Balloon Jam
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Sent in by Matthew of NJ
Get packing!
This game is for 6 or more players and should be played in an open area.
To set up the game, each team needs a suitcase and an equal number of blown-up balloons. The referee needs a stopwatch (or a watch with a second hand) to time the game.
Divide into 2 even teams.
You have 60 seconds to fill a suitcase with as many balloons as you can.
At the end of the 60 seconds, you have to shut the suitcase. Be careful of everyone's fingers when you shut the suitcase! If any of the balloons pop when you shut the suitcase, then they don't count.
Now open the suitcases and count the balloons.
The team with the most balloons in their suitcase is the winner.
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