SETTING: An ice cream shop.
(Girl is standing at an ice cream counter. Mr. Ice is standing behind the counter.)
Girl: Hmmmm... what do I want... there's SO much to choose from.
Mr. Ice: Over 50 flavors!
Girl: Wow! I don't know how I'll ever pick! What do you have?
Mr. Ice: Strawberry, Chocolate, Mint Chocolate Chip...
Girl: (Girl puts hand on her hip.) Wait! Don't tell me all the boring regular flavors! I want to hear the cool ones!
Mr. Ice: Sure, no problem! We have Pistachio, Marshmallow Mash, Moose...
Girl: Wait!
Mr. Ice: (Looking confused.) What?
Girl: I was you have samples?
Mr. Ice: Nooooo.
Girl: Not just the teensiest, eensiest taste?
Mr. Ice: Sorry.
Girl: Well, go on.
Mr. Ice: We have orange sherbet, lemon sherbet, raspberry...
Girl: Stop!
Mr. Ice: What?!
Girl: Don't list the sherbets... I don't like those.
Mr. Ice: O.K. We have Tin Roof Sundae, Caramel Fudge Butter Cream Twist, Bavarian Whip, Chocolate Crunch...
Girl: Hold it!
Mr. Ice: What now?!
Girl: Does the Chocolate Crunch have nuts in it? Because if it has nuts in it, I don't want it. I don't like nuts, so don't list any of the ones with nuts in them, okey dokey?
Mr. Ice: (Looking annoyed.) Okey dokey, we have Lemon Munch, Watermelon Blast...
Girl: Hold on...
Mr. Ice: (Rolls his eyes.) What NOW?
Girl: (With a thoughtful frown.) I'm not in a fruity mood, so leave out all the ones with fruit in them ok?
Mr. Ice: (Losing patience.) Fine, we have Bubble Gum, Monster Mash, Rocky Road, Hog Heaven, Chocolate Peanut Marshmallow Swirl...
Girl: Stop!
Mr. Ice: (Sounding very agitated.) What is it!?!
Girl: Well I was just wondering if you could tell me what all the flavors tasted like.
Mr. Ice: I don't KNOW!
Girl: (In disbelief.) You work here and you don't know?
Mr. Ice: Hey over 50 flavors takes a while to eat!
Girl: (Still doubtful.) I guess so. So what else do you have?
Mr. Ice: That's it.
Girl: That was NOT over 50 flavors.
Mr. Ice: If you leave out all the sherbets, the ones that are ordinary and have nuts or fruit it is.
Girl: As usual, I'll just go with my favorite.
Mr. Ice: Which is?
Girl: Vanilla, of course! (Mr. Ice looks at the audience in disbelief. He falls over backward with an utterance of extreme disbelief.)
Girl: (Looks over the counter and then back at the audience.) I wonder what his problem is?
The End |