It's Free! It's Monthly -
most of the time! And best of all, it's all about ZOOM!
Welcome to the 47th edition of ZOOMnooz, brought to you by ZOOM and the ZOOM Web site.
The site's been ZOOMing with over 35,000 of you ZOOMing to and through it each and every day.
Sound Out: Super Bowl Prediction Time
Calling all football fanatics! Who's your Super Bowl pick - the Eagles or the Patriots? Put your mouse where your mouth is and let us know which team YOU think will win this year's Super Bowl.
ZOOM Into Action Project Spotlight: Texture Cards
Kids who are blind use their hands to read and "see" the world around them. A teacher uses texture cards to help kids recognize different textures and objects. A texture card has a piece of material or an object glued to it. Kids can feel a card to learn about the material or object. Once they get familiar with how the textures and objects feel, kids can use the cards to play a matching game. ZOOM Into Action and find out how to make these special cards to help kids who are blind.
ZOOMwhiz Quiz: ZOOMy Numbers
When did the new ZOOM premiere and how many shows have we made since then?
- 1999 and 160 shows
- 1997 and 220 shows
- 2000 and 100 shows
- 1998 and 145 shows
Scroll down for the answer.
ZOOMsci Highlight: Heat Saving Device
Brrrrr! Here's a ZOOMsci to help you get through winter. Make a Heat Saving Device that keeps your treats warmer longer. Sent in by: Suzie of Ann Arbor, MI
Here's what you need:
- large plastic Ziploc bag
- small plastic Ziploc bag
- cup of pre-made instant oatmeal
- three sheets of newspaper
- three sheets of aluminum foil
- thermometer
Here's what you do:
- Get an adult to make some instant oatmeal and put it in a paper cup.
- Use the thermometer to measure the temperature of the oatmeal.
- Put the cup inside a small Ziploc bag and seal it up.
- Fill the larger Ziploc bag with material that you think will save the most heat: either three sheets of newspaper or three sheets of aluminum foil.
- Put the small bag into the larger Ziploc bag. Seal the large bag.
- After fifteen minutes, use the thermometer to measure the temperature of the oatmeal to see how much heat was lost.
- Did you choose the aluminum foil or the newspaper? Why? Did it keep your oatmeal warm? If your invention didn't work, warm up your oatmeal and try using the material that you didn't choose. If your invention did work, just dig in!
ZOOMwhiz Quiz: Unquizzled
So, are you clear about the year of our premiere? Are you in the know about our number of ZOOMy shows? If you picked '
a' then you get to say... 'Woo-hoo, I am so cool!' Yep, since the new ZOOM premiered in 1999, you've helped us make 160 shows.
The ZOOMlens: ZOOMing in on What You've Been Doing to Help the Victims of the Tsunami in Asia
Gabriella, age 8 of Montreal, QC wrote:
Me, my sister, cousins and parents were selling sweets to raise money for the people that survived in the tsunami.
Michael, age 8 of Lindon, UT wrote:
I donated stuff to the orphans and I donated stuff to the tsunami victims and I donated money to them.
Amy, age 10 of Fort Worth, TX wrote:
Did you know that each school in the entire Keller school district in Texas is raising 150,000 pennies for every person that died in the tsunami in Asia and donate it to the Red Cross?
Patrick, age 9 of Monona, WI wrote:
Our school is help for the tsunami by ordering bracelets kind of like the "LIVESTRONG" bracelets except they are red and the say "Relief, Rebuild and Recover" and then they have little hearts.
Elyse of Camas, WA wrote:
My school is having a contest for the tsunami victims. My principal Mr B. gave us some things to decorate a water bottle so it looks like a pig. Who ever has the most money by the end of the month gets an ice cream party. Since it is winter I decided to sell Hot Chocolate down by my bus stop so far I have 12 Dollars.
Jamal, age 11 of Seattle, WA wrote:
I like your show. My school is helping the tsunami victims with money. Our school collected 28,000 dollars, but we will collect more.
Keisha, age 12 of West Indies wrote:
There was a majour tsunami in Sri Lanka on the 26th of December 2004. My class in geography decided to create an emergency disaster plan. That is where you and your family have a meeting and decided what to do when the following occur. a tsunami, an earthquake, a tornado and a hurricane. I think you should talk about this on the show because I think everyone and their family should be ok and prepared for when the worst may occur.
ZOOM says:
How about other ZOOMers? Let us know your thoughts about the disaster and what you're doing to help. Send them to Zmail with "TSUNAMI" in the subject line. We'll post more of your letters in just a couple of weeks. And, don't forget to log your volunteer hours into our ZOOM Into Action Tally.