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Pet Survey Results!

Part 2: Do older kids finish their pet chores more quickly than younger kids? 
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graph correlating average age of zoomers to the time they spend caring for their pets
Here's another nifty line graph plum full of ZOOMer data. Kids' ages are listed across the bottom of the graph. The average amount of time, in minutes per week, kids spend on pet chores is listed up the side.

So, whatZup here?

The graph shows that older kids actually do spend more time on pet chores than younger kids. That means Part 2 of our hypothesis is false.

Remember, to accept that hypothesis, we needed both its parts to be true. But these ZOOMer data don't support this second part. In scientific terms, we'd say this evidence refutes our first hypothesis.

You might be saying to yourself, "Bummer!" or "I can't believe we spent all this time just to find out this hypothesis was wrong!"

But remember: finding out what's false is just as important as finding out what's true.

Besides, we've got a whole other hypothesis to try on for size . . . .

Second hypothesis!
not yet implemented