ZOOMplayhouse: The Plays You've Seen on ZOOM |
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The Channel Changer
list of plays | next play Based on an idea sent in by Hibah K. and Nadia C. of Herndon, VA CAST: Person with Remote Cook Game Show Host Aerobics Instructor Soap Opera Character number 1 Soap Opera Character number 2 News Anchor Talk Show Host PROPS/COSTUMES: Remote control, play oven, a table, plate of nachos, aerobic step, dumbbells, handkerchief, microphone with dollar signs on it. Costumes: Apron & chef's hat (for Cook); salesman jacket (for Game Show Host); workout clothes (for Aerobics Instructor); suit (for News Anchor). SETTING: A television screen. (The players line up across the stage and the Person with Remote sits in front, facing them. The Person clicks the remote and the TV goes on. When it is time for a new player to speak, the Person with Remote changes the channel and says click. Players are frozen when not speaking. You could also make a cardboard TV with a hole cut in front for the screen that characters could stand behind when they are "on TV." When the channel changes, the next character could pop up.) Talk Show Host: Cook: News Anchor: Aerobics Instructor: Soap Opera Character number 1: (Blows nose with "honk" sound.) How could you do this to me... Soap Opera Character number 2: Game Show Host: Talk Show Host: Cook: News Anchor: Aerobics Instructor: Soap Opera Character number 2: Soap Opera Character number 1: Game Show Host: The End |
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produced by WGBH | PBS Kids | ©1998-2003 WGBH |