Balloon and Straw
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Eric P. of Tinley Park, IL
A bendy straw can make any balloon spin.

- balloons
- bendy straws
- rubber bands
- scissors

1. First, cut about two inches off the bottom of the bendy straw.
2. Next, blow up a balloon. Put the opening of the balloon around the bottom of the straw. Hold onto the balloon and straw so that you don't let any air out.
3. While holding the balloon and straw, wrap a rubber band around the balloon so that the balloon stays in place.
4. Then, bend the top of the straw, put the balloon on the table, let it go, and watch what happens.
In order for the air to get out of the balloon, the air has to turn the corner in the bendy straw. When the air turns the corner, it pushes on the straw and the straw pushes back on the air. The straw then pushes on the balloon and look what happens to the balloon. What do you think will happen if you change the direction that the straw points? Experiment, then send your results to ZOOM!
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Aidan, age 5 of Mechanicsburg, PA wrote:
I will tell you what happened when I did the balloon and straw experiment. First, we tried to do the thing that you did. Then we tried to do something that is really different than what you did. We tried to do the thing that you did except it was a straight straw instead of a curved straw. It was like a power engine because it went straight, not spinning around.
Ani, age 10 of Canton, MI wrote:
I used a crazy straw when I did this experiment. What happened was the balloon just sunk to the ground and relesed the air from the crazy straw. My hipothisis was that it would'nt spin arond like it would with the bendy straw. I was right. Why do u think it didn't spin around? I think it didn't spin around because the crazy straw weighed more than the bendy straw. U should try it out on your show. I would really like to see what would happen when u tried it.
Kenny & Gillian of Seattle, WA wrote:
When we bent the straw, we had the same result as ZOOM. We tried it with the straw straight, and the balloon staid still. We also tried it with the straw bent, and the balloon on the rug. It didn't move.
Devin, age 10 of Scottsville, KY wrote:
When I tried this the balloon went around in circles and then slowed down and then spun around again.
Whitney, age 7 of Fairhaven, NJ wrote:
I used a straight straw in the balloon with a rubber band and the balloon deflated by going up in the air and not spinning in a circle. When letting go near the ground it stays near the ground and when letting go in the air it moves upwards.
Ernesto, age 11 of Chicago, IL wrote:
It when to the other side of the table spinning.
Shantieria, age 12 of Bossier, LA wrote:
The thing that happend when I did it was the baloon went in the air and it was twisting.
Nicholas, age 5 of Athens, GA wrote:
We had to make sure that the rubber band wasn't on too tight, then the balloon spun around fine!
Shelby, age 11 of Indianapolis, IN wrote:
The balloon went in circles to the left for 30. 4 sec. and went right for 7. 2 sec.
Kate, age 10 of New York, NY wrote:
The first time I tried mine didn`t work. I changed some stuff and I tried again. This time it worked!!
Ernesto, age 11 of Chicago wrote:
The ballon went spinning around to the other side of the table and I first put a tape then it did not work, then a rubber ban and it work.
Keisha, age 11 of Brooklyn, NY wrote:
When I put the straw in the balloon. The straw jump around in the balloon and the balloon popped.
Victoria, age 10 of Porterville wrote:
It poped, when I did it the sacond time it worked.
Megan, age 11 of Sulphur, LA wrote:
The balloon went all the way acros the room!
Cora, age 12 of Fort Wayne, IN wrote:
It had went up in the air and, it also had went flying in circles!!!
Alex, age 7 of Campbell, CA wrote:
When I tried putting the balloon on the straw, it was so hard. I used tape to attach it but it didn't work any better. I finally ended up taping the balloon to the straw and then blowing it up. When I put the balloon down it went all crazy! I tried starting the balloon from the air and it went like a helicopter to the ground!
Barry of Stony Plain, AB wrote:
The air just rushed out and the balloon never spun anywhere.
Ishmil, age 13 of Newark, NJ wrote:
When I truned it in a different direction it turned the other way. When I put the straw straght, the baloon whent backwards.
William, age 8 of Smithfield, NC wrote:
The ballon wold not stay on the straw and it kept on blowing around my house.
Johnny, age 4 of Bainbridge, NY wrote:
First, I followed the experiment like you did it on the show, and the balloon spun around. Then I straightened the straw, and it still spun, but not as much. Then I pushed the straw all the way into the balloon as far as it would go without popping it, and the balloon didn't spin at all.
Abby, age 9 of Danbury, CT wrote:
I wanted to know what I had to do to prevent the baloon from spinning. I found out i needed to put three straws in the baloon. Try it and see if it works for you too. Have fun!!! It you should!
Keenan, age 7 of Grants Pass, OR wrote:
Instead of using a round balloon, I used a straight balloon. I got it to go in a circle. Then I bent the straw in several places and let go. It wiggled like a snake. Neat, huh? Try it!
Sharmin, age 10 of Brooklyn, NY wrote:
I did at first but It didn't go as well as the first time I did it it was coooooool!!!
Giselly, age 13 of Boston, MA wrote:
I did the baloon did circles but know I want to know what hapend if I dont cut the straw.
Shelly, age 11 of Springfield, MO wrote:
I tried to do the balloon and straw and it worked perfectly. Me and my science partner showed it to the class and they thought it was amazing.
Reya, age 6 of Nashville wrote:
I puted the straw trough tge top of the ballon. Than I puted the tape around the straw. I let it go and it was going up in air and it was spining around. You really should try it out!
Jessica, age 11 of Wayne, NJ wrote:
If you put the straw straight then blow into it, when you let it go it will go backwards.
Mary, age 13 of Hooper Bay, AK wrote:
When I put the strw in the balloon, I was trying to blow up the balloon, the balloon kept on coming off.
Christian, age 11 of West Grove, PA wrote:
I founed out that If you change the straw to a diffrent position the ballon will spin different ways.