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In the old days, theaters used to heat lime to make their lights. So the stars of the show were in the "Limelight." For this site, the stars are YOU. But behind the scenes of the show, there are a few juicy lemons who helped put it all together. Also check out the lemons who make the Web site.

Executive Producer
Kate Taylor

Jim Johnston

Bob Comiskey

Supervising Producer
Kathleen Shugrue

Segment Producer
Paul Serafini

Content Producer
Marcy Gunther

Science Producer
Marisa Wolsky

Senior Editor
Arnie Harchik

Segment Editors
John O'Brien II
Christine Siegel

Associate Producer
Jenna Goodearl

Production Coordinator
Arelitsa Kazakos

Drama Coach
Mara Sidmore

Assistant Director
Catherine Anderson

Science & Math Content Manager
Yasameen Sharif

Business Manager
Victoria Peterson

Art Direction
Elles Gianocostas
Robert Schleinig

Production Design
    James Fenhagen
    Erik Ulfers
WGBH Scenics
    John Murphy, Jr.

Costume Designer
Deborah Newhall

Wyatt "Mo'gee" Jackson

Lighting Director
Chuck Eldridge

Technical Director
Dean Raymond

Floor Director
Bruce Goldman

Camera Operators
Mark C. Helton
Michael Mulvey
Howard G. Powell, Jr.

Christopher Allan

David Elinoff

Tom Pugh

Assistant Lighting Director
Wayne Simpson

Karine Albano

Audio 2
Jeffrey Briggette

Parrish Kennington

Jeri La Shay

Jill Robitaille

Coburn Bennett
Benjamin W. Mayerson

Peter Lyons

Prop Assistants
Juliet Carter
Jennifer Marbury

Original Music
Manic Moose

Post Audio Mix
Dan Lesiw

Segment Editors
John P. O'Brien II
Christine Siegel

Assistant Editor
Ian Wedegartner

Script Coordinator
Kim Keith

Script Production Assistants
Jake Cumsky-Whitlock
Amelia Thrall

Production Assistant
Luis Piantini

Post Production Assistant
Christopher Hastings

Mail Screener
Eric Williams

Production Secretary
Betsy Gartrell

Budget Development
Mimi Curran

Tighe & Doyle

Cast Coordinators
Eric Handler
Arelitsa Kazakos

Alisa Placas
Bruce Walker
FableVision Studios

Film Camera
Stephen McCarthy

Educational Programming & Outreach
Karen Barss
Susan Buckey
Cathi Kwon
Jenny Lisle
Thea Sahr
Erica Thrall

Food Stylist
Brett Frechette

Amy Podolsky

Kate Bell

Susan Barrett
Amy Zall
Amee McNaughton
Rob Hulsman

Station Relations
Aura Parks
Caroline Santangelo

Barbara Cecchini
Jay Fialkov
Janice Flood
Scott Porter
Nike Okediji

Science Content Director
Robert V. Lange, Ph. D.

Math Content Director
Andee Rubin, M.S.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha - ZOOMfunny

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produced by WGBH | PBS Kids | ©1998-2003 WGBH