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Candy Cane Coolers next ZOOMphenom list of phenoms
Sent in by:
Courtney and Andrew S. of Hamel, IL and Jonathan M. of Baltimore, MD

A cool way to get a cool candy drink.

Stuff You'll Need:

  • candy cane

  • orange

  • apple corer to help you make a hole

How To Do it:

  1. Take an orange and roll it around on a table putting pressure on it to soften it.

  2. Using an apple corer, carefully put a hole in the fruit.

  3. Break the ends off of a candy cane.

  4. Put the stick into the orange.

  5. Use it like a straw, and there's your drink! It can take some time for the juice to get through the candy cane.

  6. Jonathan M. of Baltimore, Maryland says that if you use a lemon instead of an orange, you can call it a "Baltimore cooler".

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