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Soda Bottle Boat next ZOOMsci | ZOOMsci index | list of activities | Your Results Sent in by: Steven B. of Fayetteville, AR Get busy with the fizzy! Materials needed:
Instructions: 1. Using the thumb tack, make a hole in the cap of the soda bottle. 2. Take three or four sheets of toilet paper and put some baking soda on them. 3. Spread the baking soda out evenly and roll up the toilet paper. This slows down the reaction between the baking soda and the vinegar. 4. Put the rolled up toilet paper into the soda bottle. 5. Also add some marbles so that the opening of the bottle is weighted down and the hole that you poked is in the water. 6. Fill the bottle a quarter of the way with vinegar and quickly put the cap on the bottle. 7. Place this in a tub or pool of water and watch it go! 8. You can also do it without making a hole - just loosen the cap. You can also send us your pictures or video of this ZOOMsci: ZOOMsci ZOOM Box 350 Boston, MA 02134 Some of your results: Paige, age 8 of Spokane, WA wrote: When my mom and I tried this at home, it flew across the bathtub. It was cool. We used dark vinegar, so we could really see it working!! Meghan, age 11 of Scottsburg, IN wrote: When I did this experiment I didn't try anything different except that we put the bottle in our sink turned upside down so about a fourth of the bottle was under water. The first time I did mine I filled it about a forth full of vineger. When I tried that, my bottle got as hard as a rock and you couldn't sink it. Then I put in less than a fourth and it didn't do barely anything. When it was over a fourth it fizzed for hours, but when it was under a fourth it fizzed for a few minutes. I will also warn you it's not easy to clean out the bottle after you do the experiment. Ella, age 12 of Nashua, NH wrote: The first time that I tried the experiment it didn't work. When I took out some marbles and added some more viniger, it zoomed around all over the bathtub!!! Victoria, age 10 of Srria Vest, AZ wrote: When I did it it floated to the land mark and back. Deeshawn, age 13 of Houston, TX wrote: When I put my boat to the test it worked marvously. Samantha, age 12 of Hillsborough, NJ wrote: It went flying, I think it has something to do with the temperature in the room, I did mine in a cold room! Kristy, age 10 of Houston, TX wrote: When I did it came out floating it was so cool Jaymee, age 15 of Belleville, IL wrote: I tryed it and it worked out good. Jessica, age 8 of DC wrote: It flot, then it sunk. Ashley J., age 16 of Forestville, MD wrote: It exploded! Joseph F., age 11 of Myersville, MD wrote: It sank and busted. Keri G., age 12 of Charlotte, NC wrote: I made the boat and raced my mom. I won. Leigh S., age 8 of Chariotte, NC wrote: It kept sinking! I tried everything. I tried again, but it still couldn't do it. I think it was too heavy on one side. Amaya V., age 11 of Norwood, MA wrote: I made my boat in 5 minutes and then I filled up my bath tub and my sister timed me and my boat went across in 3.1 seconds!!! It was a very easy project. Andrea, age 12 of Farmington Hills wrote: It flew! It's really cool! Porcshia M., age 11 of Dolton, IL wrote: It didn't work out to good. The soda bottle I used just sunk under water after I used 4 SPRITE bottles that was shoken 5 times.
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