrets answered. Well what are you waiting for! Go to your libary and get this Book!
- James, age 12 of North Reading
This book is estravagant. I love how the book is unexpecting every time I read one of these I can't put it down because its soo good. I really want to read the twelth book its seems really good. I only read books from the first to the eleventh. One tip for new readers who want to read this book read it in order because if you don't the book sounds wierd. This book is really inspiring to me and I love Limony Snickets book. I'm just hoping that when the thirteen book comes out Limoney Snicket makes another novel. I would give this book five toes. This book rocks.
- Claire, age 8 of South Lyon, MI
I love this series so much. I have infinite love for them. And while I'm talking about infinity, I give it an infinite # of toes&fingers. Plus, Lemony Snicket should write an infinite amount of books. Boohoo- I'm almost at the end of the series--Here's all the books I've read from S. O. U. E.:Bad Beginning, Reptile Room, Wide Window, Miserable Mill, Austere Acadamey, Ersatz Elevator, Vile Village, and Hostile Hospital. Six more 2 go(including the autobiography). And #13. These books rrroooccckkk!!!
- Kelly, age 11 of Tustin, CA
I love the series of unfortunate events. Lemony makes the stories so clear and fun to read but I am so sad his last book came out in febuary. I am going to red them 500 times more.
- Jon, age 13 of Defiance, OH
I love this book because it fool of suspense and mysery. Plus it's fuuy. If I had to rate this book obn a scale of 1-10 I would give it a 10.
- Jezel, age 10 of Winnipeg, MB
I love this book because when you read it, you think inthe end there will be a happy ending for Violet, Klause, and Sunny. But there is no happy ending or maybe even an ending. This book sends me excitment when I'm reading it in classes.
- Olivia, age 14 of PA
This series is sooooo good. The stories and the character are very cool. I enjoy the way each story fits together and how it is so mysterious. I also love how VFD?? continues in each story as something else that makes as much sense as the other. I get the books each time a new one comes out and I hope that the series lasts forever.
- Cassie
I like the first 3 books, but the 4th book to me wasn't that good. I mean, it might be a good book for some peapole, but I have to sat I really did not like it to much.
- Miro, age 13 of Manila, Philippines
Love it! It's just so vague and unpredictable, you never know what's behind every cover.
- Sarah, age 11 of Toronto, ON
I realy enjoy the series of unfortunate events books because they are full of suspense and they make you never want to stop reading them!
- Kelsey, age 11 of Keizer, OR
I love the series of unfortunate events books because they are full of excitement, mystery and tragic events. My favorite one is The Reptile Room.
- Hope, age 11 of Huntington Beach, CA
LOVE IT!!! It never seems to end and you never want to pu the book down.
- Emily, age 13 of Buda, TX
These books are my favorite! Last year, I thought that the movie was going to be all the books put together (1-10), so in the first semester of school, I was in a huge rush to finish all the books, but when I found out that it was just the first 3, I wasn't mad, just dissapointed. 'Cause I could've slowed down! Right now, I'm working on the 12th book!
- Bushra, age 11 of Jersey City, NJ
It is a hilarious book and it is always suspence. My techer read us the book and it was awsome! It's about the baudilare orphans. Ther parents died in a fire. The have to stay with an evil "uncle". Read the book to find what happens to the orphans. It's the best!!!
- Dinker, age 10 of Darien, WI
I love these books. I love how they leave you hanging.
- Aaron, age 12 of Silver Lake, IN
Love it! They are so exciting and adventures. They keep you reading to find out more about the woeful Baudaulaires.
- Tareq, age 11 of New York City, NY
I love these series. The three Baulderlaire's parents died and they live with various family members. One of them is is unfortunatly Count Olaf. He is always planning to steal a large fortune that the oldest Violet inherits when she comes at age. This series of books has loads of suspense and a sad ending at almost every chapter.
- Jeanelly, age 11 of Las Vegas, NV
I love the series of unfotunate events. Ive started reading the series since I was in 3rd grade. I slowed down reading the series of unfortunate events at book 13. It started to get a little too complicated with those big words. Now it seems that it isnt a kids book anymore but more like an adult book.
- Farren, age 7 of Louisville, KY
Series of the Unfortune Events Books are really good because there are so many mysteries to solve and They are always good books.
- Danielle, age 13 of United Kingdom
A series of unfortunate events is a good series of books. I gave it five toes. My favourite character is Isadora Quagmire, because I just think that shes cool. I also like sunny, because she makes me laugh how he can bite through practicaly anything.
- Jada, age 9 of Gillespie, IL
I love them they're so good my best friend is on book 11 but I'm on book 6. That is the best sries of books I've read so far! The books were alot better than the movie, because the movie was only books 1-3 and it was all scrambled up but I still like the movie.
- Veronica, age 12 of Post Falls, ID
I love the sireies of unfourtunate events books! I'm on book number 8 and I love it so far. My favorite character is violit she likes to invent things just like I do. I also love to read like klaus, the middle child. I give these books five toes!!!
- Jessica, age 10 of MN
Personally, I did not like this book. I would give it 2 toes. You can always predict that Count Olaf (The bad guy/actor) will escape at the end of the book. After a couple of books the plots and characters get dull. It is also boring because the bauldalaire orphans always have bad luck, too much of 1 thing isn't good. The bright side of the story is the descriptive writing. Over all I did not like this book.
- Elantra, age 12 of Memphis, TN
I love " A series of unfortunate events". I have the whole collection. Right now I'm reading book the twelfth and it's so awsome. I can't wait until the next one comes out. Lemony Snicket is an excellent writer and he's my favorite author.
- Ilana, age 12 of Palo Alto, CA
Love it! The series of unfortunate events are now my foveorite book, they are intruiging as well as hillarious. These books are better than TV, they totaly rock!
- Aishwarya, age 11 of Pittsburgh, PA
It's super cool! I read all 12 books and you just can't put the book down until you've finished it, not even if you have a test the next day! If you haven't read it, I advise you to because you're missing out on a lot!
- Juliet, age 10 of Wilmington, NC
I definetly love these books! I was the first person in both classes to finish the series! Plus, when they started reading them, I hadn't started yet. I soon caught up, though! I have the DVD and I read the twelfth book in less than two hours!!!
- Delaney, age 8 of Middleport, NY
I love love love those books. The kids in the story kind of remind me of every single living being, because everyone feels lost at one time in thier lifes. I have the movie but I lost it I was so so so mad when I found out!!!
- Peege, age 11 of Langley, SC
I love these books! How the orphans never let Count Olaf get them down, how they have new adventures for me always to read, I just plainly love them!
- Susan, age 13 of Bluffton, IN
These books are really good. Lemony Snickit put a twist on them because instead of " happliy ever after" they end with more mysteries than when the book began.
- Hannah, age 10 of Portage, MI
I loved the books. Even though I olny got to the 5th one. I started them at the end of the summer so I had to stop to get books from school. They were not like the movie. I had seen the movie and then read the books. It kind of makes me mad when they make movies out of books or books of movies. My 2nd grade teacher said "Wihch ever came first is better."
- Gabi, age 9 of Newark, OH
I love it so far. Im only on the first one The Bad Beiggening. It inspiers me to want to write. It tells me something. It tells me not to act like I have it bad. Look at them they have not one thing they have no parents eather.
- Allyssa, age 12 of Fairfield, PA
I absolutely love the Series of Unfortunate Events books. They are great. Each book is filled with mysteries of fires, strange guardians, and unfortunate events.
- Vian, age 14 of Sacramento, CA
I love this series because it's so suspensful and it keeps you on the edge of your seat!! It's the best and I'm going to read the 12th book soon! I also love the movie!
- Carley, age 13 of Paragould, AR
I loved A Series Of Unfortunate Events! I have read almost all of them and it always keeps me wondering what Count Olaf will do next! The way Lemony Snickey describes everything so I dont have to guess what the word means is cool. The series is at an extent funny, scary, suspensful, and easy to understand. It makes me feel for the children of what bad luck that they always have.
- Hannah, age 10 of Kalamazoo, MI
A series of Unfortunate Events: they're ok. I mean some are more exciting than others thats all.
- Shelbie, age 11 of Spring, TX
Love them. They always make you want to read the next one. They are so exiting, and leave you wondering throughout the day what is going to happen. I love them. I read all of them twice.
- Sara, age 9 of Needham, MA
I think that they're okay, but a bit too unrealistic for me. I mean, Count Olaf shows up in every book (obviously), but it's a bit too much of him. On the other hand, they're mysterious and funny and suspensful, which I enjoy. I have mixed feelings... 3 toes.
- Violet, age 14 of Pflugerville, TX
Love it!!! These books are extreamly fun to read though some can be a little sad. Lemony Snicket is doing a great time with his work.
- Jacob, age 10 of Welland, ON
If there is one sereis that I love it is the sereis of unfortunate events. I can not imagne a sereis better than it. With Sunny, Violet, and Klaus it is a GREAT sereis. I'm on the 12th book in November 4 2005 and I'm going to keep reading them!
- Calen, age 13 of Paragould, AR
I love the books! It is so suspenseful. I have read every book and it is the best series of books I have ever read! It also gives me a better vocabulary because the author describes what the words mean.
- Annie, age 9 of Homestead, FL
I love theese books, and they're really good too! I love the moovie as well. My favorite character would probably be Violet!!! She is so smart. Sunny is a freind of mine's favorite character. Not to be a total copy-cat, but scince I read the the books, some things have improved: I love to invent, I love to read more (not that I didn't love reading already), and... chewing is easier!!! I LOVE theese books!!!
- Danny, age 13 of Deshler, NE
I looove these books. They have a great plot and the orphans no matter how many times their guradians are taken away, no matter how many times Count Olaf ruins their life, and they are moved from place to place, they don't tough it out and take life one step at a time. The plot amazing! I love the way that the plot intertwines with the author's life and the Baudelaires' Guardians are connected with one Very Freaky Dilemma! These books are funny and they teach you vocabulary! This series deserves 6 toes but, well, I only have 5! Read 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' by Lemony Snicket you'll love them!
- Tessa, age 12 of Toledo, OH
I love these books there awesome. I cant get enough these excellant books and if you love these books as much as I do, you just wont stop reading them.
- Scout, age 10 of Minneapolis, MN
I love this series ecause I like kinda dreary things and his books are kinda dreary.
- Jordan, age 10 of Ajax, ON
I love to read! But I especially like to read "The Series of Unfortunate Events". Because they are exciting, thrilling and have a good story line. And becuase they are very good books to read and I think you would enjoy them too.
- Elisa, age 11 of Modesto, CA
I love this series!!! The 12th was awsome. I love the writing style of Lemony Snicket.
- Liz, age 11 of Yardley, PA
I love these books! Lemony Snicket is an awesome writer and I'm really sad that the 12th book is the second-to-last book in the series. Well, it makes sense to make thirteen books since the Baudilare children are pretty unlucky.
- Rachel, age 12 of Cottage Grove, MN
These books are so totally awesome! I'm only on the eighth book but so far, the series rocks!
- Leeanna, age 12 of Wallowa, OR
A Series of Unfortunate Events are my Favorite Books!!! I like them because Lemony Snicket has such a neat way of putting the right words together to create a story that makes you feel as if you are right there inside of the story. Not only that but the story it's self is so clever it makes you want to read more and more. When you learn what happens to the Baudelaire children and the terrible person who tries to steal their fortune, you will beg for more. My sister and I both love reading the books. The movie is on our favorite list too! The awsome stories of Voilet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire are some of the best books yet! A 5 toes series if I ever saw one!
- Omar, age 11 of Perrysburg, OH
I love a series of unfortunate events because the stories are always different.
- Megan, age 14 of Renton, WA
I like these books alot because even if they aren't supposed to be, they're funny! I also like Lemony Snicket's writing style. I just started reading these but the first two were excellent! Definitely five toes!
- Kristin, age 11 of Corona, CA
Oh my gosh! This series is amazing! The series are the best books I've ever read! You just gotta read them!
- Jasmin, age 12 of Las Vegas, NV
Love the books, love the movie. Im onley on the 8th book though. My favorite would have to be the 6th one.