- Kelby, age 16 of Los Angeles, CA
Love it! Love iT Love it! Because it is about meramids! Awesome.
- Abigail, age 9 of Bangor Maine, ME
i loved it because I like fantasys and emily and everybody else had sooo much character best book in a long time!!!
- Helen, age 13
I really liked this book, since it was full of imagination. It got me really thinking about how life would be like if I was a mermaid, which I would think of as awesome! I guess most people don't enjoy it because they don't like mermaids or anything like that, but if you do, you would love this book!
- Lauren, age 9 of Canton, MI
I liked this book because I like mermaids and fiction. It was exciting and I look forward to reading the next book.
- Lae, age 11 of Dallas, TX
I love it I have the whole series!
- Ana, age 10 of Los Angeles, CA
i loved this book because is full of adventure. and if you are really in it you feel you are really there.
- Nat, age 10 of Norfolk, VA
I love it! It has so much adventure!
- Amber, age 10 of Maccley
love it its a great book its fun to read I never want to stop it is so cooli wish I was a mermaid cant wait to read another book that she wrote
- Rachel, age 11 of Taos, NM
I loved it so much that I couldm't put my book down!!!
- Grace, age 12 of Shawnee, OK
Loved it! Best book ever. So want the other three. Liked it so much that I gave it to my best friend. Has the positive message of believing in yourself.
- Zainab, age 10 of Glendale, AZ
I love it. my friends keep talking about it.
- Hannah, age 13 of Waukesha, WI
I loved this book! It was very creative how she shows everyone she's a mermaid and wipes out their memories!
- Elizabeth, age 14 of Andover, MA
I love the third book because it was a great story. I thought it was a lot better the the 2nd and the 3rd one.
- Claire, age 9 of Manama
i love it. its one of the best books I read. you shold get the book its amazing. i cant wait for the movie to come out!!!
- Paige, age 12 of Revere
I love this book!! I needed a summer reading book so I just grabbed that one and surprisingly it was awesome
- Doris, age 13 of FL
I love it!!!
- Abbey, age 11 of CA
i only read this book because it was easy and I neede to write a book report for school. I didnt like it personally becuase I am not really into mermaids. I think this book is targeted for kids younger then me. all I can say is if you like mermaids you like this book. otherwise you might not.
- Kaela, age 10 of Town Of Canmore, AB
I love this book because Ive always loved water all my life it feels magical and it makes you feel special also. My point is that I've always wanted a tail and now it makes me feel anything can happen its also very descripteve and I love it.
- Ciara, age 10 of Philadelphia, PA
I loved this book!!! It was so, so, so great!!!
- Mary Jane, age 11 of Fairfax, VA
i'll bet all of you 1, 000, 000 dollars its all a dream. I liked it at first, but it got too big, and it's rotten.
- Lauren & Christina, age 11 of MD
love it because, we like mermaids and this book is great for best friends.
- Christina, age 11 of Baltimore, MD
I love this book. me and my friend are reading the whole sereis.
- Omarri, age 11 of Cleveland, OH
the tale of emily windsnap is such a good book! I love it so much! its so cool!
- Jennifer, age 12 of Rockwall, TX
I love this book! It's one of my favs. The only thing I don't like is when Mystic Millie does all that "psychic" stuff. Other than that, it's a great book!
- Camryn, age 9 of Monticello, NY
I really love emily windsnap I can, t wait for book2 and book3 I want to see a movie of emily windsnap
- Ariel, age 10 of Hillsbro, OR
- Trinity, age 6 of Gurnee, IL
I love that book! I have the whole collection. My mom says "Keep on reading it!"
- Jill, age 10 of Evans, GA
I love this book! I would like it to be a movie.
- ZOOM Fan, age 11 of Eyleseburg, PA
i sugest this book to girls in the us. this book is funny! i'm letting all my friends barow this book best book. besides twilight saga of course!
- Aleah, age 12 of Sewell, NJ
it was great because of the awesomee king neptunee!
- Jordan, age 13 of CA
"The Tail of Emily Windsnap" was just an average book, not horrible, but nothing special. The 2nd and 3rd books were a big let-down compared to this one.
- Jilly, age 11 of --
Oh my gosh I adore this book! I can't wait to read the 2nd and 3rd books! EVERYONE should read this book!
- Emily, age 10 of FL
I don`t like it. I love it!!! I`ve only gotten to chapter four and I`m already hooked to it. My favorite charecter is Emily.
- Connie, age 14 of Appleton, WI
I really, really liked it, but the third book in the series, "Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist," is better.
- Jess, age 15 of Bixby, OK
I loved this book so much when I was in fifth grade and I still love it and Im in ninth grade!
- Victoria, age 13 of Martin, TN
I remember reading this book when I was in third grade and its been four years since then and I still love it! It's just simply amazing how I can just lose myself in this book. Before I read it I hated reading and thought it to be hard. Now I see reading as an entirely new world of imagination and wonder. In the past four years I'd have to say that I've read hundreds of books. I've even thought about being an author when I grow up. And I owe it all to this wonderful, amazing book. Without it I never would have found my love of words.
- Bethany, age 11 of Cincinnati, OH
I LOVE this book!!! I have always loved stuff that had to do with water and I absolutely LOVED this book. I couldn't put it down!
- Rebecca, age 9 of Vancouver, WA
I love The Tail of Emily Windsnap beacaue it explains about a young girl finding out shes a mermaid. It's better than great, it's too cool to believe! I love it!
- Margaret, age 11 of Fort Dodge, IA
it stinks.
- Mirra, age 12 of Philidalphia, PA
The tale of Emily Windsnap was alright because it starts out kind of boring.
- Cassandra, age 10 of Monticello, IL
i loved it. it is the most best thing in the world. I redad that book like 5 times. it is so cool. I love this book. it is the best I read all of the series.
- Emily, age 13 of Oldy, OH
i loved it because it's a great heart waming story. I think they should make it a movie and I'm just like her!
- Hannah, age 12 of Bardstown, KY
It's all right. Nothing earth shattering, but not completely dull either. I haven't read it in awhile, actually, so I may read it sometime soon.
- Carly, age 10 of New York City, NY
I love it! I read it in third grade for a book report and coudn't put it down. I read it in 2 days. I recomend it 2 anyone who loves fiction. I give it infenity toes!
- Jessica, age 16 of Staten Island, NY
I love this book sooo much!!!
- May, age 13 of NJ
I love it! It is my fav book! I have read it like 6 times. I just love how she becoms a mermaid. I think that is so cool!
- Layla, age 10 of Braintree
i liked it. my mom and I read it together. it was ok. I give it about 4 toes.
- Sara, age 10 of Ar, AR
It's LOL I love that book if you like a great story for girls this is IT!
- Erica, age 10 of ON
It's awesome!!
- Nick of Nyc, NY
I'm in the middle of reading the book and I really like it so far, I mean its what I always dreamed of... having the bottom half of a fish
- Anna, age 10 of New York City, NY
Not a favorite, I can tell u that! Wasn't very descriptive! I had 2 do a book report, and part of it was setting! I had the hardest time trying to compare the setting to mine, becuz they dont talk about it! I told my teacher and she read the book and said the same thing! She told me just to skip the setting! Sorry but this was a terrible book!!!
- Heather, age 13
loved it. it was a really quick read though. I read it in less than a day. I look forward to reading the other books in the series.
- Hannah, age 9 of Summerville, SC
the tail of emily windsnap is a great book, because I like mermaids. but impotantley why I like this book isshe turns into a mermaid.
- Emily, age 11 of GA
i really loved this book! I read it in one day. while I was reading it, I really felt like I was in the ocean.
- Megan, age 13 of Phoenix, AZ
This is the best book I have ever read. After reading the first I went out and go tht e second. Then when I saw the third at my bookfair, I bought that too! I can't wait to get the emily windsnap friendship book which comes out april 2009.
- Laura, age 11 of Philadelphia, PA
I love this book because it is like you are Emily Windsnap in all these crazy things!
- Rachel, age 9 of Belleville, NJ
This is my most fave series in the universe along with the harry potter books lol!!! 5 toes!!!
- Greta, age 8 of Berwyn Heights
I love it!! When I first read it it was very exciting. When I read it the second time I already remembered the story. It was a heart warming "tail"!
- Sam, age 10 of Mechanicsburg, PA
I love the emily windsnap books because it got a great problem and a solution.
- Emily, age 11 of Rock Hill, SC
I loved this book. The best thing about the book is how it describes everthing around her like her family, freinds, home, and her underwater. I think lots of other girls should read this book.
- Jojo, age 11 of TN
Emily windsnap is great so far I am still readind it!!! Bye I got to go read!!!
- Madelynn, age 14 of Seattle, WA
I love the Emily Windsnap series because she's awsome and I wish she was in a movie maybe animation or live-action
- Jordan, age 12 of Torrance, CA
OMG I loved these books I could not stop reading them they are so intrigueing i totally reccomend it
- Marisa, age 10 of Woodinville, WA
Im back again, and now for Christmas I am wishing me and my friends to be half mermaid. Anyone Read Phillipa Fisher's Fairy Godsister? Its by the same author and its AWESOME!! I'll post on here again if I become a mermaid. Bye.
- Hannah, age 12 of Pittsfield, MA
I completely LOVE the books they're wonderful!
- Aby, age 12 of ON
As soon as I started this book, my eyes wouldnt move off the page! Its soo addicting and awesome! I love it! I recomend it to mostly girls, maybe guys!
- Stephanie, age 12 of Comton, CA
i totally like it because I love fantasy. SO I TOTALLY LOVE MERMAIDS.
- Joe
It's OK I guess. But Ingo is SO much better. 3 Toes for Emily
- Paige, age 12 of Gorham, ME
My aunt got this for me for my birthday. I didn't think it looked good, but read it anyway. It was the best book I've ever read! I rented the second and loved it, too! Now I'm headed over to my library to get the third.
- Shalaka, age 10 of North Andover, MA
This book is great Ilove mythical ceatures and mermaids. This a cool book. I read it and the sequel I had no clue there is a third one. But this is a 5 toe book!
- Marisa, age 10 of WA
I LOVED It. Haven't finished it yet but I am thirty pages away! Yes I want to be a part time mermaid too. I can't beleive mr. beeston was a merman who worked for neptune!!!
- Madison, age 9 of Ashville, OH
I loved it!!! It was definitely the best book in history! I recommend this book for any girl who loves mermaids! My BFF Victoria and I say it's our special series!(We are mermaid nuts!)I hope they make a movie of it and make the series never end!!!
- Dean, age 12 of Abbeville, LA
I never realy liked reading until I read this book I finished it in four days!!! and now that I'm done I can't wait to read the sequel.
- Jayme, age 11 of Delaware, OH
I love it!!! It's the best book I've ever read!
- Jayme, age 11 of Delaware, OH
This is my FAVORITE book ever I have all 3. The first one is my favorite. I read about 2 hours every night I know that sorta wierd but I love reading. Out of all the book I've read This is the best one EVER!!!
- Fese, age 9 of Little Rock, AR
i like it because it was part scary, enchanting, misteryios, funny and, sad.
- Anna, age 9 of MA
I just finished reading it and it is like the best book. I would give it a 5 for awesome.
- Sera, age 10
I LOVE THIS BOOK! I love the second one too, I havn't read the 3rd (The Castle in the mist) but I might get it soon! 1000000 toes! just kidding, 5!
- Victoria of Colorado Springs, CO
This book was pretty good. At first, it seemed boring, but by the third chapter, I was hooked!
- Karina, age 10 of San Diego, CA
I LOVED IT!!! It's a great book and every girl should read it.
- Emily, age 10 of Philadelphia, PA
It's a prity good book. I gave it 4 toes. My friend told me to read it and I liked it. I'm prity boyish but I enjoyed it. It had a good plot and it was magical too. I also read the two after it "Emily Windsnap and the Monster From the Deep" and "Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist." Emily Windsnap is a thirteen year old girl who has never been alowed to be fully submerged in water. She convinces her mom to let her go to swim class at school and Emily relizes that she's a mirmaid. She finds out her Father was a merman too. Her mother and father got married but it was not allowed with the mirmaids. She had never met her father, and now she knew why.
- Julia, age 10 of Long Beach, CA
One of my favorites my friend gave it to me. fell in love. Great book
- Katherine, age 12
I really like it. it was a little predictable, and there are things that I wouldn't have happen. I think it was kind of one of those writers who have good ideas, but aren't the best at writing them. four toes?
- Sara, age 12 of WA
I loved it because it talked about being a mermaid and I think it would be cool to be a mermaid.
- Chelsea, age 13
i luv this book so much! its one of my favorites!!! I actually dont really like to read, but I read all three books in this series and they were all great!!! I think this one was the best of the series!!! if u need a quick book to read u should definietly read this one!!
- Anna, age 10 of Minneapolis, MN
love it. But it is really predictable and sometimes got really dull and boring. I tried reading the second one but it was bad. Hesitantly 5 toes.