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Pet Survey Results!

Part 2: Kids with more pets are more likely to own "low-maintenance" animals as pets. 
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bar graph comparing the percentage of zoomers who own lots of dogs to those who own lots of fish
We've assumed that fish need less maintenance than dogs. So, are kids with more pets more likely to own low-maintenance fish than high-maintenance dogs?

Here's a brilliant bar chart built with ZOOMer stats. Two groups are labeled across the bottom: kids with only 1 pet, and kids with 8 pets. The percentage of kids in these groups who own a dog or a fish is listed up the side.

Looks like people who own 8 pets are more than twice as likely to own a fish than a dog. 27.1% of these kids own a fish, but only 11.4% own a dog.

Hey, guess what? The evidence supports Part 2 of our second hypothesis! Yee hah!

And you know what that means...c'mon...yeah, you do.

Go to the next page!
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