Code Which of these words can't be spelled from the notes in a musical scale? Ache Badge Aged Faced Ache can't be spelled with the notes in a musical scale which are: A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Fannee Doolee If Fannee Doolee likes Classical music but not Baroque and she likes Jazz but not Salsa, what else does she like? Rock 'n Roll but not Hip Hop Samba but not Swing Country but not Bluegrass Folk but not R & B Fannee Doolee likes Rock 'n Roll but not Hip Hop. Why do you think that is? From ZOOMer 101 In the season 3 show opening which ZOOMer is playing the drums? Buzz Eric Frances Kenny Buzz plays the drums in the season 3 show opening. General What's it called when you pretend to sing along to music? Lip synch N'sync Out of synch Kitchen sink When you lip synch you just pretend to sing along to the music. General/ random What's the symbol at the left of a musical score? The clef The bar The note The coda The symbol at the left of a musical score is called the clef. History/Z3T What was the first music video played by MTV? 'Video Killed the Radio Star' by the Buggles 'Start of a Romance' by Skyy 'Hello' by Lionel Richie 'We've Only Just Begun' by Glenn Jones The first music video played on MTV was 'Video Killed the Radio Star' by the Buggles. Language What's a fancy name for singing without an instrument? A cappella In harmony Chromatic White noise Singing a cappella means singing without any instruments. Older Pop Culture Before reading the mail on the 70's ZOOM, what did the ZOOMers sing? Roll out the barrel Walk this way Do the rock lobster Send in the clowns The 70's ZOOMers sang Roll out the Barrel before reading the mail. Pop Culture Which of one of these popstars was NOT a Mouseketeer? Alicia Keys Christina Aguilera Britney Spears Justin Timberlake Alicia Keys did not get her start as a Mouseketeer. Random Zinger Which instrument does this word puzzle refer to? 88 K on a P Piano Piccolo Polka Harmonica 88 K on a P refers to 88 keys on a piano. Reverse Ubbi Dubbi How would you say 'Xylophone' in Ubbi Dubbi? Xubylubophubone Xybulubophubone Xybulobophubonube Xubylubophubonube It's hard enough to say in English but 'Xubylubophubone' is Xylophone in Ubbi Dubbi. Science What makes a note sound high or low? How fast the instrument makes the air vibrate How tight the air is squeezed by the instrument How far the instrument pushes the air away from it How big your ears are The faster the air vibrates coming out of an instrument, the higher the note sounds. Ubbi Dubbi How do you play this ubbidubbified instrument - hubarmubonubica? Blow into it Squeeze it Hit it with sticks Strum it To play a harmonica, just blow into it. World Record How fast can the world's fastest rapper rap? 12.2 syllables per second 7.8 syllables per second 23.6 syllables per second 18.1 syllables per second. The world's fastest rapper rapped 12.2 syllables per second in 1992. ZOOM Trivia Which of these instruments is NOT featured on the site as a ZOOM activity? Cola Can Clarinet Straw Kazoo Glass Xylophone String Guitar The Cola Can Clarinet is not a ZOOM activity. ZOOMguest/ Occupation What job in music is also the name for a job in transportation? Conductor Pilot Engineer Rickshaw Driver A Conductor leads the orchestra and also drives a train.