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Sent in by: Kayla of NC

Pass the picture, please

This game is like the game telephone, but instead of passing words down a line, players pass a drawing.

Each player needs a sheet of drawing paper taped to his back and a marker. (Except for Player 1, she just needs a marker.)

Players get in a line, with each player facing the back of the person in front of her.

The person at the back of the line (Player 1) draws an object on the paper of the person in front of her (Player 2). Player 2 can't see the drawing, she can just feel it!

Player 2 then tries to draw the same thing on the paper of the person in front of her (Player 3).

Players keep going down the line until it reaches the last player.

The last player in line then tries to draw the object on a separate sheet of paper.

Compare the drawings on everyone's backs and on the last sheet of paper.

How'd you do?!

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