Who can speak Portuguese fluently? Aline N Who collects shells and jewelry? Aline N Who created the word "sha-goo," meaning "when you feel very hyper"? Aline N Who has a habit of behaving like a cat? Aline N Who has younger twin brothers? Aline N Who likes to have picnics on the beach with her family? Aline G Who makes posters to help find homes for cats at a shelter? Aline N Who wants to be a biologist? Aline N Who wore a homemade cat costume for Halloween? Aline N Who would invent a ZOOMactivity about animals called "ZOOMzoo"? Aline N Who would like to travel through time and interview her Aunt Inez? Aline G Whose family has a tradition of camping in Maine? Aline N Whose nickname is Lenie? Aline N Whose parents had a cat that used to like listening to the toilet flush? Aline N Whose whole family loves to dance? Aline N Whose favorite movies include "Anne of Green Gables"? Alisa N Who cooks Russian ravioli at home? (And spaghetti, too.) Alisa N Who hates spiders? Alisa N Who likes all the ZOOMactivities . . . except rehearsing? Alisa N Who says one of her fave things about school is that it helps her to be more organized and not procrastinate? Alisa G Who says shooting the ZOOM open was one of her favorite ZOOMmoments? Alisa G Who thinks the animal she most resembles is a ferret, but one that doesn't smell? Alisa G Who wants to have a curly-haired, freckled, laughing doll named after her? Alisa G Whose family builds really big snow forts together? Alisa N Who would wear a shirt made out of metal on stage if she were a rock star? Alisa G Whose favorite food is anything exotic? Alisa N Who has met Doug Flutie, Scott Hamilton, and Kristi Yamaguchi? Alisa N Who likes autumn because of the changing leaves? Alisa N Who likes to snowboard, ski, swim and wakeboard? Alisa N If he could have a different job on ZOOM, who would choose to be the technical director because "they get to push a lot of buttons"? Buzz B In the Season 3 show opening, who's playing the drums? Buzz N Who describes himself as funny, smart, short and fast? Buzz B Who falls asleep in cars a lot? Buzz N Who invented the word "carmontelan," meaning "to jump into water while screaming"? Buzz N Who loves solving math problems? Buzz N Who most admires his mom because "she's so nice and caring"? Buzz B Who says the animal he most resembles is a lion because lions are wild? Buzz B Who talks in his sleep? Buzz B Who would invent a new ZOOMactivity called "Slinky Drop," where you try to get a slinky to go down as many steps as possible? Buzz N Who would like to travel to Hawaii? Buzz N Whose favorite building or structure is the globe at Disney World "because it's so pretty"? Buzz N Whose favorite CafeZOOM treat is Cinnamon Snails? Buzz N Whose favorite game is crab soccer? Buzz N Whose favorite ZOOMactivities are ZOOMsci and ZOOMzingers? Buzz N Whose favorite movie is "The Parent Trap"? Caroline N Who confesses to singing in the shower? Caroline N Who dressed up as the Little Mermaid when she was four? Caroline G Who enjoys digging and planting in the garden? Caroline N Who has the nickname Carolinamoon? Caroline N Who likes lots of different kinds music but doesn't know the names of most of the bands? Caroline N Who likes to dine on mashed potatoes? Caroline N Who likes to go tubing and play basketball? Caroline N Who made up the word "zoboobu," meaning "oh, darn it"? Caroline N Who says arms are her favorite body parts "because you can do so much with them"? Caroline G Who has a cat named Zoe? Caroline N Who would like to find a cure for autism? Caroline N Whose favorite thing to do outside with family is take walks? Caroline N A very big Pokemon card collection belongs to which ZOOMer? Claudio N Who is the big brother of two sisters? Claudio B Who likes to watch sunsets? Claudio N Who listens to rap, pop and hip-hop music, but doesn't have a favorite band? Claudio N Who thinks the animal he resembles most is a tiger? Claudio B Who would invent solar-powered cars to help end pollution? Claudio N Who's been learning how to ice skate? Claudio N Who's the king of cones (cupcake and ice-cream, that is)? Claudio B Who can do the wave? Estuardo N Who dances in a Mexican Folklore dance? Estuardo N Who had to pop out of a mail hamper on the show? Estuardo N Who knows how to make Guatemalan tacos? Estuardo N Who likes movies with lots of suspense? Estuardo N Who made Mini Taco Salads on the show and did it in one take? Estuardo N Who says Latin is one of his favorite subjects in school? Estuardo B Who says that an anaconda is the animal that most resembles him? Estuardo B Who says that he can sometimes have a very serious look about him? Estuardo B Who thinks the coolest thing anyone has ever given him is a crystallized shell? Estuardo B Who would invent a Big Rectangle that would get you dressed when you're in a hurry? Estuardo N Who would invent a new ZOOMactivity called "ZOOMdance"? Estuardo N Who would like to have the super power of seeing into the future? Estuardo N Whose family eats tamales at Christmas? Estuardo N Whose nickname is Essy? Estuardo N Who collects magic cards? Garrett N Who has a dog named Tinkerbell? Garrett N Who has the habit of looking in the mirror all the time? Garrett N Who makes fried dough with his dad on Sunday mornings? Garrett B Who once wore a ghost costume with a cowboy hat for Halloween? Garrett N Who would take his guitar to the moon with him? Garrett B Whose family has a Family Couch Night? Garrett N Whose favorite band is U2? Garrett N Whose favorite game is Risk? Garrett N Whose favorite movie is the original "Planet of the Apes"? Garrett N Whose favorite number is 1 because it was his player number on his baseball team? Garrett B Whose favorite shoes are for skateboarding? Garrett N Whose first choice for food to take to a deserted island is steak tips? Garrett N Whose grandfather gave him golf clubs? Garrett B Whose hobby is making movies with his friends? Garrett B Who collects baseball cards? Matt N Who does morning announcements at his school? Matt B Who has a dog named Millie? Matt N Who likes getting new shoes that look cool? Matt N Who really admires Nomar Garciaparra? Matt N Who says a basketball hoop is one of the coolest things he's ever been given? Matt B Who thinks his best Halloween costume was when he dressed as a farmer? Matt B Who wants to be an architect? Matt N Who would create a segment called "ZOOMinterview," where kids learn about people's jobs? Matt N Who would like to be able to breathe under water? Matt N Whose family goes to the beach for a week every year? Matt N Whose favorite book series is "Captain Underpants"? Matt N Whose favorite number is always the same as his age? Matt B Whose favorite photograph was taken at a Red Sox game? Matt N Whose first Fannee Doolee was,"Fannee Doolee likes pillows, but not cushions"? Matt N If allowed only one object, who would keep a good book? David N Who makes scrambled eggs, bagels, and dirt pudding at home? David N Who has a cat, a dog, and three fish? David N Who is bugged by his six year old brother? David B Who likes to read mystery and suspense novels? David N Who said, "I put my whole body under the table, except my head, and sang Mama Mia Mama Mia boom boom boom"? David N Whose favorite bands include Fleetwood Mac and the Beatles? David N Who says being very athletic is his greatest asset? David B Who wants to be a basketball player? David N Which ZOOMer would like to have a planet named after him? David B Who would like to have lived in 1986 because it was "a great year for Boston sports teams"? David N Whose least favorite subject in school is art? David N Whose school friends nicknamed him ZOOMboy? David B Who likes to watch baseball, hockey, soccer, boxing, football, and basketball? David N Who would most like to live in Maine or Scotland? David N Who would like to find a cure for the common cold? Eric N Who would invent a ZOOMactivity called "MuZic," where the ZOOMers would dance and sing? Eric N If only allowed three foods to take to a deserted island, who would choose milk, hot dogs, and macaroni and cheese? Eric N In the season 3 show opening, who is getting off of a school bus? Eric N Who likes to watch "Whose Line is it Anyway"? Eric N Who dressed up as Frankenstein's Monster on the show? Eric N Who invented the word "gooberglotz," meaning "someone who's clumsy"? Eric N Who likes to go running? Eric N Who lives with his mother and little brother? Eric B Who most admires Will Smith because "he has made it as an actor and singer"? Eric N Who thinks the ZOOMer homepages and the Ubbi Dubbi Translator are the coolest parts of the ZOOM Web site? Eric N Who would like to travel to Spain? Eric N Who describes himself as tall, strong, and quick? Eric B Who says the coolest thing about being on ZOOM is making new friends? Eric N Who describes himself as funny, caring, and observant? Eric B If she could have another job on ZOOM, who would want to be the mic person? Frances G Who could you catch munching on hot buffalo wings and Chinese food (but not at the same time)? Frances N Who describes herself as strange and stylish? Frances G Who dressed like a frog on the show? Frances N Who has the nickname Cesces? Frances N Who once had a cat named Peaches? Frances N Who raves about the CafeZOOM Empanadas? Frances N Who says that forgetting her lines is the funniest thing that happened to her on ZOOM? Frances G Who thinks the animal she most resembles is a puppy? Frances G Who turned into a cat in the ZOOMplayhouse "Mixed-Up Fairy Tales"? Frances N Who would you find playing Yahtzee? Frances N Who wants to go to Paris? Frances N Who says she's hyper? Frances G Whose favorite class in school is art? Frances N Who would wear ripped jeans and a vest on stage if he were a rock star? Jared B Who has a "Bichon Frise" called Nemo? (It's a kind of dog!) Jared N Whose favorite school subject is "lunch"? Jared N Who likes to watch mostly football? Jared N Whose favorite movie is "Austin Powers"? Jared N Who only cooks with the microwave at home? Jared N Who says that in the future he'll be directing blockbuster movies? Jared B Who said the silliest thing he had to do on the show is to play Miss America? Jared B Who says his greatest asset is his sense of humor? Jared B Who says his scariest moment on the show was when Zoe had the scissors? Jared B Who says he'd make a good babysitter because he knows all the ZOOM games? Jared B Who would like to have a soda brand named after him? Jared B Who would like to have lived around the time of the Civil War? Jared N Who would shorten the school week if he were President? Jared B Who would sit back, relax, and scream "HELP" if he were stuck in an elevator? Jared N If she could change one thing about the world, who would want people to be nicer to each other? Jessica G When asked if germs can see other germs, who said, "I don't even know if they have eyes"? Jessica N Who claims to be a finicky eater? Jessica N Who has 8 siblings? Jessica N Who makes a mean PB&J sandwich? Jessica N Whose favorite things about school are friends and recess? Jessica N Whose silliest ZOOMmoment was barking like a dog at the end of a poem? Jessica N Who describes herself as happy and talkative? Jessica G Who wants to either be a psychiatrist or play one on television? Jessica N Who would you most likely find at a Goo Goo Dolls concert? Jessica N Who would invent a new ZOOMactivity called "ZOOMsingalong"? Kaleigh N Whose favorite building is the John Hancock Tower in Boston? Kaleigh N Who always taps her foot while watching TV? Kaleigh G Who dressed up as a pizza man in an Ubbi Dubbi segment? Kaleigh N Who dressed up as Minnie Mouse when she was in kindergarten? Kaleigh G Who has the nickname Kales? Kaleigh N Who made up the word "Snickle," meaning "the sound you make when you're about to be tickled"? Kaleigh N Who plays the saxophone? Kaleigh N Who says the coolest thing she did on ZOOM was "touch the Zlime"? Kaleigh G Who thinks the animal she most resembles is an Irish Setter dog? Kaleigh G Who would like to travel to Ireland to visit her family? Kaleigh G Who would like to be a doctor? Kaleigh N Which ZOOMer most admires her parents because they support her in everything she does? Kaleigh G Who says her fellow cast members would describe her as silly, brave, adventurous, and grounded? Kaleigh G Who doesn't have a favorite joke? Kaleigh N Who would create an activity show on TV for special needs kids? Keiko N Who would wear "black tight bellbottoms and a cute tank top" on stage if she were a rock star? Keiko G If she could have a different job on ZOOM, who would most like to test activities for the show? Keiko G Who describes herself as outgoing and short? Keiko G Who cooks pork chops in sauce at home? Keiko N Who has two pugs, Docy and Pudgy? Keiko N Who is right-handed, but eats soup with her left hand? Keiko G Who often has pizza for breakfast? Keiko N Who plays computer games like Tetris? Keiko N Who says the one thing she would change about the world is to fix the ozone layer? Keiko G Who says the silliest thing she had to do on the show was to play a movie star? Keiko G Who would really like to meet Keiko the whale? Keiko N Who thinks the animal she most resembles is a bunny? Keiko G Who wants to be a pediatrician for special needs kids? Keiko N Whose big zoops was spilling soda on her pants at the movies? Keiko G Who would invent a new ZOOMactivity called "ZOOMfashion"? Kenny N If only allowed three foods to take to a deserted island, who would choose pizza, steak and kiwi fruit? Kenny N Which ZOOMer describes his sister as "crazy but cute"? Kenny B Who had dogs named Dixie, Dexter, Dutchus, and Buffer? Kenny N Who invented the word "ubler," meaning "a person who can't control their craziness"? Kenny N Who likes his hair because it stands up? Kenny B Whose list of favorite things to do outside includes watching the clouds? Kenny N Whose favorite hobbies include doing 3D puzzles? Kenny N Whose fave subjects in school are science and drama? Kenny N Who says ZOOMrapper was the silliest thing he had to do on ZOOM? Kenny B Who says the animal he most resembles is an ant because he's small and fast? Kenny B Whose Web page is his favorite part of the ZOOM Web site? Kenny B If allowed only one object, who would keep her bed? Lynese G If stuck on a desert island, who would be "calm, even happy"? Lynese N Who has met Michael Bivins from New Edition? Lynese N Who has pets called Jasmine and Tosso? Lynese N Who is bugged by people who talk through movies? Lynese N Who likes to watch skating and ballroom dancing? Lynese G Who says the silliest thing she had to do on the show was to eat a humongous spoon of peanut butter? Lynese G Who thinks her greatest asset is personality, but her worst is attitude? Lynese G Whose scariest moment was when she was chased by a dog? Lynese G Who thinks the animal she most resembles is a scorpion? Lynese G Who wants to be a police officer? Lynese N Who would like to have lived in the Wild West? Lynese N Whose biggest zoops was forgetting her contacts and not being able to see? Lynese G Whose favorite hobby is to talk on the phone? Lynese N Who would wear boots and baggy pants on stage if he were a rock star? Pablo B Who cooks french fries, pancakes, and chicken at home? Pablo N Who's met John Travolta? Pablo N Whose ZOOM Web site faves include Balloon Car? Pablo N Who often has a bagel with cream cheese and OJ for breakfast? Pablo N Who said that when he arrived to audition for ZOOM, he didn't want to go through with it? Pablo B Who hopes to be a famous actor or screenwriter? Pablo N Who says the person he'd most like to meet is Jim Carrey? Pablo B Who says the silliest thing he had to do on the show was to play a lumberjack? Pablo B Who says about their siblings, "We often play wrestle, but it can get out of hand"? Pablo N Who wants to have a car named after him? Pablo B Who would reduce taxes (to encourage savings) if he were President? Pablo B Who's favorite ZOOM role was as a genie? Pablo N Whose favorite school subjects are government and publishing? Pablo N Who would most like to live in Hollywood? Pablo N Who has a dog named Chyanne? Rachel N Who invented the word "happyworld," meaning "a world where no one is ever sad and everyone gets along"? Rachel N Who likes to make funny faces? Rachel N Who loves to play the game Pictionary? Rachel N Who once dressed up as Bam Bam from the Flintstones for Halloween? Rachel N Whose favorite CafeZOOM treat is Alphabet Pretzels? Rachel N Who says her fellow cast members would describe her as funny, caring, and friendly? Rachel G Whose dog loves to cuddle and run around? Rachel N Whose favorite hobbies include singing and going to the movies with friends? Rachel N Who most admires her sister because her sister inspires her? Rachel G Who would like to invent a ZOOMmusic band called the "Zing-Along Band"? Rachel N Who would like to travel to Africa? Rachel N Whose favorite things about school are seeing friends and learning new things? Rachel N In the season 3 show opening, who is hanging from a jungle gym? Rachel N Who would end violence if she could change one thing about the world? Rachel G Who is famous for homemade pecan pie? Ray N Who likes to take walks on the beach? Ray N Who says he can be very sweet and charming? Ray B Who says the animal he most resembles is a boxer dog because they're very sweet but can get bothered? Ray B Whose teeth were last seen sinking into a bacon double cheeseburger? Ray N When asked about his family, who said "I love them"? Ray B Who says the coolest part of ZOOM is working with awesome people? Ray N When asked about being stuck on a desert island, who said "Thank goodness it hasn't happened. Knock on wood"? Zoe N If allowed only one object, who would keep her Cookie Monster necklace? Zoe G Who says the one thing she would change about the world is that everyone would be "happy but not cheesy"? Zoe G If she had a different job on ZOOM, who'd most like to be Director or Producer because "it's cool getting your own way"? Zoe G Whose favorite food is lobster? Zoe N Who is right-handed and wears a watch on the right hand? Zoe N Who likes to play softball, floor hockey, and field hockey? Zoe N Who often has oatmeal with brown sugar for breakfast? Zoe N Who plays computer games like Frogger and Myst? Zoe N Whose favorite ZOOMmoment was when the cast was going nuts in the ZOOMroom? Zoe N Who says one of the people she'd most like to meet is Robin Williams? Zoe G Who says that in the future she'll be acting and living with 31 dogs? Zoe G Who says the silliest thing she had to do on ZOOM was hang upside down on a bar and read a poem? Zoe G Whose favorite memory of being on ZOOM is of putting on dance contests and plays between taping? Zoe N Who has a cat nick-named Queen of the Pillows? Kortney N Whose family has family game night every Sunday? Kortney N Who would take mint chocolate chip ice cream, red peppers and Ziti with cheese to a deserted island? Kortney N Whose favorite game is called Messy Backyard? Kortney N Who laughs when she's nervous? Kortney G Whose favorite pair of socks is decorated with yellow duckies on a blue background? Kortney N Whose favorite photograph is of her cat? Kortney G Whose favorite number is 12 because she was born on it? Kortney G Who volunteers at a nursing home? Kortney N Who wants to be a vet when she grows up? Kortney G Who made up the word, malasokiwatu, to mean whatever happens is cool? Kortney N Who wants to break the world record for blowing the biggest bubblegum bubble? Kortney N Who would like to fly to see how birds feel? Kortney N Who would invent a machine that would regrow all the trees that have been cut down? Kortney N Who would take one of her favorite books to the moon? Kortney G Whose Zoops was dropping her cafeteria tray and getting a round of applause? Kortney G Whose favorite ZOOMsci is Baking Soda Rockets? Kortney N Who says that the coolest thing she did on ZOOM was make the ice cream snowman? Kortney G Whose sister designs and does her hair? Kortney G Whose stepdad is a mechanic? Mike N Whose family has family couch night? Mike N Who is an only child? Mike N Whose mom makes a 'mean apple pie'? Mike B Who collects magic tricks? Mike N Who likes to paint abstract art? Mike N Who can make his belly button go from an innie to an outie? Mike B Who says A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking is one of his favorite books? Mike B Whose favorite photograph is of his dad's highschool basketball team? Mike B Whose favorite number is 4 because it's even? Mike N Who says the animal he most resembles is a lemming? Mike B Who is both a lefty and a righty? Mike N Who made up an appliance called a spiggle which gives the perfect back scratch? Mike N Who would be a blender because it takes things and mixes them up so they turn out in an original way? Mike N Who would want to have the world record for the most world records? Mike N Who says to be a good friend is to care, respect, trust, love and laugh? Mike N Who would invent mechanical wings so he could fly? Mike B Who would take his mom with him to the moon? Mike B Who describes himself as philosophical in a goofy manor? Mike B Who says the funniest thing he's done on ZOOM is dance with his mouth for a chin play? Mike B Who thinks the 1970's ZOOM is goofy? Mike N Who used to have a bunny named Snowball? Shing Ying N Who plays tennis with her family? Shing Ying G On Chinese New Year, whose family has sticky cake and gives out red envelopes? Shing Ying N Who speaks Chinese? Shing Ying N Whose hobbies are skating and playing the flute? Shing Ying N Who collects foreign coins? Shing Ying N Who can make a three leaf clover with her tongue? Shing Ying G Who ZOOMs into Action by reading to a girl who can't read? Shing Ying N Who admires her parents because they work hard and are determined? Shing Ying G Whose nickname is Shingy? Shing Ying N Whose favorite thing about school is learning new things everyday? Shing Ying N Who thinks she resembles a monkey because she's wild? Shing Ying G Who thinks a good friend is someone who will stick by you, stand up for you and accept you as you are? Shing Ying N Whose Zoops was tripping over a bean bag? Shing Ying N Who says the goofiest thing she does on ZOOM is snort like a pig? Shing Ying G Who says being on ZOOM makes her love science even more than she did before? Shing Ying G Who would take tacos, spinach, and French meat pie to a deserted island? Kyle N Who likes to skimboard? Kyle N Who collects model cars? Kyle N Whose unusual talent is speaking in a really high pitch? Kyle N Who likes hip hop music because the beat is infectious? Kyle N Whose favorite book is "The Witches"? Kyle N Whose favorite band is Evanescence? Kyle N Whose sports number is always 9? Kyle N Whose favorite subject in school is math? Kyle N Who says he most resembles a cheetah because they're fast and slick? Kyle B Who tripped while going to get an award for school? Kyle N Whose favorite ZOOMsci activity was Clapping? Where? Kyle N Who said that in 20 years he'll look back on his ZOOM experience and think he was the luckiest kid on earth? Kyle B If he could have another job on ZOOM, who would want to be the floor director? Kyle B Who has a crow that can say hello in English and Spanish? Francesco N Who loves to break open the pinata with his family during birthdays? Francesco B Who goes with his family to Mexico during the summer? Francesco B Who was born in El Paso, Texas? Francesco N Whose family has lived in Key West, El Paso, Las Vegas, Seattle, and Boston? Francesco N If allowed only three foods to bring to a deserted island, who would bring chicken teriyaki, french fries, and grapes? Francesco N Who likes to hang out at the school library with his friends after school? Francesco B Who likes to collect old coins? Francesco N Who likes mostly all music except punk rock? Francesco N Whose favorite photograph is of himself in Puerto Rico in the ocean getting pushed by a wave? Francesco B Whose favorite number is zero because it's neither positive or negative? Francesco N Who is called Franny Fran Fran by the ZOOM cast? Francesco N Who wants to be a mathematician or a scientist when he grows up? Francesco B Who's favorite thing about school is study period because it gives him time to relax? Francesco B Who loves the smell of new tires? Francesco N Who would definitely have bologna on his favorite sandwich? Francesco B Who says the wierdest thing he's had to do for the show is visit a fancy restaurant with a snail as his friend? Francesco B If he could have another job on ZOOM, who would want to be the special effects person so he could let his imagination run wild? Francesco B Who has a fish named Ariz because her sister thought its colors reminded her of Arizona? Maya G Who loves to play games with her family, especially UNO? Maya G Whose family has a tradition of starting every morning with a hug? Maya N Who says that what makes her family unique is that they all look at the glass as half full? Maya G Who knows how to make guacamole, salsa, mashed potatoes, collard greens, and grits? Maya N Who can bend the top joint on her last three fingers on her left hand without bending the other ones? Maya G Who can completely flip her toungue over to the other side? Maya G Whose favorite book is a book of poems by Shel Silverstein? Maya N Whose all-time favorite artist is Stevie Wonder? Maya N Whose favorite photograph is of herself when she was so small she could stand in a 1 1/2 foot tall basket? Maya G Who says the coolest thing anyone has ever given her is memories? Maya G Whose favorite number is 123 because it goes in counting order? Maya N Who gives half of any money she gets to homeless shelters? Maya G Who most admires her music teacher because she treats everyone the way she would expect to be treated? Maya G Who says she most resembles an owl because she's wise and likes to ponder things and think them over? Maya G Who says her best Halloween costume was Poison Ivy from Batman? Maya G Who says the chicken crossed the road because he wanted to be brave? Maya N Who thinks maybe the first chicken egg developed from a rock? Maya N Who is a vegetarian? Maya N Whose wacky parents don't embarrass her because she's wacky herself? Maya G Who says the wierdest thing she's had to do for the show is dress up like a dog and wiggle her behind? Maya G Who has four older brothers who are witty and funny? Cara N Who has a dog named Popeye, but calls him "dogface" instead of "dollface"? Cara N Who says she lives in the most chaotic house in the neighborhood? Cara G Who likes to read mysteries? Cara N Who has been playing violin for six years? Cara N Who collects cool picture frames and pocket books? Cara N Who walks in her sleep? Cara G Who can fit 25 grapes in her mouth? Cara G Who likes disco music, like The Jackson Five and ABBA? Cara N Whose favorite number is 7 because there are 7 people in her family? Cara G Who volunteers at the animal shelter with her brother? Cara G Who wants to be a marine biologist when she grows up because she thinks it would be cool to learn about fish? Cara G Whose school principal does the electric slide? Cara N Whose biggest achievment so far is balancing a busy schedule of dance, violin, school, and soccer? Cara N Who would want the super-human power of making people laugh contagiously and would call herself "The Giggle Guru"? Cara G Whose mother drives her to school in a nightgown, robe, and slippers? Cara G If she could take just one thing 100 years into the past, who would take a video camera to make a documentary? Cara G Whose favorite ZOOMsci activity was building spaghetti and marshmallow towers because she learned to be patient? Cara G Who likes to build forts? Cara N Who says being on ZOOM has made her more organized? Cara G