- Zahid, age 12 of Chula Vista, CA
i love wizards of waverly place because it has laughs and action, and the series is good for the whole family. so in other words it is a great show.
- Madeline, age 10 of Dallas, TX
AWESOME!!! special effects really good
- Sadie, age 14 of FL
This show is funny. I love watching it. It's a fun show, and Selena Gomez is amazing in it. The episodes are always awesome.:) I can really relate to the show. Without the magic, of course. But being the middle child, a girl, and having a bit a of a tomboy/gross/I'll do anything/ side to you. Selena is good at portraying this role, and her co-stars Jake T. Austin and David Henrie just make it funnier. They're always trying to plan revenge on Alex or get her in trouble. I give this show 5!
- Anika, age 10 of Carollton, TX
I love Wizards of Waverly Place!!! It is the best show ever. I watch it online. My favorite character is Alex. Plus they are so funny!!! I really crack up! Anyways, that is why I like that show.
- Emily, age 11 of Brighton
i love wizard of wp because its sooo like me, soo funny!!
- Ashlyn, age 8 of Baytown, TX
i do not like it because it is not interesting for me
- Audrey, age 6 of Brandon, CT
i love it because alex is funny!
- Deonna, age 10 of Pensacola, FL
I think the show is awsome. But sometimes I feel a bit more humor and other settings should be added in. If you had that it would be 5 toes but for now 4 toes. Keep up the good work!
- Catherine of Prairie Du Chien, WI
This is a cool show! I've always thought it would be fun to be in that family and be able to use magic powers. Me and my sister watch it every Saturday! It's fun to watch.
- Ashlee, age 16 of New Haven, MI
I love it!! The character I am most like is Alex!! Selena Gomez is the best actress ever!! I love the movie and the song and music video for Magic!!
- Bailey, age 12 of Rochelle, IL
love it because alex and her brothers are funny.
- Chris, age 9 of Dennis, MA
I cannot wait to see the second season opener of Wizards of Waverly Place. It's my favorite show. I have two favorite characters. They are Alex and Harper. My favorite episode is Crazy 10 Minute Sale.
- Anna, age 8 of Havertown, PA
I like Wizards of Waverly Place because Alex is really funny.
- Yassin, age 10 of New York, NY
Kinda of nice. My favorite episode is when max keeps imitating people like jerry seinfeld. Hilarous!!!
- Hannah, age 13 of Waukesha, WI
Wizards of Waverly Place is awful! Their special effects, awful. The plot of their shows, boring! This show is just waaay too dull.
- Bethany, age 8 of Glen Burnie, MD
me & one of my friends watch it on the computer every weekend!!! I love how Alex uses magic to do hard things & drives Justin & her dad nuts-o!!!
- Marina, age 9 of FL
well I like it because of alex.
- Ella, age 11 of Huyton, UK
I think it's alright, but it could do with some more imaginative jokes.
- Lily, age 7 of Mt.Julite, TN
i love it!!! alex is so cool!!! it's the best non-teching show there is!!!
- Emily, age 8 of TX
Awesome show! It's one of my favorites! The new movie is very good also! I give 4 toes!
- Brittany, age 7 of Milford, MA
Love it - it's funny, has magic and I wish I really had magic - I practice magic at home with my dad, sometimes we get it right and sometimes we get spells that go wrong too just like Alex, Justin and Max!!!
- Hannah, age 12 of New Gloucester, ME
I really like Wizards of Waverly Place. Even though it has magic and stuff in it I still love it. It is like the only show I watch on Disney. 5 toes!
- Amy, age 11 of CT
I love Wizards Of Waverly Place beacause its really interesting and funny! I love Alex!!!
- Chynna, age 9 of Jackson, GA
Wizards of Waverly Place is sooo cool! I love Alex because she's funny and I like her clothes and hair. Max is really funny too! The movie was even better than the show! I love it!
- Emili, age 12 of IL
This is show is a rip of of Bewitched! things like the truth spell and manakin, super smart and others happened in bewitched first!!
- Kaitlyn, age 13 of St.Louis, MO
I love it... all my friends watch it because the jokes are hilarious and it is a great show for all ages...
- Becca, age 12 of Boise, ID
I love WOWP! Selena brings her real--life attitude into Alex and, in the end, it all comes together in an awesome way. The plots are funny, and Max always makes me laugh with his child-ish quotes.
- Fabrizio, age 8 of Montreal, QC
i kinda like it. my fave eposiode is when they guest star on Suite Life on Deck. my fave character is Max Russo because he is exciting to watch. It's the only show on t. v. now that there is wizards and relates to our lives.
- Avery, age 8 of Chino Hills, CA
its really funny because it always gives me the giggles and my cousin was on this show too
- Zavier, age 12 of Springfield, TN
i love wizards of waverly place.
- Madison, age 12
This show is pretty good. But as you get older it gets sort of boring. It's designed for kids who don't like Harry Potter, or just can't get ahold of the movies. The acting is not fake, they are given lines. Also Hananar, no offense, but sometimes the Harry Potter movies can get pretty bad. (Don't get me wrong, I love the series.)
- Ian, age 11 of Dickson City, PA
I love it because its so fun to wach and I get a laugh from it. I can also relate to their problems because I have them all the time.
- Ella, age 10 of Peoria, IL
I absolutely love this show. It's one of my favorites. I can't wait for the movie!
- Julie, age 10 of Brigus, NF
I love it!!! I especilly love alex and the episode when there's a recall on the body switching spell and alex has harpers brain besides her own.
- Cleveland of Boynton Beach, FL
I love wizards of waverly place. Its cool cause of the spells that they use, sometimes I wish I can use them on people. Alex is my favorite character cause she likes to use her power's the most. Im like a power freak, I love power shows!!!
- Sara, age 14 of Philadelphia, PA
Eh, I don't really care for it much myself. Its kind of random, and the acting is terrible, honestly. I mean, Hannahmontanan is that great either, since the acting all looks fake. So in my opinon I wouldn't even be able to watch it for fun. Sorry, but they really need to come up with a story line for the rest of the shows they make.
- Kayla, age 12 of Hooksett, NH
i love that show because it has selena gomez in it, she is my idol no lie and she is goregous!! no lie and shes just awesom me and my friends just love her!! and she has a great singing voice.
- Zavier, age 12 of Spring Field, TN
i love wizards of waverly place.
- Aleena, age 10 of Lake Elsinore, CA
its awsome because it has selena gomez.
- Hananar, age 12 of ME
what would you rather watch wizards of waverly place with stupid acting or watch harry potter which is like that same thing but good acting? soon they are going to make alex start singing if they havent yet!
- Allanah, age 9 of Brisbane, Australia
i love it. my favourite characters are justin and max. I love this show because im like alex because im sneaky and get in trobble not as mutch as alex.
- Miya, age 7 of Rock Hill, SC
This show is so cool. The spells and every thing. I watch it every day when I come home from school. My favorite spell is next door ivtorerem. I love Alex, Max, Justin. Their realiy cool.
- Mackenzie, age 7 of Ackley, IA
wizards of waverly place is the best show in the world!! it is sooo funny! I love alex and harper!
- Caroline, age 10 of NC
i love that show so so so much.
- Tiffany, age 12 of Liverpool, NS
It's my favourite show. My fave character is Alex because she is funny
- Sakina, age 12 of Washington, DC
love that show! It's really cool. I love it because every episode is like another adventure! And Alex is awesome!
- Jasmine, age 9 of Cleveland
i love wizards of waverly place because they do a lot of magic.
- Mark, age 8 of Bedford
alxs is so crasey.
- Sophie, age 10 of Warner Robins, GA
I watch it sometimes but most of the time I'm watchin icarly.
- Zee, age 13 of Elmont, NY
To Yolanda, that is the point, it is a show about wizards. I love the show and Alex is the best. Max is a dumb character and Justin is just annoying.
- Livvy, age 10 of New York, NY
I really like Wizards of Waverly Place. One, because Alex is probably how I'll act in five years, two, I love Harry Potter and the magic, and three, who doesn't think Max is adorable?
- Nathan, age 8 of Columbus, IN
I like wizards of waverly place because it has magic and teaching.
- Jack, age 13 of Sheffield, England
I really don't like this show. Almost all the episodes are about Alex. The special effects they use are rubbish, and it's just not funny. The concept is nice but the way they pulled it off is just lame.
- Becca, age 8
Wizards of waverly place is sweet! My favorite character is harper and alex.
- Kaitlyn, age 8
it's really cool and my favorite character is Max he is funny and cute.
- Mackayla, age 14 of Cleveland, OH
There are just too many things about casting spells! That's not very good. Also the kids on this show are sarcastic and disrespectful. A rotten show, it gets a quarter of a toe.
- Afiya, age 11 of New York
love it.
- Yolanda, age 12 of Atlanta, GA
Wizards of Waverly Place is not my kind of show; it has too much magic.
- Anjali, age 9 of Staten Island, NY
I give it an averge of 4 toes. pretty good.
- Chimati of Colorado Springs, CO
I love it!!! It ia awesome!!! It is very funny!!!
- Elly, age 12 of Indianapolis, IN
I think Wizards of Waverly Place is hysterical! My parents don't exactly like it because of the way the kids act on the show, and I guess I agree a little. But I understand that I can watch any kind of TV as long as I don't act that way. I think it is very funny and the actors/actresses are pretty and amazing.
- Benjamin, age 15 of Miami, FL
i really really dont care for this show at all period. its just plain awful the humor is atrocious the storyline in every episode is bad and the acting is so bad that I would rather watch paint dry. I mean this show is just unoriginal and sometimes makes no sense. and so I would just end up giving it one toe. plain and simple.
- Nicole, age 14 of Mississauga, ON
Wizards of Waverly Place is an awesome show! I wish life were like that: casting all those spells to get what you want!
- Jackie, age 7 of Lynchburg, VA
I love Waverlv Place!!!
- Anika, age 10 of Carrollton, TX
It is my favorite show!!! Of corse it is awesome!!! I wach it every day. It is also funny too. It is funny to me. Mabe it might be funny to you. That is why it is my favorite show.
- Sierra, age 12 of Wasilla, AK
The humor in it is good but I don't appreciate how they use magic powers and spells.
- Alan, age 6 of Carrboro, NC
It is soo cool!!! Id give it 10 toes!!
- Amber, age 9 of Corunna
i love wizards of waverly place beacuse I like the ideas and how they make magic. And its varry goood!!
- Krayola, age 16
The few times I have watched it it has been quite entertaining... I can relate somewhat to the characters... when you break it down its a good show... age has nothing to do with tastes it just influences them...
- Ariana, age 12
I LOVE Wizards of waverly place!!! its my favorite show!!!
- Megan, age 13 of Chicago, IL
Overall, this is a good show. Some of the storylines are a little flat but the cast has good chemistry and are good actors/actresses.
- Mary, age 11 of Julian, PA
I like Wizards of Waverly Place, because I like the consept that the kids are wizards. I don't like though, that Alex can sometimes be disrespectful to her parents, and lately has been really mean to her brother Justin.
- Destinee, age 7 of Fort Wright, KY
I love waverly place because they are funny.
- Trinity, age 7 of Fairbanks, AK
I always watch Wizards of Waverly place I like the one were Alex learns to make other wizards heads turn around and Max, s head did because he did not hold his head
- Chris, age 12 of San Mateo, CA
Wizards of Waverly Place is the best worst show ever made in the history of the universe.
- Quinn, age 8 of MI
i love your show could you show it more on tv becaese when something boreing on I can just put on wizards of waverly place.
- Ariel, age 12 of Falls Church
I love it so much because I have so many connections to the book and especially the show! My favorite person that acts on the show is Selena Gomez because she does a very good job and Selena If you see this I just want to tell you that your really awesome!
- Erin, age 12 of Roanoke, VA
This show is about three teenaged wizards. I think its ok, but this show, like many others, has the same plot every time it is on tv. I think kids have sofar enjoyed this show because of the crazy people on it. When you watch this show, you' re going to laugh and want more.
- Jaylen
love it becausei like Alex how she gets away with evry thing
- Aashna, age 14 of Phoenix, AZ
i ove it because it has cool characters and david henrie was the grand marshal of the fiesta bowl parade he is from wizards of waverly place the show totaly rocks every boy or girl should watch this show seriously if a kids parents dont let the kid watch the show what kind of parents are they anyway
- Elizabeth, age 7 of Halltom City, TX
I love it because they are magic in tv.
- Jenny, age 15 of Boston, MA
WOWP is a great show. Selena Gomez is a great actress. The show is also really funny!
- Blanka, age 14 of MO
Um... it's like... well, okay, but the kid wif the talking wart is creepy!:3 But Abby, u r right it is better than Hannah Montana!:D
- Olivia, age 9 of Richmond, VA
I love Wizards of Waverly Place! The charcters always get into trouble and find a way out. Plus they use magic which is awwesome!
- Taylor, age 10 of St. Louis, MO
love it because its disney
- Stephanie, age 14 of New York, NY
I Like Wizards of Waverly place and hannah montana beause it is funny.
- Rayn of Malvern, NY
i love wizards of wavely park it is just sooooooooooo much fun to watch my dad and mom love it to lol!!!
- Abby, age 11 of GA
The BEST show I have seen in years! Un like hannah montana the acting is great!
- Maurice, age 14 of Detroit, MI
i love this show. alex is so pretty. the show is also extremely funny. my favorite characters are alex, harper, max, and justin. they are really cool and have great chemistry as the cast. I love it. rock on wizards!!!
- Deenah, age 15 of The Colony, TX
I'm not that fond of WOWP. It just seems too blah. Max is the best thing on this show; Alex, Harper, and Justin are just too fake...
- Anna, age 9 of Oelwein, IA
I love it because Alex messes with her brothers.
- Katie, age 12 of Milwaukee, WI
I love it! By the way ZOOMers, I see right through your funky hats! This is a great show to watch!
- Trinity, age 9 of Shreveport, LA
I love the way how they use magic with out get hurt. On one of the episoede max there little bro. walks on walls to catch a evil deli rober.
- Shawna, age 11 of Kahului, HI
I love love love WWP (Wisards of Waverly Place) Disney Channal is Better than ever.
- Tania, age 11 of West Midlands
I love wizards of waverly place because alex is funn and max and I love justin really much. I wish to have all of their family in wizards of waverly place!
- Clari, age 9 of Houston, TX
I love the wizards of waverly place because david is so cute and sel and nick make such a great couple!!!
- Makala, age 14 of Beaumont, TX
I like the wizards of waverky place because it lets people know a family would be if magic really did extest.
- Georgia, age 11 of Brisbane
I love it because I love that all the kids have different personalitys. Alex always gets in to trouble using her powers and Justen always has to get her out of it and Max he uses his powers for kids stuff. Also I'm in to all of this stuff.
- Atvom, age 8 of Florida, MA
I don't like it because it is boring.
- Yaressi, age 10 of Phoenix, AZ
it is cool, funny and, I love how selena gomez sings.
- Rory, age 10 of Danville, PA
I love Wizards of Waverly Place!! It innvolves really funny scenes!!
- Tori, age 7
I love it because it has lots of magic!
- Darby, age 9 of Goodlettsville, TN
It's funny and stupid at the same time. It's funny because of the situations Alex gets into, and stupid because of the spells they use. Using a spell to make everyone tell the truth? Try slipping Veritasuirim in the tea! It's good if you want laughs, but for real magic, try Harry Potter!
- Rachelle, age 13 of Plumas Lake, CA
I don't care much for the show, although the magic part is cool.
- Patricia, age 9 of Toronto
i so love wizards of waverly plece cause Selena Gomez plays Alex. the best episode is the one when Harper got invited to this tea party at GiGi's hotel and alex does this spell and everybody starts telling the truth and the hotels name is so long that I cant say it XD!!! thats why I love wizards of waverly polace:)
- Angelica, age 9 of Panorama, CA
wizards of waverly place? man thzt show is so AWESOME especially when Alex brought a manican to life sooooo hilarious props 2 u Selena Gomez your an awesom actress!
- Brittany, age 13 of Caldwell
I love it becuase its funny and Harper is crazy. I love the dad to because he blams Alex for everything because she is his little princess!
- Shayla, age 11 of NJ
I love wizards of waverly place because the magic is awesome
- Jonathan, age 11 of Richmond, MO
I think WoWP has some great comedy, but Alex is so bratty and not that bright. 3
- Maurice, age 14 of Detroit, MI
I love it. Alex is super pretty. She is super funny along with Max and Justin.