GET SHOCKWAVE Arthur's Music Box D.W.'s Art Studio Buster's Scoop!
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In some parts of this site we use Shockwave or Flash. Both are FREE software available at Macromedia's Get Shockwave page. It only takes a few minutes to download and install them, then you don't even have to think about it. They'll stay on your computer, and whenever you find an animated Shockwave or Flash activity on the web, it should automatically start up.

There are many Shockwave and Flash pieces here at ZOOM:

ZOOM Pendulum
make it swing!
ZOOMer Flip
how low can you go?
Kitchen Chemistry
science lives... in the kitchen!
10 topics, updated every week
your embarrassing moments
all of this week's jokes
both of the ZOOM theme songs
this week's mailbaggage
ZOOMtoo Zmail
parent & educator mailbaggage

We decided to make a lot of activities in Shockwave or Flash to bring them alive. They're very common, and many of you have them already. But, since we have a text-only version of the ZOOM web site too, you can still have a blast here without them.

You can find out more about Shockwave from Macromedia, the folks who make it. They say that over 120 million users have Shockwave installed, and approximately 200,000 people install it daily. There are thousands of Shockwave pages on the web, not just ours.

Also, check out these fun Arthur games with Shockwave: Arthur's Music Box, D.W.'s Art Studio, and Buster's Scoop!

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