- Britney, age 10 of Kentwood, MI
i love my wii fit.
- Anna, age 10 of West Virginia, WV
well its good because you get exersize.
- Cesar, age 10 of Rochester
It is so fun I cannot stop playing it.
- Hannah, age 12 of St. Charles, MO
I love it is so much fun. I especially like hoola hooping, ski jump, strength training, YOGA!!!:)
- Mackenzie, age 10 of Cleveland, OH
I like Wii fit because I like playing soccer. So cool that I play soccer.
- Ashely, age 9 of Hays, AB
Wii Fit is TOTALLY awesome!!! I think all the Games are fantastic!!!
- Sarita, age 9 of Fort Worth, TX
I really like it. You can be fit and have fun at the same time! I like the hula hoop
- Daniel, age 10 of Cherry Valley, CA
I love wii fit
- Garret, age 14 of Atlanta, GA
I do Like it. The Thing Is It will get Old. I think the more sporty Type will like it! I think if you have you need to constantly buy new games to not get too bored of it.
- Rachel, age 6 of AR
it is so so fun games like soccer!
- Riley, age 13 of Vero Beach, FL
it is really fun and worth the cash. I relly like it.
- Celeste, age 10 of Sun Valley
I love the wii fit because its a fun game and because you are doing excersize. You should try it.
- Carmen, age 13 of AR
i love it its fun fun fun!
- Claire, age 9 of Georgetown, TX
My family got Wii Fit for christmas 2008. At first we started to play it but after a while we drifted off to other things but it's cool because you get to exersice on a extremly hot or cold day.
- Mick, age 5 of Seattle
Its awesome.
- Bob, age 11 of Boob, NE
The best game system!!! My Grandparents even have one!!
- Jess, age 10 of Surrey, BC
It's my favorite things stuffed into one: Nintendo Wii and Sports. Five toes.
- Paige, age 12 of Greenville, SC
I think Wii Fit is great because there is so many games you can play in ways you would have never thought of playing them. In the balance games, you control your person just by moving or tilting your body. In the aerobic games, you play a game just as if you were doing the actual activity. That's brilliant! Wii Fit also gets you in good shape, and it is fun for all ages. I give it five toes!
- ZOOM Fan
I love Wii Fit! The games are so much fun. I do think that people should also exercise outside, too.
- Mary, age 11 of Kirkwood, MO
Awesome!!! I have improved my posture in a fun way!
- Maria, age 11
It's athletic, but fun. It's neat!
- Ryan, age 14 of Philadelphia, PA
Wii Fit rocks!! It really helps me control my weight and calms me down by doing yoga activities. It also has tons of fun games that help control your balance and are also good for your body. Rock on, Wii Fit!
- Brianna, age 16 of Albuquerque, NM
I don't have the wii fit, but my brother has a wii system. I think people need to learn how to exercise outside, or at least without a tv. My best friend is a horse rider. I think more people need to get into classic sports, take walks, and spend time with family. Tv is good for somethings, but it can't be a subsitute for real things.
- Rebecca, age 11 of NC
It's realy fun, you can excercise when it is raining, snowing...
- Stephanie, age 12 of Clermont, NJ
This game is great! It made me start to enjoy exercising more than ever!