Code Which of the following dinosaurs belongs in this group? Ultrasaurus, Supersaurus, Gigantosaurus and... Megalosaurus Atlantosaurus Bambiraptor Gargoyleosaurus Megalosaurus belongs with the Ultra, Super and Gigantosauruses because all their names mean really big lizard. Fannee Doolee If Fannee Doolee likes Tyrannasaurus Rex but doesn't like Velociraptor and she likes the Jurassic Period but not the Cretaceous Period, what else does she like? Fossils but not bones Stegosaurus but not Triceratops Carnivores but not herbivores Albertosaurus but not Allosaurus Fannee Doolee likes fossils but not bones. Why do you think that is? Funny Joke time! What do you call a blindfolded dinosaur? An idontthinkhesaurus A lost in the forest-saurus A chicken crossing the road Herb It's an I-don't-think-he-saurus. Hee hee. General Which of these is one thing all dinosaurs had in common? Lived on land Hatched from eggs Had scales Had sharp teeth All dinosaurs lived on land. General/ random The word 'dinosaur' is made of two Greek words: deino and sauros. What do they mean in English? Terrible lizard Dinner is served Ugly monster Didn't soar The word dinosaur literally means terrible lizard. History/Z3T If you were to go back in time to the Mezozoic Era (The Age of Reptiles) how many years back would you go? 65 million years 65 billion years 65 thousand years 65 hundred years You'd have to travel back in time at least 65 million years to get to the Mezozoic Era. Language The word 'fossil' comes from a latin word meaning... ? Dug up Old rock Missing teeth Very hard cheese The Latin word 'fossilis' means dug up. Older Pop Culture What was the name of Fred and Wilma's pet on the Flintstones? Dino Bam Bam Astro Pal On the Flintstones, Dino was Fred and Wilma's pet. Pop Culture Which of these movies was about dinosaurs being alive today? Jurassic Park Dinosaurs by Disney The Flintstones Ice Age The movie Jurassic Park was about what might happen if dinosaurs were alive today. Random Zinger Using 6 coins, Sue paid 38 cents for a plastic dinosaur toy. Which 6 coins did she use? 1 quarter, 2 nickels, 3 pennies 2 quarters, 2 nickels, 2 pennies 1 quarter, 3 nickels, 2 pennies 3 quarters, 2 nickels, 1 pennies 1 quarter, 2 nickels, 3 pennies Science Which creatures living today are most closely related to dinosaurs? Birds Crocodiles Sharks Cockroaches Birds are most closely related to dinosaurs. World Record The plant-eating hadrosaurus had more teeth than any other dinosaur. How many did it have? 960 532 12 1046 The hadrosaurus had 960 cheek teeth. Quite a mouthful! Zinger What does a predator do? Hunts other animals Stays green all year Eats only plants Changes color to match its background A predator hunts other animals. ZOOM Trivia Where would a hungry dinosaur go on the ZOOM site to get a mouthful of dirt pudding? CafeZOOM ZOOMsci ZOOMgames ZOOMphenom Hungry dinosaurs and ZOOMers can find the recipe for dirt pudding in CafeZOOM. ZOOMguest/ Occupation Who studies dinosaurs for a living? A paleontologist An anthropologist A meteorologist An ornithologist A paleontologist studies dinosaurs for a living.