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  Broom Hockey list of games 
Sent in by: Paiton T. of Dequincy, LA

ZOOM with your broom.

Divide into two teams. The game works best if you can have at least three people on each team.

You need brooms for hockey sticks, a tennis ball as your hockey puck, 4 plastic bottles for the goals, and some masking tape to lay out the rink.

Using the masking tape, lay out a rectangular shaped hockey rink, with a line splitting the rink in half. That's your center line.

At each far end, use 2 plastic bottles to mark your goals.

If you want, you can start with a face-off at the center line.

Play it like hockey or soccer.

Decide on a length of time for the game. The team to score the most goals in that time wins.

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